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研究生: 黃郁婷
Huang, Yu-Ting
論文名稱: 臺灣面對運動禁藥管制國際建制之遵從策略與意涵
Managing compliance with the anti-doping regime: Taiwan’s strategies and the implications behind
指導教授: 湯添進
Tan, Tien-Chin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 216
中文關鍵詞: 遵從理論運動禁藥國際建制世界反運動禁藥機構
英文關鍵詞: Compliance Theory, Doping, International Regime, World Anti-doping Agency
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203746
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:184下載:9
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  • 隨著世界反運動禁藥機構於1999年的誕生,運動禁藥管制國際建制 (以下簡稱藥管國際建制) 逐漸形成,且影響力持續擴張。臺灣面對此等國際現勢所抱持的態度,因而是本研究欲深入探究的問題。爰此,本研究目的係分析臺灣面對藥管國際建制所採取的遵從策略,以及策略背後的意涵。研究方法係以質性研究內容分析法為基礎,採遵從理論為分析架構,透過相關文件與文獻的爬梳,輔以對國家奧會、國家藥管組織、政府部門、國家運動協會及專家學者進行的半結構式訪談,蒐集資料並進一步分析。研究發現,臺灣面對藥管國際建制之策略與意涵:就「監控」、「對《世界反運動禁藥規範》的認證」、「水平關聯」與「嵌套」而言,係為有限能力、高度意願之「低代價遵從」。就「能力建構」、「國家關注」與「制度規格」而言,係為有能力且有意願之「低代價遵從」。至於「藥檢實驗室的WADA認證」,目前策略係有意願但缺乏能力的「策略性不遵從」。整體而言,臺灣配合國際作法,將資源集中於滿足藥管國際建制「硬性」規範的要求,以保障在國際運動領域之參與權;至於「軟性」規範,則在經費限制與現實條件允許之下,盡力配合國際要求,透過參與國際活動與國際接軌,藉以提升國家正向能見度,作為在國際舞臺上為國家正名之籌碼。綜上所述,本研究歸納臺灣對藥管國際建制的遵從策略與意涵,係為在有限能力之下,尋求最大發揮空間,進一步期望突破國際政治限制。

    With the birth of the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) in 1999, the international regime of anti-doping has been formed up, and is now expanding its power worldwide. Facing this trend, Taiwan’s attitude toward the growing anti-doping regime remains a topic worth investigating. This study aims at analysing the strategies of Taiwan’s managing compliance with the anti-doping regime, and further digs into the implications behind. Based on qualitative content analysis, and with the analytical framework formed up by the adoption of Compliance Theory (Haas & Bilder, 2003; Houlihan, 2008), this study reviews relevant literatures and documents, along with undergoing semi-structured interviews with officials from both government and Taiwan’s national anti-doping organization, representatives from targeted national sports associations, either leading sports or globally suspected ones, and scholars and professionals, and finally gathers the data collected to come to a conclusion. The strategies and implications of Taiwan’s managing compliance with the anti-doping regime are as follows: As for “monitoring”, “verification of compliance with the World Anti-doping Code”, “horizontal linkage” and “nesting”, Taiwan complies with the anti-doping regime by limited capacity but high level of willingness, which can be categorized as “compliance with low cost”; as for “capacity building”, “national concern” and “institutional profile”, Taiwan complies with the anti-doping regime by average capacity and willingness, which can also be categorized as “compliance with low cost”; but as for “verification of the operation of WADA accredited laboratory”, with average level of willingness but lack of capacity, Taiwan’s response so far is “non-compliance out of choice”. In conclusion, Taiwan follows the world trend, having every possible resource centralized on the “compulsory” regulations and rules of the anti-doping regime, so as to assure Taiwan’s right to take part in the international sports field. As for “voluntary” regulations, Taiwan tries its best to reach the additional responsibilities that the world anti-doping regime hopes its affiliates to take. Under limited and tough conditions, economically and politically, Taiwan makes its best to follow the international rules and take part in international activities, so as to interact with the world, as well as gaining exposure for Taiwan to win positive impressions at the global stage, with which Taiwan could possibly rectify its name as a country. Above all, the strategies and implications of Taiwan’s compliance with the world anti-doping regime, as a whole, is striving to reach the maximum possibilities under limited national capacity, in hope that Taiwan could further breakthrough the political challenges Taiwan has been going through at global stage.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究問題 5 第四節 研究範圍 5 第五節 研究限制 6 第六節 研究重要性 8 第七節 名詞釋義 8 第貳章 文獻回顧與理論探討 10 第一節 運動禁藥 (doping) 之探源 10 第二節 國際運動禁藥管制之發展脈絡 18 第三節 運動禁藥管制國際建制之概述 30 第四節 遵從理論與本研究分析框架 38 第五節 運動禁藥管制國際建制促進遵從的七種方式 57 第六節 臺灣運動禁藥管制之概況 71 第參章 研究方法 76 第一節 研究架構 76 第二節 研究流程 77 第三節 研究對象 78 第四節 研究工具 80 第五節 資料處理程序 87 第肆章 臺灣面對運動禁藥管制國際建制之遵從策略 89 第一節 面對「監控」之遵從策略 89 第二節 面對「認證」之遵從策略 96 第三節 面對「水平連結」之遵從策略 113 第四節 面對「嵌套」之遵從策略 119 第五節 面對「能力建構」之遵從策略 124 第六節 面對「國家關注」之遵從策略 140 第七節 面對「制度規格」之遵從策略 170 第伍章 臺灣面對運動禁藥管制國際建制之策略與意涵 171 第一節 面對「監控」之策略與意涵 171 第二節 面對「認證」之策略與意涵 173 第三節 面對「水平連結」之策略與意涵 175 第四節 面對「嵌套」之策略與意涵 177 第五節 面對「能力建構」之策略與意涵 178 第六節 面對「國家關注」之策略與意涵 181 第七節 面對「制度規格」之策略與意涵 184 第八節 本章總結 184 第陸章 結論與建議 201 第一節 結論 201 第二節 建議 203 第柒章 反思 206 參考文獻 209

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