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研究生: 黃鈺雅
Jenny Yu-ya Huang
論文名稱: 批判性思考於臺灣高中教學之設計、實施與評量
Critical Thinking Instruction for Senior High School Students in Taiwan: Designing, Implementation and Assessment
指導教授: 葉錫南
Yeh, Hsi-Nan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 135
中文關鍵詞: 思考能力批判性思考教學
英文關鍵詞: Thinking Skill, Critical Thinking Instruction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:140下載:24
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  • 本論文旨在探討批判性思考對台灣高中學生認知和情意層面的影響,研究結果可作為高中英文教師實施批判性思考教學或將批判性思考教學融入正規英文科課程之參考,以符合學生當前及未來的需求。

    The study aims to investigate the effects of critical thinking instruction on students’ cognitive and affective domains in senior high school students in Taiwan. Research result can serve as a reference for high school English teachers to conduct critical thinking instruction or to integrate thinking-skill instruction into the regular English curriculum in order to suit their students’ current and future need.
    Cultivating students’ thinking abilities has been a significant goal in the educational field worldwide. In Taiwan, the 2010 High School Curriculum Guidelines in the English subject incorporates critical thinking skills into the regular language pedagogy, which highlights the important role of critical thinking instruction.
    On this study, four critical thinking skills have been selected as the teaching materials in a newly-designed curriculum. Sixty eleventh-graders received the critical thinking instruction and their improvement of individual skill was assessed in a written test. Three thinking abilities have significant progress after the instruction, including the ability to classify, order and rank, the ability to distinguish facts from opinions and the ability to identify the relationship between two pieces of information. The ability to compare and contrast demonstrates no obvious difference in students’ performances.
    At the second stage, a perception questionnaire was implemented to probe into students’ beliefs and attitudes toward the instruction. Students note that critical thinking skills are important for high school students; however, they are seldom mentioned in normal curriculum. Students generally display a favorable attitude to the instruction and report their improvement in four basic English skills, especially in the reading skill. As for the target thinking skills, they also detect their own progress in each skill. Their ability to reason logically and to detect fallacies improves as well. Furthermore, they state some additional benefits of the instruction, such as the expansion of knowledge, increased learning efficiency and improvement in cognitive development.
    At last, based on the research findings, some pedagogical implications are provided in the study for English language teachers.

    CHINESE ABSTRACT..................................................................................................i ENGLISH ABSTRACT.................................................................................................ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ vi LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................viii LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................... ix CHAPETER ONE INTRODUCTION ......................................................................1 Background and Motivation ......................................................................................1 Purposes and Research Questions of the Study.. ......................................................5 Significance of the Study ..........................................................................................5 Organization of the Thesis..........................................................................................6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................8 Bloom’s Taxonomy .................................................................................................8 The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy.........................................................................9 Critical Thinking......................................................................................................15 Teaching Thinking Skills in A Language Curriculum......................................19 Teaching Thinking Skills in ESL/EFL Countries………………........................24 Teaching Thinking Skills in Taiwan…………………………....................26 Assessing Thinking Skills in A Language Curriculum...................................30 Curriculum Development………………………........................................33 Summary..................................................................................................................35 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY.................................................................36 Research Design…………………..............................................................36 Procedure of Study...................................................................................................45 Research Instruments….……..............................................................................46 Data Collection.......................................................................................................49 Data Analysis....................................................................................................49 Summary.................................................................................................50 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION................................................51 Results of the Pre-test and the Post-test..................................................................51 Results of the Perception Questionnaire................................................................56 Results of the Written Responses in the Perception Questionnaire..................70 Summary..................................................................................................................76 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION............................................................................78 Summary of Major Findings....................................................................................78 Pedagogical Implication.....................................................................................80 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research.............................83 References..................................................................................................................85 Appendix A. Lesson Plan of “Classify, Order and Rank”..........................................100 Appendix B. Lesson Plan of “Compare and Contrast”..............................................104 Appendix C. Lesson Plan of “Distinguish Facts from Opinions”..............................110 Appendix D. Lesson Plan of “Identify the Textual Relationship”….........................116 Appendix E. Test Items of the Pre-test…...................................................................123 Appendix F. Test Items of the Post-test…..................................................................127 Appendix G. The Perception Questionnaire (in Chinese)…......................................131 Appendix H. The Perception Questionnaire (in English)….......................................133

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