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Author: 林耿孝
Lin, Geng-Shiau
Thesis Title: 發展情境模擬導向創意教學模組於國民中小學教師教學增能介入成效研究-以珍惜急診醫療資源議題為例
Adequate emergency department resource usage applying simulation-based workshop to improve teaching competence among elementary and junior high school teachers in Taiwan
Advisor: 董貞吟
Tung, Chen-Yin
Committee: 張家臻
Chang, Chia-Chen
Yiang, Giou-Teng
Ming, Jin-Lain
Chang, Yen-Jung
Tung, Chen-Yin
Approval Date: 2022/01/12
Degree: 博士
Department: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
Thesis Publication Year: 2021
Academic Year: 110
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 110
Keywords (in Chinese): 情境模擬導向珍惜急診醫療資源教師增能
Keywords (in English): adequate emergency department resource usage, simulation-based workshop, teacher empowerment
Research Methods: 準實驗設計法
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 摘要
    本研究共有414位國中小學教師參與,其中有214位教師參與以情境模擬導向教學模組教師增能研習作為實驗組,另外有200位教師則參與線上自我學習課程作為對照組。實驗組的介入乃透過急診室微小模型模擬各種急診情境的體驗闖關活動與實際參與情境式桌遊遊具教學的觀議課,對照組則以實驗組的介入教學內容錄影於線上觀賞自學。兩組均在課程前後填答評估教師增能的問卷,包括合理使用急診醫療資源的認知、教師的教學態度與技能與自我效能。問卷資料利用McNemar test、paired t test和generalized estimating equations (GEE)等加以分析。


    Background: More than 80% of patients who visited Emergency Department (ED) was not urgent in Taiwan in 2019. It causes insufficient medical services and a latent fiscal threat to the Nation Health Insurance (NHI). This study adopted simulation-based educating modules to explore the effect in teaching competence among primary and middle school teachers for efficient AEDRU (adequate emergency department resource usage) education in the future.

    Method: The subjects were 414 elementary and junior high school teachers in Taiwan. 214 participants attended the simulationbased workshop as the simulation-based group, whereas 200 participants took an online self-learning module as the self-learning group. The workshop was created by an expert panel for decreasing the unnecessary usage amount of ED medial resources. The materials are lecture, board games, miniature ED modules, and simulation-based scenarios. A teaching competence questionnaire including ED knowledge, teaching attitude, teaching skills, and teaching self-efficacy was conducted among participants before and after the intervention. Data were analyzed via McNemar, paired t test and the generalized estimating equations (GEE).
    Results: The study showed that teachers who participated in the simulation-based workshop had improved more in teaching competence than those who received the online self-learning module. In addition, there were significant differences between the pretest and post-test among the two groups in teaching competence..
    Conclusion: The simulation-based workshop is effective and it should be spread out. When students know how to use ED medical resources properly, they could affect their families. It can help the ED service to be used properly and benefits the finance of the NHI. The health care cost will be managed while also improving health.

    Key words: adequate emergency department resource usage (AEDRU), simulation-based workshop, teacher empowerment

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與重要性 2 第二節 研究目的 8 第三節 研究問題 9 第四節 研究假設 10 第五節 名詞操作型界定 11 第六節 研究限制 13 第二章 相關文獻回顧及探討 15 第一節 珍惜急診醫療資源核心觀念 15 第二節 我國國中小學校有關全民健保教育及急診醫療資源教育介入相關研究 23 第三節 情境模擬學習理論與情境模擬導向之教材 27 第四節 本研究所涉及的教育目標理論(認知、技能與情意) 30 第五節 教師增能理論 34 第六節 「珍惜急診醫療資源」教學與健康促進理論 39 第三章 研究方法與步驟 41 第一節 研究設計 41 第二節 研究架構 42 第三節 研究對象 43 第四節 研究工具 44 第五節 研究流程 56 第六節 資料處理與統計分析 62 第四章 研究結果 64 第一節 基本資料 64 第二節 國中小教師對於珍惜急診醫療資源教學的認知、態度、教學技能與教學自我效能之現況 66 第三節 介入前後對於珍惜急診醫療資源教學的認知、態度、教學技巧與教學自我效能之成效 75 第四節 考驗不同介入對教師珍惜急診醫療資源教學的認知、態度、技能與自我效能之成效差異 78 第五章 研究討論 84 第一節 情境模擬導向課程與線上自學課程比較 84 第六章 結論與建議 92 第一節 結論 92 第二節 建議 93 參考文獻 94 附錄一 學習成效評量問卷 100 附錄二 檢傷分類民眾衛教版 105 附錄三 網路影片建議 108

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