Author: |
陳宏謀 Hung-Mo Chen |
Thesis Title: |
植基於小腦模型補償之狀態回授控制器設計 The Design of Full-State Feedback Controller based on Cerebellar Model Compensation |
Advisor: |
Yeh, Zong-Mu |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2003 |
Academic Year: | 91 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 167 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | PID控制器 、小腦模型控制器 、狀態回授控制器 |
Keywords (in English): | PID Controller, Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller (CMAC), Full-state Feedback Controller |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 316 Downloads: 74 |
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本研究為了驗證其控制方法具備學習與補償能力,於倒單擺的倒立平衡控制及球軸系統的平衡控制等之模擬當中,對負載干擾之抑制能力及控制系統參數變動之適應能力作測試,從小腦模型控制器加入與否的比較結果,驗證小腦模型控制器可改善控制系統並補償系統響應之誤差。於小腦模型控制器和可微小腦模型控制器的理論分析中,探討小腦模型控制器的特性。並以Turbo C語言撰寫等距離自動追蹤模型車控制系統程式,採取實驗方式以驗證小腦模型控制器之自動調整、自我學習的能力。
There are various difficulties existing in the plant establishment with mathematics mode. This paper is not looking for the accurate mathematics mode but the error compensation method that is occurred during the process of finding the establishment of mathematics model. For a complicated, higher order and non-linear plant, the traditional control method will be limited in designing and hard to get its performance index. For achieving the controlling purpose, this paper takes the effect on parameter variation of the system, load interference, the non-linear factors that plant has not taken into consideration and the error that is resulted during the establishment of mathematics model into account and considers that the factors mentioned above may have caused the work of system to deviate from its performance index. Therefore, we design a controlling method for the complicated, higher order, non-linear plant and submit 「The Design of Full-state Feedback Controller based on Cerebellar Model Compensation」 to achieve the controlling purpose and to improve the performance index of the controller system.
This study adopts the system design of the theory of full-state feedback controller and applies the pole-placement method to stabilize the system and to accomplish the stability through full-state feedback. The system will be possessed of the required pole of closed loop and then using the method of Cerebellar Model Assistance Compensation Feedback to form the control frame. Therefore, the established control frame has the following characteristics, which are: since full-state feedback needs the mathematics model of second order plant, we use the frequency response method with low accuracy to obtain the simplified model. And then it can be applied to the control system without their mathematics description. During the design procedure, we often use mathematics model to describe the dynamic properties of those complicated, higher order and non-linear plant.In the other word, we seldom take effort in accurately measuring and analyzing the plant and its external noise interference. And for the error in system response, it can be improved by using the Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller (CMAC).
We use Matlab language to write the program of controlling method for simulation respectively and compare it with the traditional control method of PID controller, the improved model control of PID controller and the controller performance of control architecture mentioned in this study. And the performance index and output response diagram is used to estimate the control quality of control architecture that is mentioned in this study after being applied to the general plant system. To design the control method of non-linear plant, we use Matlab program to simulate the headstand balance control of the Inverted-Pendulum system and balance control of Ball-Beam system and prove that the control architecture of this study can be effectively applied to the complicated, higher order and instable non-linear control system.
In the simulation of headstand balance control of the Inverted-Pendulum system and balance control of Ball-Beam system, the control ability of load interference and the adaptation ability of parameter variation of control system is tested and compared to the result with and without the addition of the CMAC. The compared result proves that the CMAC can effectively improve the control system and compensate the error of the system response. This paper discusses the characteristics of the CMAC through the discussion and theory analysis of one, two dimensions CMAC and differentiable CMAC. We use Turbo C language to write the control system program of equidistance auto tracing model car to prove the auto regulation and self-learning ability of the CMAC through experimental method.
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