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研究生: 何宣萱
Ho, Hsuan-Hsuan
論文名稱: 旅館業總經理專業能力之分析研究
A Competency Analysis of Hotel General Managers
指導教授: 洪久賢
Horng, Jeou-Shyan
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 154
中文關鍵詞: 專業能力旅館業總經理模糊德爾菲法DANP分析法
英文關鍵詞: competency, hotel industry, General Manager, Fuzzy Delphi method, DANP analysis (DEMATEL base on ANP)
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:209下載:30
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  • 專業能力之概念早已廣泛應用在人力資源管理實務上(Boyatzis, 1982; Spencer & Spencer, 1993)。建立管理者專業能力模式(competency model)用來評量管理者或未來領導者人是否具備成功關鍵的專業能力,也成為企業及國際連鎖旅館之趨勢(Chung-Herrera et al., 2003; O’Fallon & Rutherford, 2010)。領導者的專業能力及績效表現將決定企業的成敗(Drucker, 1989),有鑑於領導者專業能力之重要性,本研究以國內旅館業總經理為研究對象進行旅館業總經理專業能力之分析研究,主要研究目的為發展旅館業總經理應具備之專業能力模式,分析評估各專業能力因素間之影響關係及重要性。

    The concept of competency had been widely applied on human resource management practices (Boyatzis, 1982; Spencer & Spencer, 1993). It has also become a trend in organizations and international chain hotels, to develop a competency model on managers as guidance on performance assessment for managers or any potential leaders, regarding their competencies as needed for them to be successful in their jobs (Chung-Herrera et al., 2003; O’Fallon & Rutherford, 2010). As Peter Drucker has noted that the competence and performance of managers determine the fate of the company (Drucker, 1989), and the managers play important roles in a company‘s success. Therefore, on the basis of importance for the competency of the managers, the purpose of this study is to make analysis on the competency of the general managers (GMs) in the hotel industry of Taiwan, in order to develp a competency model required by the hotel GMs. Furthermore, to identify the relationships and importance among each competency factors.
    A three-stage research design is adopted in this study, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, to include: (1) with qualitative research for document analysis, literature review and depth interview in the first stage, to develop a conceptual framework of hotel GM’s competency profile; (2) using Fuzzy Delphi method in the second stage, in order to determine the competency perspectives and criteria required by the General Managers of the hotel industry; (3) utilizing DANP (DEMATEL base on ANP) to analyze the proposed competency model in the study, to understand dynamic influential relationships and degree of importance between various competency perspectives and criteria for the General Managers of the hotel industry.
    The results demonstrate a “competency model for the hotel GM”, which includes five major competency perspectives with 20 criteria:
    1. Strategic and Conceptual competency: including five competency criteria as vision, analytical, strategic management, implementation, problem-solving, and crisis management.
    2. Leadership and communication competency: including four competency criteria, as interrelationship, communication, leadership, and foreign language ability.
    3. Cultural and esthetics competency: including three competency criteria, as culture, creativity, and esthetics.
    4. Self-conceptual competency: including two competency criteria, as self-management and attitude.
    5. Technical competency: to consist of five competency criteria, as on-site management, human resource management, financial management, sales and marketing, and information application capability.
    DANP results reveal the ranking of importance for the five competency perspectives respectively as: “Strategic and Conceptual competency”, “Technical competency”, “Leadership and communication competency”, “Self-conceptual”, and “Cultural and esthetics competency”. Moreover, the “Strategic and Conceptual competency” is the most critical competency required by the General Managers of hotel industry.

