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研究生: 蘇意茹
Su, Yi-Ru
論文名稱: 影視產業空間營運策略之研究–以公私協力為例
Research on the Space Operation Strategy of Film and TV Industry: Cases Study of the Public-Private Partnerships
指導教授: 董澤平
Dong, Tse-Ping
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 173
中文關鍵詞: 公私協力影視產業影視園區經營模式影視經濟
英文關鍵詞: public-private partnership, film and television industry, film and television park, business model, film and television economy
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202577
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:189下載:0
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  • 本研究歸納出影視產業空間公私協力策略係受到政策變數、區位變數、產業變數及企業變數等四群變數的相互作用影響,藉由研究公私協力機制運作形成影視產業經濟體系良性循環的案例,對於我國影視產業國際競爭力的提升與協助影視相關文化創意產業的成長之主要研究建議如下:

    This study summarizes the influence of the four groups of variables such as policy variables, location variables, industrial variables and enterprise variables in the film and television industry space. By studying the benign cycle of the film and television industry economic system, and by studying the operation of public and private partnership, to enhance the international competitiveness of Taiwan film and television industry , and help related cultural and creative industries to grow, the main research recommendations are as follows:
    1. Comparison of foreign film and television industry space public and private partnership cases for land and space to obtain the case, the French art experimental cinema use the existing space to achieve policy objectives, and Seoul DMC’s low funding levy landfill sites, urban plans have changed higher value, but also increase the feasibility of policy finance, and can increase the tax to support the development of film and television industry. In Taiwan, besides of the Taipei Film and Television Park, are low-cost land city planning changes after the use of higher prices or is expected to attract higher prices of investment-based, then tax should be comparable to the feedback industry.
    2.The existing "national film theater" in Taiwan is similar to the French "Art Experimental Cinema" subsidy mechanism. If our policy is included: the special fund, the proportion of the district subsidy, the film review and compulsory education cooperation , etc. should be contribute to regional balance, viewing intention and audience education.
    3. From the perspective of policy on the competitiveness of industrial location, public film and television space and hardware for civil use cases in Taiwan, such as size, hinterland, equipment, etc. to increase international or regional comparative advantage, and the introduction of international advantages of strategic alliances , according to the South Korea Nam Yang Ju Studios or Seoul DMC (digital media city) of DMS (high-quality program production park) approach, should be able to enhance the competitiveness of domestic industries.
    4. From the perspective of location development, the Paris Cinema City is based on the original film industry that has shrunk and has been a historical relic for other industry. Its innovation comes from: short-term to reflect and promote the revision of regional competition laws and regulations, long-term to encourage Hollywood international film productions and can support Hollywood and European film productions and related schools stationed and set up to cultivate relevant personnel, and the French international independent film company EuropaCorp led the introduction of small and medium-sized film and television companies stationed , The formation of a new industry portfolio, creating a new value of the French film industry. Compared with Taiwan, the domestic land development logic to attract large-scale television station or film mall stationed and clustered cases, is less related to strengthen the weaken link of the film and television industry chain.
    5.From the industrial point of view, China's introduction of foreign advanced film and television space business model, such as Disneyland model, mainly based on domestic demand is still vigorous, and the industry has a large number of poor management of film theme park, the project itself has a stimulus to the domestic market transformation and further fulfillment and increase demand. However, if the domestic film and television industry space-related market and demand still to be improved as Taiwan, can create an international or regional comparative advantage to increase foreign demand and help domestic talents and market development.
    6. To promote industrial clusters,Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis and Seoul DMC not only provide key enterprises advanced construction and equipment, but also a considerable subsidy tax and other feedback policies to attract industry presence, follow-up and provide a number of administrative services. The experience is worth inclusion in the Taiwan film and television industry cluster type of plan investment of the follow-up operation management reference.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 國際影視投資創新高 1 台灣影視產業復甦 1 兩岸影視產業空間消長 3 1.2 研究動機 4 1.3 問題定義 4 1.4 研究目的 6 1.5 研究範圍 7 1.5.1影視產業 7 1.5.2影視產業空間 7 1.5.3公私協力 8 第二章 文獻探討 11 2.1 公私協力理論 11 2.1.1市場主義模式 11 2.1.2國家主導模式 12 2.1.3 混合型模式 14 2.2 影視產業政策理論 15 2.2.1新自由主義:媒體私有化 15 2.2.2文化產業政策化 16 2.2.3小政府主義:企業型都市理論 18 2.2.4產業群聚理論 20 2.3 區域理論 21 2.3.1文化全球化 21 2.3.2.文化勞動新國際分工 24 2.3.3.中心-邊界模型 26 2.3.4.全球本土塢(GLOCALWOOD) 27 2.4 影視經濟理論 28 2.4.1國內電影市場經濟學模型 28 2.4.2政府補貼體系 29 2.4.3.沉沒成本 30 2.5 影視企業發展理論 30 2.5.1.後福特主義 31 2.5.2.媒介觀光 32 2.5.3.視窗效應 36 2.5.5.科技決定論 36 2.6 小結 37 第三章 研究設計 39 3.1 研究方法 39 3.1.1參與式觀察研究方法 39 3.1.2多重個案比較研究方法 41 3.1.3歷史研究途徑:文獻解析研究法 42 3.2 觀念架構 44 3.3 研究變項 45 3.3.1政府公私協力策略 46 3.3.2政策變數 46 3.3.3區位變數 46 3.3.4產業變數 47 3.3.5企業變數 47 3.4 研究流程 47 第四章 台灣影視產業價值鏈空間及城市發展關聯性解析 49 4.1 影視產業價值鏈發展解析 49 4.1.1影視產業價值鏈空間類型 49 4.1.2影視產業鏈空間公私協力型態 52 4.2 影視產業空間與城市發展關聯性解析 63 4.2.1文化政策展示化 64 4.2.2影視消費空間商品化 67 4.2.3影視地景觀光化 69 4.2.4影視合製全球在地化 70 4.2.5影視產業群聚都市化 71 4.3 小結 75 第五章 個案探討 77 5.1個案一:法國 77 5.1.1個案一之1:藝術實驗電影院(CINEMA D’ART ET ESSAI) 77 5.1.2個案一之2:電影城(LA CITÉ DU CINÉMA) 82 5.2個案二:韓國 86 5.2.1個案二之1:南楊州綜合攝影所(남양주종합촬영소,NAMYANGJU STUDIOS) 86 5.1.2個案二之2:首爾上岩數位媒體城(DIGITAL MEDIA CITY,DMC) 91 5.3個案三:中國 93 5.3.1個案三之1:上海迪士尼樂園 93 5.3.2個案三之2:青島東方影都 96 5.4小結 103 第六章 命題發展 107 6.1公私協力策略 107 6.1.1命題1:市場主義模式 107 6.1.2命題2:國家主導模式 108 6.2政策變數 111 6.2.1命題3企業型都市 111 6.2.2命題4政策優先性 111 6.2.3命題5法令介入 114 6.3 區位變數 116 6.3.1命題6補貼比較優勢 116 6.3.2命題7國內市場經濟學模型 119 6.4 產業變數 122 6.4.1命題8利基市場 122 6.5企業變數 130 6.5.1命題9國際合作 130 6.5.2命題10專長組合 137 第七章 結論與建議 142 7.1 研究結論 142 7.2 相關建議 142 7.2.1對政府的建議 143 7.2.2對影視產業的建議 146 7.3後續研究建議 147 參考書目 149 中文文獻 149 外文文獻 162 網站 169 附錄: 170

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