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Author: 蔡孟寧
Tsai, Meng-Ning
Thesis Title: 人際冒犯情境之幽默因應相關因素與教學效果
The factors and instructional effectiveness of humor coping in offensive situations
Advisor: 陳學志
Chen, Hsueh-Chih
Chang, Li-Yun
Committee: 陳學志
Chen, Hsueh-Chih
Chang, Li-Yun
Chiu, Fa-Chung
Huang, Po-Sheng
Liu, Cheng-Hong
Approval Date: 2023/01/17
Degree: 博士
Department: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
Thesis Publication Year: 2023
Academic Year: 111
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 153
Keywords (in Chinese): 人際冒犯情境幽默因應幽默技巧幽默類型情緒轉換效果
Keywords (in English): offensive situations, humor coping, humor skills, humor types, effect of emotional transition
Research Methods: 實驗設計法調查研究
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 338Downloads: 41
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  • 過去研究發現幽默能夠幫助個人減緩緊張與焦慮,因此,在人際互動中藉由幽默的應用,能產生正向的情緒調節效果。然而,此類與幽默因應有關的研究大多侷限在個人內在的情緒轉換,對於互動他人的感受鮮有探討,亦極少進一步分析個人在幽默因應時產出之幽默回應的類型與技巧。再者,過去文獻多聚焦於幽默理解歷程,缺乏對於幽默產出歷程或理論模型的探討;是以,在幽默產出的教學領域,研究者難以系統性地設計幽默產出的相關教學活動。為填補前述研究缺口及提升個人幽默因應的能力,本研究進行三項子研究,旨在調查成年人面對人際冒犯情境時,所產出的幽默回應類型及技巧組合,進而評量回應之好笑程度及情緒轉換效果,最終發展幽默產出的教學課程。
    研究三整合過去文獻發展幽默產出的「聯結—轉換—精緻」三階段歷程模型,並結合研究二的結果及創造力技法,設計一套將幽默產出分成三階段教學的3C(connection, change, conciseness)幽默產出教學課程,進而以實驗法檢驗幽默產出教學組(40位)、修辭技巧教學組(39位)以及未接受教學的控制組(45位)參與者的幽默產出表現是否有差異。共變數分析結果顯示,控制前測分數後,兩組教學組的幽默回應產出數量顯著高於未教學組,且幽默產出教學組的幽默回應產出比例及機智程度皆顯著高於修辭技巧教學組與未教學組,顯示幽默產出教學對於參與者的幽默回應表現有正向效果。

    Previous studies indicate that people have derived benefits from using humor not only physically and mentally but also in social relationships. For example, humor helps individuals to reduce stress and anxiety and to increase positive emotional transition in interpersonal interactions. Yet, most of the studies about humor coping were based on individuals’ comprehension and appreciation of humor or people’s internal emotional transition. There were barely studies focusing on how to create specific humor manners of response for encountering offensive situations or how to solve a relationship crisis with humor skills. Moreover, few studies provided humor skills and types that people usually have used competently when they were placed in offensive situations. Furthermore, the focus of past research has been limited to the perspective of humor understanding and lacked a theoretical model of the procedure in humor production. This has made things difficult for researchers to design systematized curricula explaining how individuals produce humor and to teach coping strategies with humor.
    For fulfilling the past research and improving the sense of humor for individuals, therefore, this research focused on how adults respond to offensive situations with humor and what skills they use. Then evaluated response of humor and the effect of emotional transitions. Further, an instructional curriculum for humor skills is developed based on the model of the procedure in humor production.
    Study 1 investigated what types and skills of humor responses that individuals produce in offensive situations and whether the proportion of responses produced is related to individual traits, like gender, sense of humor, and humor styles. With the interpersonal dilemma humor response generation assignment, 222 adults participated and the results showed that the most often used skills were the responses of affiliative humor as well as displacement, exaggerations, and reverse contrast skills. Males preferred to use the responses of aggressive humor, imitation, and double-meaning skills more than females, and females preferred to use the responses of displacement skills. Besides, people with a higher sense of humor produce more humorous responses, especially responses of affiliative humor. As for humor styles, only affiliative and self-enhancing styles were positively related to the quantity of humor responses.
    In Study 2, there is an assessment with a variety of humorous response combinations was developed. The participants were asked to imagine and express how they feel if they were offended and received humorous responses. The analyses focused on the difference in the degree of amusement and the effect of emotional transitions with different response combinations of the interactants. The results with 335 adults participating revealed that the best response styles in the degree of amusement and the best effect of emotional transitions were self-enhancing and self-defeating humor styles; the responses with aggressive humor style resulted in the worst emotional transition. Moreover, the best response skills in the degree of amusement and the best effect of emotional transitions were imitation and exaggeration, and the worst was reverse contrast skills. Note that the combination of exaggeration skills and response types with positive emotion transitions enhanced the emotional transitions, and the combination of response types with negative emotion transitions made the emotional transitions worse.
    In Study 3, a theoretical model of the procedure in humor production was developed in three stages: “connection, change, conciseness”. Furthermore, combining the results in Study 2 and the creative skills, it is developed a series of instructional curricula on the theoretical model of the 3C-stage procedure in humor production. An experiment was carried out to examine the differences among the humor-producing performances of 40 participants instructed in humor production, 39 participants instructed in rhetorical skills, and 45 participants who did not receive any instructional curricula. According to the result of the analysis of covariance, it showed that the instructional curricula had a positive effect on the number of humorous responses produced by participants.
    This research is the first attempt to investigate how individuals feel about humorous responses after being offended from the perspective of interacting with others. Also, it extends previous studies concerning the effects of humor in negative situations of interpersonal interactions and subdivides humor responses into various combinations of humor types and humor skills. The effects of emotional transitions are thus be distinguished in different combinations of humorous responses. Furthermore, the novel contributions of this research are the instructional curricula that effectively enhance the learner's performances of humor production. It is a step further beyond prior studies in the instructional methods of humor-understanding or joke demonstration. Moreover, it recommends the use of self-enhancing and self-defeating humor styles in offensive situations and the use of anthropomorphic or exaggerated skills in response to diffuse negative emotions in others. Regarding instructional curricula for humor, this research suggests the learning activities may be divided into different stages based on the humorous production steps to help enhance learners' performances in humor production.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 6 第三節 研究架構 6 第四節 名詞釋義 7 第二章 文獻探討 13 第一節 幽默的歷程與機制 13 第二節 幽默因應與回應 26 第三節 幽默產出與評量 31 第四節 幽默教學課程 41 第三章 研究一:人際冒犯情境產出的幽默回應之類型及技巧與性別、幽默特 質之關聯 45 第一節 研究問題與假設 45 第二節 研究對象 47 第三節 研究工具 47 第四節 資料處理與統計方式 58 第五節 研究結果 58 第四章 研究二:幽默回應的類型與技巧組合之好笑程度與情緒轉換效果 75 第一節 研究設計 75 第二節 研究問題與假設 77 第三節 研究對象 78 第四節 研究工具 78 第五節 資料處理與統計方式 81 第六節 研究結果 81 第五章 研究三:幽默產出歷程模型應用於幽默回應教學課程之成效 91 第一節 研究設計 91 第二節 研究問題與假設 94 第三節 研究對象 95 第四節 研究工具 95 第五節 研究程序與課程設計 100 第六節 資料處理與統計方式 106 第七節 研究結果 106 第六章 綜合討論 121 第一節 結果討論 121 第二節 結論 126 第三節 研究限制與建議 127 參考文獻 131 附錄 147

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