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研究生: 王育庭
Wang, Yu-Ting
論文名稱: 高中生建構向量概念的系統繪圖法之研發及學習成效研究
The development of systematic drawing as an instructional practice of plane vector for senior high school students together with an evaluation of its learning effectiveness
指導教授: 譚克平
Tam, Hak-Ping
Yang, Fang-Ying
口試委員: 張鎮華
Chang, Zhen-Hua
Yang, Fang-Ying
Tam, Ko-Ping
口試日期: 2021/07/12
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: APOS理論動手操作平面向量
英文關鍵詞: APOS Theorem, Hands-on, Plane vectors
研究方法: 準實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100959
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:117下載:17
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  • 有鑑於向量 概念 對高中生是抽象的, 一般考生 在大 學 入考試中的表現也 不盡理想,因此研究者希望發展一套系統繪圖法幫助高中生建立平面向量的概念。研究者以 台北市某公立高中二年級為對象,APOS理論為引導, 設計系統繪圖法教材 並進行實驗教學。研發系統繪圖法的契機為,現高中課 綱將向量歸類在幾何別,並之分為平面與空間然而教科書編排方式仍以代數 表徵 居多,研究者認為對於初學而言應給予足夠的 實作繪圖 機會掌握向量的概念, 進而 可以發展出 將向量視為 一個 「物件 」的心智模式。 本研究 目的是想 探討這套系統繪圖法是否真的能夠幫助學生了解向量概念, 以及 心智結構的發展 層次是否 到達「物件」的階段 ,另 一個目的是想 比較使用 系統繪圖法與講述式教學的生在認知結構向量概念上習成效有何差異。
    本研究採混合法,量化部分 是採用準實驗研究法,並 以研究者設計的 前、後測試卷進行雙因子變異數分析;質性部以訪談九位學生詳細了解兩組學生分別在 APO認知結構的品質上有何區別。研究果分析發現,實驗組學生 在接受系統繪圖法的教學 後對於向量 的大小 ,以 及向量同時考慮 方向 與大小 的 表現比對照組優異, 但是線性組 合問題上則對照優於實驗。在認 知結構 「過程 」的問題表現上 實驗組優於對照,但是認知結構 「動作 」和「物件 」 兩組學生則是沒有統計上的顯著差異。透過質性分析 ,本研究發現 實驗組學生 在接受系統繪圖法 後能形成較 健全 的「物件 」結構,對照組學生則是 傾向以計 算的方式回答問題, 解題能力較強但 對於向量 的「物件 」結構 比較薄弱 。

    The concept of vector is rather abstract for most senior high school students. Based on publicly released data, it was observed that many examinees performed unsatisfactorily on vector problems in the College Entrance Examination. This observation motivated the present researcher to develop a novel approach to help students learn the concept of plane vectors. The presentations of learning materials in all current textbooks are algebraic oriented. The present researcher believes that it is more important to take advantage of the geometric aspect of vector and allow the beginning students many opportunities to grasp the concept of vector in more concrete way. Thus the main idea of the new teaching method is to engage students in a systematic way of drawing vectors according to the APOS theory of Dubinsky. It is hope that under this approach students can subsequently perceive vectors as mathematical objects. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of this systematic method of drawing vectors by comparing it with the traditional teaching method. In particular, we would like to assess if students in both groups can progress to the level of perceiving vectors as mathematical objects.
    This study adopted the mixed methods approach as its research design. For the quantitative section of the study, a teaching experiment was implemented according to the quasi-experimental design. The data collected was analyzed by using a two-way analysis of covariance through SAS. As regards the qualitative section of the study, interviews were conducted on a total of nine students from both the experimental and the control group. The main focus of the interview is to clarify the differences in terms of the APO cognitive structure between the students in the two groups.
    It was found that students who had learned the systematic method of drawing vectors performed better than the control group in items related to finding the length of vectors and also in items that involved both the direction and length of vectors. However, students in the control group performed better in items related to linear combinations of vectors. As regards the APO cognitive structure, the experimental group performed significantly better than the control group in items related to “process,” but were no different in items related to “action” and “object.” However, analysis of the interview data revealed that students in the experimental group portrayed a more solid perception of vectors as mathematical objects, while students in the control group were relatively weaker in this aspect.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的及問題 5 第三節 名詞界定 6 第四節 研究限制 9 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 APOS理論 11 第二節 動手操作與具身學習 18 第三節 國內外向量相關研究 20 第四節 我國大學考試中心試題分析23 第三章 研究方法 27 第一節 研究設計 27 第二節 研究對象 34 第三節 研究工具 36 第四節 研究流程 51 第五節 分析方法 52 第四章 研究資料分析 53 第一節 整體分析 53 第二節 向量概念表現分析 67 第三節 認知結構表現分析 71 第四節 訪談資料分析 73 第五章 討論與建議 94 參考文獻 99 附錄 102

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