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研究生: 黃瓊儀
Chiung-I Huang
論文名稱: 策略談判人員職能模型之研究:看奧會模式談判歷程
A Study of Competency Model for Strategic Negotiator - The Perspective of Olympic Mode
指導教授: 蔡錫濤
Tsai, Shir-Tau
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 189
中文關鍵詞: 談判職能職能模型奧林匹克活動奧會模事
英文關鍵詞: negotiation, competency, competency model, Olympic Movement, Olympic Mode
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:230下載:15
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  • 摘要

    Negotiation happens in all walks of life, even in sport community. The very example in sport affairs is the currently implemented “Olympic Mode”, which is the product of negotiation that applies to all sports organizations under the roof of the Olympic Movement. This study attempts to explore the competencies of a strategic negotiator from the perspective of Olympic Mode, and to build the competency model for strategic negotiator. Interviews with experienced negotiators in the said Olympic Mode and sport issues, as well as in accession to World Trade Organization (WTO), Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) or other international organizations, such as Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to consolidate the data for negotiation.

    The study concluded with the competency model for strategic negotiator built on basis of the general competencies of negotiator in twelve major competencies: (1) action orientation, enabling a negotiator to accomplish the goals and work out practical and feasible solutions; (2) initiative: the negotiator shall be self-motivated and recognize own strengths and weakness and take initiative to accomplish organizational goals; (3) relational influence: to develop networks and partnership and persuade others; (4) cognitive ability allows the negotiator to diagnose and analyze the organizational advantage and disadvantage and to develop technical, professional and managerial expertise in related subjects; (5) flexibility and adaptability enable the negotiator to remain open to change, and adapt behavior and work methods in response to the change or unexpected challenges; (6) communication sills will help the negotiator to effectively express ideas and facts in organized manner; (7) conflict management allows the negotiator to resolve conflict, confrontations and disagreement in a positive and constructive manner; (8) managerial skills and leadership help the negotiator to coordinate with others and evaluate the progress; (9) developing others can motivate and coach teammate toward goal accomplishment; (10) team building allows the negotiator to build a workforce and manage group process; (11) personal effectiveness can facilitate the undertakings of negotiation; (12) public relations can establish the rapport with media and facilitate communication with media and press.

    Keywords: negotiation, competency, competency model, Olympic Movement, Olympic Mode

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement Abstract i Table of Contents iii List of Tables v List of Figures vii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of Problem 4 Purpose of the Study 8 Limitation and Delimitation 9 Definition of Terms 10 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW 13 Principles of Negotiation 13 The Olympic Mode and Its Impact 29 Competency Model 43 Competencies for Negotiation 60 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH DESIGN 69 Framework of the Study 69 Research Procedure 70 Methods 73 Instruments 74 Subjects 77 Data Collection and Analysis 79 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 83 Action orientation 84 Helping service 94 Impact and influence 96 Cognitive 99 Managerial skills 102 Personal effectiveness 105 Media and Public Relations 108 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 113 Conclusions 113 Recommendations 124 REFERENCES 131 APPENDIX A Explanatory Note 139 APPENDIX B Example of Transcript in Chinese 141 APPENDIX C Coding list 155 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Comparison on the characteristics of integrative and distributive negotiations 19 Table 2-2 Nine steps for preparing negotiations 26 Table 2-3 Clusters of competencies with behavioral description 49 Table 3-1 Profile of research subjects 78 Table 4-1 Competency with categories of concepts: action orientation 85 Table 4-2 Competency with categories of concepts: helping service 94 Table 4-3 Competency with categories of concepts: impact and influence 97 Table 4-4 Competency with categories of concepts: cognitive 99 Table 4-5 Competency with categories of concepts: managerial skills 103 Table 4-6 Competency with categories of concepts: personal effectiveness 105 Table 4-7 Competency with categories of concepts: media and public relations 108 Table 5-1 Competency model for strategic negotiator 119 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 2 – 1 Four steps of strategic negotiation process 27 Fig. 2 – 2 Iceberg model 45 Fig. 2 – 3 Competency pyramid 47 Fig. 3 – 1 Framework of the study 69 Fig. 3 – 2 Research procedure 72 Fig. 3 – 3 Strategic negotiation process 76

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