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研究生: 林佳瑩
論文名稱: 國立臺灣交響樂團臺灣音樂文化園區與社會資源探討
The study on the National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra and Its Social Resources
指導教授: 林淑真
Lin, Shu-Cheng
Ke, Ji-Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 150
中文關鍵詞: 社會資源資源文化園區音樂文化園區文化機構發展計畫
英文關鍵詞: social resources, resources, cultural park, music and cultural park, development plan of cultural organizations
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:101下載:0
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  • 臺灣音樂文化園區是國立臺灣交響樂團為因應政府各項新興業務與組織轉型、強化競爭力所所建置的園區,因此在文化園區當中具有特殊的目標意義,尤其是音樂方面;因此,臺灣音樂文化園區的定位、社會資源運用概況、經營模式、未來發展以及效益等等都具指標意義。
    本研究的主要目的是想了解臺灣音樂文化園區現階段運用社會資源的供需情形,以及音樂文化園區成立之後與國立臺灣交響樂團的互動成效、對音 樂教育資源運用及推廣的現況、還有如何提供表演團隊資源運用與經營模式;因為,無論是國立臺灣交響樂團或臺灣音樂文化園區,面對其它團隊的良性競爭,必須思考如何找到自己的藍海,永續發展,當然,其中最重要的應該是社會資源的運用與結合才是成功的關鍵。
    臺灣音樂文化園區是一個新成立的主題文化園區,目前設置在國立臺灣交響樂團當中,98 年12 月17 日揭牌至今,透過歷任團長的篳路藍縷努力完成。從本文研究當中深度訪談歷任與現任團長,深切了解到,臺灣音樂文化園區營運模式的定位,是未來成敗的關鍵,尤其是臺灣音樂文化園區本身腹地條件受限制,營運模式因未於初期完整規劃,已經錯失第一個黃金契機,在未來,如果可以有效整合社會資源的運用,那將是一個轉機。

    The National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park was established by the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra to cope with each of the government’s new practice for the transformation of organization and enhancement of competitiveness. It has a very special meaning especially in the perspective of music. Indeed, all of the positioning of National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park, application of social resources, management model and future development and effect provide a target value.
    The aim of this study is to understand the demand and supply of social resources for the National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park at current stage, the interactive effect between the National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park and the Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra after the establishment of the cultural park, current situation of the application of music education resources and promotion and how to provide the performance teams with resources and management model. Regardless of the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra and the National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park, they all have to find their blue ocean for sustained development. The application and integration of social resources is definitely the key to success.
    The National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park, a newly established theme cultural park, has been established for more than half a year (opened in December 17th, 2009) through the hard effort of former and current chiefs. Currently, it is organized as part of the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. This study conducted an in‐depth interview with the former and current chiefs and deeply understood that the positioning of the operation model of the National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park is the key to determine future success. In particular, the central region of the National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park is restricted by many conditions. The National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park has missed the first critical turning point of time because the operation model was not completely planned at the initial stage. In the future, the effective integration of the application of social resources may be a favorable turn for the cultural park.
    This study mainly targeted on three chiefs of the National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park in the stages of the initiative, planning and implementation respectively for the in‐depth interview. In the meantime, this study also conducted a survey questionnaire by targeting on the teachers and people who have visited the park over the past half year to understand people’s perception toward the role of the cultural park. Besides, this study further interviewed the business unit, the National Theater Concert Hall and the surrounding education units to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the management model of the National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park.
    As a member of the management team of the National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park, I hope to deeply discuss the social resources through this research to provide feedback or improvement to the park to allow the National Taiwan Music and Cultural Park playing an important part in the creative industry and sustaining the development.

    第壹章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機...........................................................................1 第二節 研究目的.......................................................................................3 第貳章 文獻探討 第一節 資源...............................................................................................5 第二節 臺灣音樂文化園區...................................................................... 9 第三節 名詞釋義.....................................................................................14 第参章 研究方法 第一節 研究主體.....................................................................................25 第二節 研究範圍.....................................................................................30 第三節 研究方法.....................................................................................31 第四節 研究架構.....................................................................................38 第肆章 個案研究 第一節 臺灣音樂文化園區現階段運用社會資源概況.........................39 第二節 臺灣音樂文化園區開拓社會資源探討.....................................44 第三節 傳藝園區與臺灣音樂文化園區資源功能對照表.....................47 第四節 研究分析.....................................................................................54 第伍章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論.....................................................................................64 第二節 研究限制與後續研究建議.........................................................66 參考書目...................................................................................................71 附錄 附錄一 訪談稿.........................................................................................73 附錄二 臺灣音樂文化園區相關報導.....................................................99 附錄三 文化機構發展計畫...................................................................102

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