簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳大德
Da Der Chen
論文名稱: 非營利組織經營與管理模式之研究-以中國青年和平團為例
The not-for-profit organization management and the research of management- take the Chinese youth peace corps as an example
指導教授: 黃城
Huang, Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 政治學研究所
Graduate Institute of Political Science
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 184
中文關鍵詞: 組織經營管理模式專業整合菁英主義策略聯盟
英文關鍵詞: Organization management, management style, elite doctrine, strategic alliance, profession integration
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:171下載:21
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  • 本研究主要是以歷史文獻資料與「中國青年和平團」的實務經驗,就非營利「組織經營」方面,於「財務」、「法源」和「服務」三大面向的困境做深入探討。
    1. 未來非營利組織發展,必然與「網路科技結合」,是為新的經營策略方式觀點;因此,建議青年和平團整合現有的以及建立起屬於自己的網路資源。
    2. 非營利組織要「解決財物經費困窘」的問題,必須接受新興的募款管道為「網際網路」;因此,建議青年和平團要做募款方式的整合與調整。
    3. 非營利組織「未來的發展」,在政府方面,要積極輔導民間非營利團體的轉型;因此,建議青年和平團應內化於將志工資源整合與制度化,並積極開發新的服務工作,全力朝向組織的永續經營目標邁進。

    This research mainly with actual situation experience of the history cultural heritage data and"the Chinese youth peace corps", for not-for-profit"organization management" aspect, in"finance", "legal source" and"service" three face to greatly of the dilemma does a thorough study.
    And faces to in "management style", this research suggests while carrying on social service to the youth peace corps with provide profession of the service and quality, strengthen the social service result, with promote the youth peace regiment of the professional cultivated manners of the member and the volunteer workers, be whole"the profession integrates".Also put whole point in the most main and the most obvious influences all on the built-up management class, face in the decision of decisive, namely the principle of"the elite doctrine" and the analysis of the actual situation.End again with the youth peace corps currently at not-for-profit organization of with"strategic alliance" management style, do the study that the actual operation faces.
    This research finds that the youth peace corps has already been easy to defect of generating"without professional sex claim";Therefore, serve the direction and speech, since the youth peace corps service object has to be aimed at the need of the youth, come prescribe medicine for specific ailment, is for need tune urgently currently of direction.Besides, the expectation youth peace corps becomes the successful case example of the community integration, take"community" as unit is a better organization to mobilize mode;Can also remove the creation of the political color, the ethnicity problem by the implementation of this community division of labour.
    And this research is as a result, there is the opinion integration of following –
    1. The not-for-profit organization will develop in the future, inevitable with"the networ science and technology combines", is is new management strategy method standpoint;Therefore suggest the youth peace corps integrates existing of and create to rise to belong to own networ resource.
    2. The not-for-profit organization wants the problem of"resolve the wealth and properties budget in distress", have to accept to raise money the piping as"internet" newly arisenly;Therefore suggest the youth peace corps wants to do the integration and the tune of raising money the mode.
    3. Not-for-profit organization"future development", want actively a transformation of guiding the civil and not-for-profit group at the government aspect;Therefore suggest the youth peace corps should inside turn in volunteer worker the resource integrates and systemize, and develops a new service work actively, with all strength toward built-up of the everlasting target of the management moves forward.

    目次 謝誌 III 中文摘要 IV 英文摘要 V 目次 VII 表目次 IX 圖目次 X 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與架構 4 第三節 研究範圍與限制 8 第二章 文獻回顧與理論基礎 11 第一節 非營利組織相關名詞與理論 11 第二節 西方國家非營利特質之比較 21 第三節 非營利組織之相關問題探討 34 第四節 小結 42 第三章 中國青年和平團之組成與發展 45 第一節 歷史沿革與組織架構 45 第二節 服務目標與工作成果 48 第三節 歷年專案與執行概況 55 第四節 小結 62 第四章 中國青年和平團面臨困境之分析 66 第一節 組織管理與經費財務之問題面向 66 第二節 組織發展與法源規範之問題面向 77 第三節 社區發展與服務工作之問題面向 82 第四節 小結 90 第五章 問卷分析 93 第一節 服務事項 93 第二節 組織管理 98 第三節 策略聯盟 105 第四節 小結 109 第六章 中國青年和平團管理模式之建立 115 第一節 專業整合的運用 115 第二節 卡理斯瑪的特質 121 第三節 策略聯盟的實現 128 第四節 小結 134 第七章 結論 138 第一節 研究發現 139 第二節 研究建議 152 第三節 研究展望 160 參考書目 168 附錄:問卷 178

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