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研究生: 高于琪
Yu Chi Kao
論文名稱: Analyzing Knowledge Creation Process on Innovation Capability and Organizational Performance of IT industry in Taiwan
Analyzing Knowledge Creation Process on Innovation Capability and Organizational Performance of IT industry in Taiwan
指導教授: 施正屏
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: organizational cultureenabling conditionknowledge creation processinnovation capabilityorganizational performance
英文關鍵詞: organizational culture, enabling condition, knowledge creation process, innovation capability, organizational performance
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205176
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:77下載:0
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  • Presently in the 21st century, not only the world’s economy but also information technology (IT) industry in Taiwan are knowledge-based. Facing keen competition, there is a demand and need for IT industry to produce new technology and new products. Hence, this study investigated whether knowledge creation process plays an important role on affecting the innovation capability and organizational performance on Taiwan’s IT firms. Also it discussed the two profound knowledge creation enablers. To fulfill this purpose, an integrated model was built to examine the effects. 154 questionnaires were collected from a 200 questionnaire distribution to Taiwan's IT industry practitioners, with a response rate of 77 per cent. This study applied SEM (structural equation modeling) analysis, and the results indicated that knowledge creation process indeed has a positive and significant effect on leveraging innovation capability and organizational performance. Furthermore, organizational culture and enabling condition are found to be crucial in facilitating knowledge creation process. Some implications and recommendations are made.

    Presently in the 21st century, not only the world’s economy but also information technology (IT) industry in Taiwan are knowledge-based. Facing keen competition, there is a demand and need for IT industry to produce new technology and new products. Hence, this study investigated whether knowledge creation process plays an important role on affecting the innovation capability and organizational performance on Taiwan’s IT firms. Also it discussed the two profound knowledge creation enablers. To fulfill this purpose, an integrated model was built to examine the effects. 154 questionnaires were collected from a 200 questionnaire distribution to Taiwan's IT industry practitioners, with a response rate of 77 per cent. This study applied SEM (structural equation modeling) analysis, and the results indicated that knowledge creation process indeed has a positive and significant effect on leveraging innovation capability and organizational performance. Furthermore, organizational culture and enabling condition are found to be crucial in facilitating knowledge creation process. Some implications and recommendations are made.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...............................................................................................I ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................III TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................V LIST OF TABLES.........................................................................................................VII LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................IX CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................................1 Background of the Study...............................................................................................1 Significance of the Study...............................................................................................3 Purposes of the Study....................................................................................................4 Questions of the Study...................................................................................................5 Delimitations and Limitations........................................................................................5 Definitions of Key Terms..............................................................................................6 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................9 Organizational Culture..................................................................................................9 Enabling Condition......................................................................................................10 Knowledge Creation Process.......................................................................................12 Innovation Capability ..................................................................................................18 Organizational Performance........................................................................................20 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY..........................................................................23 Research framework....................................................................................................23 Research Procedure.....................................................................................................25 Research Method.........................................................................................................26 Instrument...................................................................................................................27 Data Analysis..............................................................................................................32 CHAPTER IV PILOT STUDY................................................................................35 Validity Test................................................................................................................35 Reliability Test............................................................................................................37 PLS Result for Pilot Study ...........................................................................................40 CHAPTER V MAIN STUDY RESULTS…………………………………………..45 Sample Characteristic..................................................................................................45 Descriptive Statistics Analysis………………………………………………………….46 Validity and Reliability Analysis..................................................................................57 PLS Results Discussion…………………………………………………………………61 CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS...........................63VI Research Conclusion...................................................................................................63 Research Contribution.................................................................................................66 Recommendations for Future Research........................................................................66 REFERENCES...............................................................................................................69 APPENDIX A: RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH)...........................79 APPENDIX B: RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE (CHINESE)...........................87 APPENDIX C: PLS RESULT.....................................................................................95

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