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研究生: 林珮君
Lin, Pei-Chung
論文名稱: 臺灣國中生英語聽力困難與英語聽力能力、英語聽力自我效能關係
English Listening Difficulty in Relation to English Listening Proficiency and English Listening Self-Efficacy of Junior High School Students in Taiwan
指導教授: 葉錫南
Yeh, Hsi-Nan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 聽力自我效能聽力困難聽力聽力策略
英文關鍵詞: listening self-efficacy, listening proficiency, listening difficulty, listening strategy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:165下載:57
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  • 本論文旨在探討臺灣國中生英語聽力自我效能、英語聽力能力與英語聽力困難的關係,期能作為臺灣英語教育者教學與研究參考。

    The study aims at exploring the relationship of English listening self-efficacy, English listening proficiency, and English listening difficulty. It is hoped that English language educators could probe more into students’ English listening difficulty and English listening self-efficacy.
    The study employs questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The subjects of the study filled out the English listening self-efficacy scale, did the elementary-level GEPT listening test, and finally answered the English listening difficulty questionnaire. The researcher gathered 109 valid questionnaires and interviewed 20 students who were either both high or both low in English listening self-efficacy and English listening proficiency for their strategies when encountering English listening difficulty.
    The result shows that these junior high schools students are high in English listening self-efficacy and low in English listening proficiency and English listening difficulty. High English listening self-efficacy (HS) students report significantly lower listening difficulty than low English listening self-efficacy (LS) students; students with high listening proficiency (HL) also demonstrate significantly lesser degrees of English listening difficulty than students of lower listening proficiency (LL). The volume of the input is the only difficulty that fails to distinguish HS and LS students. The volume of the input as well as the quality of CDs and existence of noise are the listening difficulty that do not differentiate the HL and LL students. The LL students encounter significantly more English listening difficulty than the HL students. Inability to catch important details, ignorance of sentence connections, incomprehension or no time to process the previous parts that lead to difficulty of latter comprehension, fast speech, words with multiple meanings, too many unknown words, difficult grammatical structures, failure to use repeated message or pauses, linking or omission, unfamiliar topics, and no confidence are particular difficulty of the LL students.
    Students interviewed point out the replaying of CDs, repeating the heard inputs, looking up new words, listening to main ideas or key words, taking notes, guessing through contexts, translating the English inputs into Chinese, relaxing, asking the speaker or others, asking the speaker to speak slower, and asking teachers to turn up the volume as strategies. During English listening tests, they read the test items before listening, choose heard words, cross out unknown words, take notes, mark difficult items, write answers during pauses, and be careful not to draw on the wrong blank. The students also listen to English programs, talk to foreigners, and memorize vocabulary to help improve their English listening ability.
    It is hoped that the study could remind teachers of students’ English listening difficulty and boost students’ English listening proficiency and English self-efficacy to facilitate students’ English listening.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS 摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGENT v TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Purpose of the Study 10 Significance of the Study 12 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 14 Listening Comprehension 14 Listening Comprehension Inputs 15 Listening Comprehension Process 16 Listening Comprehension in a Second Language 17 Listening Difficulty 19 Categorizations of Listening Difficulty 21 Listening Difficulty and Listening Proficiency 30 Listening Difficulty and Other Factors 33 Listening Strategies 34 Self-efficacy 38 Social Learning Theory and Self-Regulation 38 Self-Efficacy 39 Self-Efficacy in the Academic Arena 40 Self-Efficacy in Language Classrooms 44 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 50 Participants 50 Instruments 53 English Listening Self-Efficacy Scale 53 English Listening Test 55 English Listening Difficulty Questionnaire 57 Procedure 65 Data Analysis 68 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 70 Results of the Instruments 70 English Listening Self-Efficacy Scale 71 English Listening Test 75 English Listening Difficulty Questionnaire 79 Results of T-tests 81 English Listening Difficulty of High and Low English listening Self-Efficacy Students 83 English Listening Difficulty of High and Low English Listening Proficiency Students 86 English Listening Difficulty of Low English Listening Proficiency Students 90 Results of the Interview 97 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 103 Summary of the Major Findings 103 Implications of the Study 107 Limitations of the Present Study 109 Suggestions for Future Research 110 REFERENCES 112 APPENDICES 131 Appendix A: English Listening Self-Efficacy Scale 131 Appendix B: English Listening Difficulty Questionnaire 133 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Student Scores of the Third English Monthly Test. 52 Table 2. Average Scores of the English Listening Self-Efficacy Scale 73 Table 3. Average Scores of the Listening Difficulty Questionnaire 80 Table 4. T-test Results of English Listening Difficulty by English Listening Self-efficacy. 84 Table 5. T-test Results of English Listening Difficulty by English Listening Proficiency 87 Table 6. Students’ Strategies in Response to English Listening Difficulty 99 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Determinants of human behaviors (Bandura, 1986, p.24.) 8 Figure 2. A model of motivated classroom learning of cognitive skills (Schunk, 1985). 42 Figure 3. A cyclic model of self-regulated learning (Zimmerman, Bonner & Kovach, 1996. p.11). 44

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