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研究生: 范佳恩
Chia-En Fan
論文名稱: 試行融入式圖像評量對七年級學生分類概念學習之研究
The Influence of Classification Concept Learning of Seventh Graders’ Student by Using Embedding Pictorial Assessment Instruction
指導教授: 張文華
Chang, Wen-Hua
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 生物分類另類評量融入評量圖像評量
英文關鍵詞: classification, alternative assessment, embedded assessment, pictorial assessment
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:139下載:22
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  • 本研究期將評量融入教學之中,並配合生物分類課程的特性,以圖像為評量形式,探討融入式圖像評量對於學生學習生物分類概念改變的幫助。

    Embedded assessment has been suggested to be effective in promoting quality teaching. The seamless boundary between teaching and assessment in terms of the content, format and approach as well as the emphasized function of applying assessment on probing students’ understanding and directing teaching decisions characterize embedded assessment.
    This study aims to explore the effects of applying embedded pictorial assessment on students’ concept construction. Researcher adopted the quasi-experiment method for this study by selecting one 7th graders student from three classes of a junior high school in Taipei County. The three classes had the same English teacher, but used different assessment method. Researcher analyzed the “Classification diagnostic test” to understand the learning outcomes of each treatment, and analyzed the “Student's Perceptions Towards Biology Assessment Scale” to understand the perceptions towards assessment of students in different treatment. In addition, the teacher’s teaching style was coded by STAM-Sci scale.
    The outcomes show the: (1) Using embedded pictorial assessment can help students to learn classification concept. (2) The teaching effects is better in the class using embedded pictorial assessment than using traditions assessment. (3) The learning effect to students in different level can not be present the variation in just two weeks.

    目 錄...............................I 圖目錄................................IV 表目錄................................Ⅸ 中文摘要..............................Ⅹ 英文摘要..............................ⅩI 第一章 緒論...............................1 第一節 研究背景與重要性...............................2 第二節 研究目的與待答問題...............................5 第三節 名詞解釋...............................6 第四節 研究限制...............................7 第二章 文獻探討...............................8 第一節 傳統紙筆測驗...............................8 第二節 另類評量...............................10 第三節 迷思概念...............................21 第三章 研究方法...............................27 第一節 研究架構...............................27 第二節 研究對象...............................28 第三節 研究工具...............................29 第四章 結果與討論...............................35 第一節 融入式圖像評量對於學生概念學習之幫助情形.....36 第二節 使用不同評量方式對學生分類概念學習之影響.....38 第三節 使用與未使用圖像評量融入課室的教學成效.......90 第四節 融入式圖像評量對於不同成就學生學習之影響.....94 第五章 結論與建議...............................97 第一節 結論.....................................97 第二節 建議.....................................99 參考文獻.........................................102 中文文獻.........................................102 西文文獻.........................................105 附錄.............................................108 附錄3.3-1–教學前學生晤談大綱.......................108 附錄3.3-2–融入評量學習單...........................110

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