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研究生: 高嘉良
Chia-Liang Kao
論文名稱: 移動機器人之階層模糊邏輯控制
Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Control of Mobile Robots
指導教授: 呂藝光
Leu, Yih-Guang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 移動機器人雷射測距儀階層模糊邏輯
英文關鍵詞: Mobile robots, laser sensor, hierarchical fuzzy logic controller
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:88下載:8
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  • ㄧ般而言機器人在未知的環境中移動,通常需要使用大量感測器來感測周遭環境變化,以達成自主導航和完成工作任務之目的。若使用模糊邏輯系統來設計控制器,由於大量感測器訊號當作輸入,導致模糊規則數會變得非常龐大。因此,本論文使用階層模糊邏輯控制(Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Controllers,HFLC)方法設計一移動機器人控制器,完成移動機器人在未知環境中可以自主移動且夾取目標物,階層模糊邏輯控制器將行為分成六種子動作行為模式以便減少模糊規則數。本論文之機器人之硬體架構包括:全方向輪控制、DC馬達控制、雷射測距儀量測、紅外線距離感測器、視覺系統、RF通訊模組與五軸機器手臂之控制。最後,本文透過沿牆面自動導航、抓取目標物、靜態避障、動態避障等實驗來驗證機器人執行各種動作行為和測試移動機器人整體的效能。

    For automatically navigating in an uncertain environment, a mobile robot generally requires the huge number of sensors. When the fuzzy logic system is used to design the control of the mobile robot system, the design of the fuzzy rules becomes very complicated because of the large number of sensors. Therefore, this thesis uses a method of Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Controllers (HFLC) for the mobile robot so that the design of the fuzzy rules becomes simple. To achieve auto navigation and mission, the method divides the behavior of the mobile robot into six mode of the behavior.
    To verify the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method, we design and implement a mobile robot, and the main structure of the mobile robot includes the DC motor control of three omni-directional wheels, laser sensor, radio transceiver module, distance measuring sensor, a vision system and the control of two five-axis robotic arms. Also, we perform some experiments, including auto navigation, target object searching, static obstacle avoidance, dynamic obstacle avoidance and so forth.

    中文摘要....................................................i 英文摘要...................................................ii 誌謝.....................................................iii 目錄......................................................iv 圖目錄...................................................vii 表目錄....................................................xi 第一章 緒論.................................................1 1.1 研究背景與動機..........................................1 1.2 研究目的................................................4 1.3 論文架構................................................4 第二章 模糊邏輯系統..........................................7 2.1 模糊邏輯系統之理論背景.................................7 2.2 模糊邏輯系統. ........................................7 2.2.1模糊化................................................8 2.2.2解模糊化..........................................10 2.2.3模糊規則庫............................................10 2.2.4模糊推論引擎..........................................12 第三章 機器人之軟、硬體系統架構與設計.........................15 3.1機器人底層系統.......................................17 3.2馬達控制系統.........................................18 3.2.1 82G516單晶片..................................19 3.2.2 RF無線通訊模組.................................20 3.2.3馬達驅動電路....................................21 3.3 距離感測系統 .......................................24 3.3.1 雷射測距儀.....................................25 3.3.2 超音波感測器...................................30 3.3.3 紅外線感測器...................................31 3.4 視覺系統............................................33 3.5機器手臂控制系統......................................34 3.6 電源系統............................................35 3.7軟體介面設計.........................................42 3.8結論................................................45 第四章 移動機器人控制之階層模糊邏輯系統計.....................47 4.1 簡介...............................................47 4.2 閃避障礙物之模糊邏輯系統..............................51 4.3 沿牆面之模糊邏輯系統.................................54 4.4 抓取目標物之模糊邏輯系統..............................56 4.5結論................................................58 第五章 實驗和討論...........................................59 5.1沿牆面自動導航實驗....................................59 5.2 抓取目標物實驗......................................62 5.3 靜態避障實驗........................................68 5.4 動態避障實驗........................................76 5.5靜態、動態避障之抓取目標物實驗.........................82 5.6 結論...............................................92 第六章 結論及未來展望.......................................93 6.1 結論..................................................93 6.2 未來展望...............................................93 參考文獻...................................................95

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