簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳淑婉
Chen Shu-wan
論文名稱: 一位幼兒教師教學方法轉型歷程之研究--由單元教學法轉型為蒙特梭利教學法
The Study of the Transformation Process of a Nursery School Teacher's Teaching Method -- from Unit-teaching to Montessori Method
指導教授: 簡淑真
Chien, Shu-Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 蒙特梭利轉型幼兒教育單元教學教學法教師
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:548下載:0
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本論文旨在探討一位幼兒教師,其教學方法由融合角落活動的單元教學法,轉型實 施蒙特梭利教學法的歷程。本研究採用參與觀察、訪談及蒐集文件等方法進行研究並輔以錄音、照相、錄影、研究對象書寫教學省思日誌等多元方法蒐集資料,為期一年又一個月;研究者參與該教室的規劃和教學,並和研究對象一起閱讀蒙特梭利的著作、共同觀看和討論研究對象的教學錄影之內容,以深入探求研究對象教學轉型的歷程,並了解其在轉型過程中所遭遇的問題。本研究重要的發現如下:一、作息時間 :逐漸縮減單元教學、角落教學和才藝課的時間,增加蒙特梭利教學時間二、環境規劃和佈置: 教室環境的規劃動線越來越明,越具有美感;但是由於逐漸採購蒙特梭利教具,教室環境的規劃歷經四次的變動,經常移動教具的位置,以致幼兒無法順利找到教具歸位之處;又因受過去單元教學的影響,轉型之初仍然堅持保持團體的座位,後逐漸改變,接受個別教學型態的座位。三、教學內容: 逐步縮減單元教學,減少角落教學 ;逐漸減少才藝課,增加自行設計的體能活動;漸增加蒙特梭利教學的內容。四、教師角色: 本研究中,研究對象擔任教師的轉變為1.努力預備自己的心靈,最後達成最不容易的「改變性格」,成為更合宜的蒙特梭利教師,2.漸漸成為敏銳的觀察者3.逐步成為預備環境和維護環境者4.越來越有信心成為學校、社區和家庭的溝通者5.漸漸成為個別課程的指導者。以上改變受以下三個因素影響1.自省過去權威的教師角色2.仿傚研究者在現場對幼兒溫和的態度3.按照其參加研習單位的講師所講述的內容用於教學五、行政: 其兼任所長職務,雖然人力資源非常有限,並飽受招生不足的壓力,積極實施教學轉型並盡心做好行政工作,幼兒的人數增加,招生壓力減除。六、實施教學轉型中所遭遇的困難 :研究對象在進行轉型之後,才開始參加國內的蒙特梭利師資訓練,邊學邊教,其困難為1.對蒙特梭利教學法不熟悉,感到教學非常吃力,對示範蒙特梭利教具沒有把握2.扮演蒙特梭利教師的角色,有時未能脫去過去權威的角色,偶有在情緒不佳時未能尊重幼兒3.研究對象所受國內蒙特梭利師資訓練的授課內容,未能安排觀察記錄上的實習課程;加上研究對象所務工作繁忙,沒有時間觀察記錄,以致不了解觀察記錄的方法4.研習的講師與研究者示範教具的方式不一樣,研究對象感到困惑5.行政上受招生壓力的影響,幼兒的編班未能完全混齡,平均年齡偏低,未能完全符合蒙特梭利教學的群體生活之理念。依據本研究的發現,對國內有心轉型蒙特梭利教學的幼兒園和教師建議:一、應先評估自己本園所的蒙特梭利教學資源是否足夠。二、教師宜先接受完備的師資訓練再進行教學。三、在教室現場進行蒙特梭利教學的教師應多閱讀蒙特梭利教學法的相關書籍,並書寫省思日誌有助教師成長。四、對國內日後研究的方向,可以領有國際蒙特梭利證照的教師為研究對象,亦可以國內蒙特梭利師資培訓機構所培訓的教師為研究對象,研究其實施教學轉型的歷程。

The purpose of the research is to study the process by which a nursery teacher transform her teaching method -- from the unit-teaching method to the Montessori method. The research was carried out by combining articipanparticipant observation ,interviews, official documents, and photographs, ivideos, and thesubject's reflection record. The researcher, participated in the design andteaching of the Montesori classroom, and at the same time, earead Montessori's works with the subject, and discussed with the subject ftafter watching the teaching video of the subject, in order to probe into thesubject's processof transformation. The findings are: 1.The time of the unit-teaching and other activities was gradually shortened and more time given to teaching using the Montessori method . 2.The Montessori classroom became beautiful gradually . Four times she hang changed the classroom arrangement, with the result that the youngsters often couldnot find the materials' original location. 3.She tried her best to learn to be a Montessori teacher. She reflected on her former authoritarian teaching style, tried to imitate her researcher's warm attitude towards young children, and endeavored to put into practice what she observed from her training teacher regarding the Montessori etho method. he difficulties of the transformation were:The difficulties of the transformation were: .She could not demonstrate and 1.She could not demonstrate and use Montessori materials very well, because she was teaching as she was learning. .Influenced by her previous role as2.Influenced by her previous role as an authoritarian teacher, she sometimes is not respect the children when she was in bad mood.did not respect the children when she was in bad mood. 3.Resulting from the scarcity of the number of students, therefore, their age was averagingly low. ggestions for the future study and the nursery schools that are to Suggestions for the future study and the nursery hoo schools that are totransform their teaching method :1.Evaluate the ontess Montessori teaching resources before beginning the transformation. 2.Teachers should complete the formal Montessori method training program before begin to implement the method.3.Choose licensed Montessori teachers internationally recognized or those from local institution of Montessori teacher training for the future study.