    中文摘要................................................ i 英文摘要................................................ iii 目錄................................................... v 表目錄.................................................. vi 圖目錄................................................ vii 第一章 緒論............................................ 1 第一節 研究背景與動機............................ 1 第二節 研究目的.................................. 4 第三節 名詞釋義.................................. 4 第二章 文獻探討....................................... 7 第一節 專業能力.................................. 7 第二節 餐旅業管理者專業能力........................ 19 第三節 餐旅專業能力實證研究........................ 23 第三章 研究方法........................................ 37 第一節 研究架構及流程 ............................ 37 第二節 階段一研究設計與實施方法 ............... 40 第三節 階段二研究設計與實施方法................. 43 第四節 階段三研究設計與實施方法 ............... 50 第四章 研究結果與討論 ................................. 61 第一節 發展專業能力概念架構....................... 61 第二節 確認專業能力架構及準則...................... 80 第三節 專業能力模式之分析與評估................... 90 第四節 綜合討論 114 第五章 結論與建議.....................................128 第一節 結論................................................... 128 第二節 建議...................................................... 132 參考文獻 ............................................... 136 附錄A旅館業總經理專業能力訪談大綱............... 146 附錄B旅館業總經理專業能力模糊德爾菲法專家問卷 147 附錄C旅館業總經理專業能力DANP專家問卷... 151 表目錄 表2-1-1 專業能力定義整理表................................................... 8 表2-1-2 專業能力內涵整理表 ..................................................... 11 表2-1-3 美國及英國專業能力觀點比較表....................... 15 表2-3-1 餐旅專業能力相關實證研究比較表..................... 28 表2-3-2 餐旅業管理者一般性專業能力一覽表.................... 32 表2-3-3 餐旅業管理者技術性專業能力一覽表.................... 35 表3-2-1 受訪者基本資料及編碼.............................. 42 表3-3-1模糊德爾菲法專家名單............................... 44 表3-3-2 模糊德爾菲法問卷設計範例........................... 46 表3-4-1 DANP問卷專家檢核小組成員名單....................... 51 表3-4-2 DANP法專家問卷受訪名單............................ 52 表3-4-3 DANP專家問卷調查工具範例.......................... 55 表4-1-1 質性訪談旅館業總經理專業能力概念一覽表.............. 75 表4-2-1 一般性專業能力構面比較表........................... 81 表4-2-2 技術性專業能力構面比較表........................... 81 表4-2-3 模糊德爾菲法一般性專業能力構面.................... 82 表4-2-4 模糊德爾菲法技術性專業能力構面 .................... 84 表4-2-5 旅館業總經理一般性專業能力之模糊德爾菲法結果... 87 表4-2-6 旅館業總經理技術性專業能力之模糊德爾菲法結果... 89 表4-3-1 旅館業總經理專業能力構面及準則編碼一覽表........... 92 表4-3-2 初始化矩陣 ..................................... 94 表4-3-3 正規化矩陣..................................................... 95 表4-3-4 專業能力準則之總影響關係矩陣....................... 96 表4-3-5 專業能力構面之總影響關係矩陣....................... 97 表4-3-6 專業能力構面之總影響程度關係表..................... 99 表4-3-7 專業能力準則之總影響程度關係表..................... 101 表4-3-8 未加權超級矩陣................................... 112 表4-3-9 加權超級矩陣 .................................... 113 表4-3-10 極限化超級矩陣.................................. 114 表4-3-11 各專業能力構面及準則之重要度排序表........... 115 表4-4-1 各構面之總影響關係與重要程度排序表 ............ 118 表4-4-2 各準則之總影響關係與重要程度排序表 125 圖目錄 圖2-1-1 冰山模型................................................. 17 圖3-1-1 初始研究架構圖..................................................... 38 圖3-1-2 研究流程圖...................................................... 39 圖3-3-1 決策集體共識三角模糊數圖 .......................... 47 圖3-4-1 DANP分析法之研究流程圖............................ 54 圖3-4-2 直接影響關係圖與直接影響關係矩陣 ............... 55 圖3-4-3 DANP影響關係結構圖 .............................. 58 圖4-3-1 旅館業總經理專業能力模式圖 ....................... 91 圖4-3-2 「旅館業總經理專業能力」構面之因果權重圖........... 103 圖4-3-3 「策略管理構面」下準則之因果權重圖 ................ 105 圖4-3-4「領導與溝通」能力構面下準則之因果權重圖............. 107 圖4-3-5「文化與審美」能力構面下準則之因果權重圖.............. 108 圖4-3-6「自我管理」能力構面下準則之因果權重圖............... 109 圖4-3-7「技術性能力」構面下準則之因果權重圖................. 111 圖4-4-1旅館業總經理專業能力模式影響關係結構圖.............. 117

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