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研究生: 林迺超
Nai-Chao Lin
論文名稱: 自閉症兒童非慣例性口語行為溝通功能之研究
A study of the communicative function of unconventional verbal behavior of children with autism
指導教授: 張正芬
Chang, Cheng-Fen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 223
中文關鍵詞: 自閉症兒童非慣例性口語行為溝通功能功能評量
英文關鍵詞: autism, unconventional verbal behavior, communicative function, functional analysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:245下載:0
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  • 本研究主要透過功能評量探討自閉症兒童非慣例性口語行為及溝通功能和語言能力之間的關係。

    The main purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships among unconventional verbal behavior (UVB), communicative function and verbal IQ in children with autism by functional analysis.
    Twelve children with autism served as subjects, and were paired with each other according to their verbal IQ and chronological age. All participants were able to communicate activity and at least one of the following UVB activities; immediate echolalia, metaphorical language, and repetitive questioning.
    The main findings of this study were stated as the followings:
    1. The main communicative function of UVB:
    The main communicative function of immediate echolalia was
    turn-taking and Yes-answer; metaphorical language was used
    when requesting object, requesting action, protesting, self-
    directive, and requesting permission; repetitive questioning
    was used when calling, requesting information, and
    2. The relation between verbal IQ and UVB:
    The number of immediate echolalia in autistic children with
    high verbal IQ was significant fewer than their counterparts
    with low verbal IQ, but there were no significant difference
    in numbers of metaphorical language and repetitive
    questioning between the two groups.
    3.The relation between verbal IQ and the communicative
    function of UVB:
    The numbers of behavioral regulation and social interaction
    in autistic children with high verbal IQ had no significant
    difference with their low verbal IQ counterparts, but
    children with higher verbal IQ were significant better on
    joint attention and exclamatory.
    4. The number of normal utterance and UVB in autistic children
    with high verbal IQ was more than low verbal IQ subjects,
    but there were no significant difference. In addition, if
    the main UVB of an autistic child was repetitive
    questioning, his main utterance length of oral expression
    would be better than subjects with other kinds of UVB.
    5. The communicative function of UVB in autistic children in
    this study showed a continual, overlapped developmental
    pattern. Communicative function as a whole develops from the
    lower level of immediate echolalia, metaphorical language,
    to the higher level of repetitive questioning. So, three
    types of the UVB in this study may be a indicator of
    utterance development of autistic children .

    目 次 第一章 緒論………………………………………….1 第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………..1 第二節 研究問題與研究假設………………………………..6 第三節 名詞釋義…………………………………………8 第二章 文獻探討…………………………………….11 第一節 普通兒童之溝通發展與特質……………………..…11 第二節 自閉症兒童之溝通發展與特質……………………17 第三節 自閉症兒童的非慣例性口語行為…………………26 第四節 功能評量的意義與實施……………………………38 第三章 研究方法……………………….……..……43 第一節 研究設計……………………………………………43 第二節 研究對象……………………………………………44 第三節 研究工具……………………………………………46 第四節 研究程序……………………………………………50 第五節 資料整理與分析……………………………………56 第六節 評分者間信度………………………………………68 第四章 結果與討論………………………...……71 第一節 收集資料階段結果之分析…..…………………….…71 第二節 自閉症兒童非慣例性口語行為之溝通功能…..………93 第三節 非慣例性口語行為及語言能力結果之分析…....….102 第四節 語言能力與非慣例性口語行為溝通功能結果之分析………110 第五節 非慣例性口語行為之分析探討……………………….…….119 第五章 結論與建議……………………………….147 第一節 結論…………………………………….………….147 第二節 研究限制與建議…………………………………..152 參考書目…………………….……………….………156 一、中文部分……………………………………….....……….156 二、英文部分…………………………………….…………..157 附錄………………………………………………….163 附錄一 非慣例性口語行為預試問卷……………………...………..163 附錄二 非慣例性口語行為溝通功能晤談表…………………...…..167 附錄三 入班觀察表………………………….………………………..171 附錄四 溝通行為紀錄表…………………………….………………..172 附錄五 自閉症兒童非慣例性口語行為溝通功能定義表…………….173 附錄六 溝通功能記次表……………………………………………...175 附錄七 家長同意書……………………….…………………..……..176 附錄八 教師同意書…………………………………………………...177 附錄九 入班觀察表…………………………………………………….178 附錄十 自閉症兒童非慣例性口語行為溝通功能實錄……………….182 表 目 次 表2-1-1 兒童的口語溝通發展表…………………………...….16 表2-3-1 影響非慣例性口語行為的可能變項……….…………29 表2-3-2 立即性仿說之維持互動相關研究……………...…….31 表2-3-3 自閉症兒童非慣例性口語行為溝通功能相關研究……35 表3-2-1 受試基本資料與分組配對情形....………..…….…..45 表4-1-1 非慣例性口語行為溝通功能前測結果……..….….…73 表4-1-2 預試之非慣例性口語行為溝通功能………...……….74 表4-1-3 非慣例性口語行為溝通功能之訪談結果…...……….78 表4-1-4 自閉症兒童非慣例性口語行為總表......…..…………80 表4-1-5 非慣例性口語行為溝通功能訪談觀察對照表…….…….81 表4-1-6 確認個案已出現的非慣例性口語行為溝通功能結果……..89 表4-1-7 誘發未出現的非慣例性口語行為溝通功能之結果....91 表4-2-1 自閉症兒童非慣例性口語行為溝通功能……….…...94 表4-2-2 非慣例性口語行為主要溝通功能………………...….95 表4-3-1 非慣例性口語行為出現次數總表………………..……102 表4-3-2 非慣例性口語行為出現頻率表…...……..…………107 表4-3-3 A6、B6平均語句長度相較表…...…………………109 表4-4-1 高低組自閉症兒童UVB溝通功能總類之比較….....111 表4-4-2 高低組自閉症兒童溝通功能類型之比較…………...…113 表4-4-3 高低組自閉症兒童規範行為溝通功能之比較…….114 表4-4-4 高低組自閉症兒童社會互動溝通功能之比較……116 表4-4-5 高低組自閉症兒童共同注意力溝通功能之比較…..117 圖 目 次 圖3-1-1 研究設計..……………..……………………...…43 圖4-2-1 仿說之溝通功能剖面圖………………………………95 圖4-2-2 隱喻式語言之溝通功能剖面圖………………………97 圖4-2-3 不停問問題之溝通功能剖面圖………………………99 圖4-3-1 非慣例性口語行為出現頻率圖……………………..108 圖4-2-4 非慣例性口語行為之溝通功能剖面圖……………..100 圖4-4-1 高低組自閉症兒童UVB溝通功能總類次數圖……105

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