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研究生: 龔湘蘭
Kung Hsiang-Lan
論文名稱: 高科技產業組織學習模式建構之研究
A Study of Model-Constructing for Organizational Learning in High-Technology Industry
指導教授: 方崇雄
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 組織學習高科技產業行動理論模式
英文關鍵詞: organizational learning, High-Technology Industry, Action Theory, Model
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:221下載:0
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  • 中文摘要
    在眾多組織學習理論的發展中,Argyris和Schon是組織學習理論的重要奠基者,並提供一較其他學者更完整的組織學習理論系統,故其認為組織學習是一種探究與矯正之過程。本研究旨在提出高科技產業組織學習模式建構過程中所需之步驟及其內涵,並試圖為高科技產業建構一個組織學習模式,以提供高科技產業在推動組織學習時之參考依據。為達成本研究目的與待答問題,採用文獻探討、個案研究與深度訪談等研究方法進行研究,其中針對Argyris 和 Schon的組織學習理論概念與模式之精神進行文獻探討,以建構本研究組織學習模式,並透過個案研究針對個案公司之資深經理人進行深度訪談,蒐集該個案公司的組織學習現況,以瞭解個案公司在進行組織學習活動時所遭遇的困難及有利因素,並藉以分析後驗證本研究組織學習模式在高科技產業之適用性。因此所得到的結論分述如下:

    A Study of Model-Constructing for Organizational Learning in High-Technology Industry
    Kung Hsiang-Lan
    Today the enterprises have faced the trends of global competitive, and technology progressive made the products life-cycle to reduce in marketing environment. The enterprises have to continue to improve and innovation. Beside the individual learning and team learning in enterprises, they have to promote the ability of organizational learning and enable the enterprises to maintain the competitive force in the speed change environment. The characteristics that the organizational learning is confront the speed change and it provided the method to confront the speed change. The cause of the organizational learning theory is emphasized .
    Argyris and Schon were the important inventor in organizational learning theory and they provided a more complete and particular learning systems and concepts in this field. They thought that the organizational learning was the process of an inquiry and correct. The main intention of research is try to provide an organizational learning model and provide a referee to the enterprises promote the organizational learning action in High-Technology. The research adopted literature review, case study and depth visitation etc. research methods proceed to collect, analysis and interpret the data for conjugation the research intentions and questions.
    The research aimed Argyris and Schon’s organizational learning concept and model by literature review and constructed an organizational model. That the research used the depth visitation with the managers in the case company through case study to collect their situation and process of organizational learning and realized the inhibit and promote factors that the enterprises promote the organizational learning action. The research probate the fitness of organizational learning model in High-Technology Industry. Therefore, the research got the conclusions as follows:
    1. The five process and analysis techniques of organizational learning
    2. Argyris and Schon’s organizational learning theory emphasize the introspect and transformation of “concepts”
    3. Acer’s organizational learning experience emphasize spirit of double-loop learning and detero-learning
    4. The factors of inhibit and promote Acer’s organizational learning.

    目 錄 謝誌Ⅰ 中文摘要Ⅱ 英文摘要Ⅲ 目錄Ⅴ 圖次Ⅶ 表次Ⅷ 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機01 第二節 研究目的與待答問題04 第三節 研究步驟05 第四節 研究範圍與限制06 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 高科技產業之意義與特性07 第二節 組織學習之意義與內涵11 壹、 組織學習概念之發展與歷程11 貳、 組織學習之定義13 參、 組織學習之過程16 肆、 組織學習之類型19 伍、組織學習之模式21 第三節 Argyris和Schon之組織學習理論.25 壹、 Argyris和Schon之論著25 貳、 行動觀點之組織學習27 參、 組織學習之內涵30 肆、阻礙組織學習之因素40 第四節 Argyris和Schon之組織學習系統.42 壹、 Model Ο-Ⅰ之組織學習系統.42 貳、Model Ο-Ⅱ之組織學習系統.48 第五節 本章小結 53 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究架構56 壹、 模式建構之過程56 貳、模式架構圖說明60 第二節 研究方法與對象63 第三節 資料處理與分析66 第四章 研究結果與討論 第一節 個案公司之資料分析64 第二節 研究發現77 第三節 綜合討論87 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論94 第二節 建議99 參考文獻 英文書目101 中文書目104 附錄 附錄一105

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