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研究生: 游雲銘
Yun Ming Yu
論文名稱: 臺灣文化創意產業創業成功關鍵因素之研究-以微型企業為例
A Study of Key Success Factors for Entrepreneurs of Cultural and Creative Industries in Taiwan-Take Micro-Enterprises As Example
指導教授: 董澤平
Dong, Tse-Ping
Yang, Yung-Yuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 175
中文關鍵詞: 微型企業文化創意產業創業關鍵成功因素
英文關鍵詞: micro-business, cultural and creativity industry, entrepreneur, key success factor
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:858下載:0
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  • 臺灣的經濟在高度工業化之後,面對人力成本提高,鄰國強勢挑戰的威脅下,傳統製造業已逐漸失去優勢。除了往高科技的方向發展之外,勢必需要建立以深化知識基礎的經濟型態,而知識經濟中附加價值的最高類型,則是以創意設計為核心的文化美學生產領域,而近年來「文化創意產業」已成為台灣政府部門強力推動的重要政策之一。

    Taiwan's economy after highly industrialization, enhances facing the labor costs, and challenge from the globalization. The traditional manufacture already gradually loses the superiority. Besides develops toward to the high technology industry, we will need to establish inevitably deepens the foundation of the economical knowledge. But in value added of the knowledge economy is the creativity design as core cultural esthetics realm of production. To improve competitive strength, Taiwan government listed cultural and creative industry into the plan in the recent years.

      Most of the cultural and creative industries in Taiwan are owned by small or medium size of the partnership enterprises. Therefore, this study focuses on the key success factor context of micro-enterprise business within the cultural industry. The case include in qualitative research interviews and four successful micro-business companies. In the depth interviews, analyzes the cause of starting enterprise and business model. Then the comparison induces starts an undertaking the successful key aspect. For the people wants to enter the cultural creativity industry as the future reference of the later generations

      The case study found that the key success factor can be divided into six dimensions: including "Business Opportunities", "Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurial Team", "Product", "Marketing", "Customer Relationship Management" and "Network Resources ". The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows:
    (1) To identify the cause of entrepreneurial ideas and vision.
    (2) A unique product innovation, product differentiation shape.
    (3) A clear product positioning, development of niche markets.
    (4) The development of a wide range of marketing channels and increase brand visibility.
    (5) Strengthening ties with the public sector and other corporate relations, expanding social network externality.
    (6) The use of appropriate media and consumers to establish long-term stable relationship.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝辭 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 4 第三節 研究問題與目的 6 第四節 研究流程 7 第五節 章節架構 8 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 微型企業內涵 9 第二節 文化創意產業 18 第三節 創業理論 31 第四節 創業成功的內涵 51 第五節 國內創業成功關鍵因素相關研究 60 第三章 研究設計 63 第一節 研究架構 63 第二節 研究方法 64 第三節 研究對象 68 第四節 訪談程序與問題設計 72 第五節 資料整理與分析 74 第四章 個案研究 75 第一節 爆炸毛頭與油炸朱利 76 第二節 袖珍工房 89 第三節 無獨有偶工作室劇團 102 第四節 驫舞劇場 117 第五章 比較與分析 133 第六章 結論與建議 146 第一節 研究結論 146 第二節 實務建議 148 第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 151 參考文獻 153 附錄一 文化創意產業發展法 161 附錄二 訪談大綱 167 附錄三 行政院文化建設委員會演藝團隊分級獎助計畫作業要點 168 附錄四 「行政院文化建設委員會演藝團隊分級獎助計畫」申請資格一覽表 174

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