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研究生: 胡酉莉
論文名稱: 臺北市政府公教員工退休互助制度之研究-以政策終結為觀點
A research on the mutual aid retirement system of civil servants of the Taipei City Government (government employees and teachers) ─
指導教授: 黃人傑
Huang, Jen-Jei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 政治學研究所
Graduate Institute of Political Science
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 退休互助政策終結內容分析法臺北市政府心理抗拒
英文關鍵詞: mutual aid retirement, policy termination, content analysis, Taipei City Government, mental resistance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:202下載:15
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  • 本文之目的為從事「臺北市政府公教員工退休互助制度」之研究,探討的方法係採政策終結理論與文獻及內容分析法,筆者在整理過去關於政策終結的文獻時,發現組織、政策的終結往往有其一套理論背景,根據這些看法將使一般人瞭解終結何以發生,何以會有障礙出現,以及有那些方法可供運用等,換句話說,政策終結之目的主要在觀察決策者如何運用策略來互動,蓋政策終結並非在研究各方角力的結果,而是把焦點放在它的過程。

    The objective of this dissertation is to conduct a research study on the mutual aid retirement system of civil servants of the Taipei City Government by adopting the theories on policy termination, researching the relevant literature and using content analysis as the primary research methods. In my previous experiences in organizing and sorting through past literature on policy termination, I have come to the realization that the termination of organizations and policies usually had a set of theoretical backgrounds that could account for what took place. By examining these views, even ordinary people unfamiliar with technical knowledge would be able to understand the causes for such terminations, factors that led to obstacles and the solutions that could have been taken in response. In other words, the most fundamental goal of policy termination is to observe how decision makers manipulated strategies in their interactions, and we can thus safely assume that the study of policy termination is not about the results of contests of strength between various parties; instead, we should be focusing on the processes that led to what came to be.
    I have found that scholars prefer to use case studies to illustrate their points in the discussion of policy termination. Therefore, the mutual aid retirement system of the civil servants of the Taipei City Government has been selected in this dissertation as the subject of the case study on a domestic agency. By learning about various facts regarding the mutual aid retirement system of these civil servants, such as the system’s development and its functions, the difficulties faced by the governing authorities, how the Taipei City Government engaged in reformative actions, and the occasions where it recommended for termination and accepted better solutions, we can use these facts to determine the feasibility of the policy termination theory.
    Lastly, it is also discovered that the success and failure of policy termination rest upon the political atmosphere and the manipulation of chance moments. Therefore, in this dissertation, it is suggested that decision makers should pay attention to a number of key points when they consider implementing policy termination, such as their grasp of the changes of environment, the choice of junctures that would be beneficial to policy termination and their emphasis on interactive strategy instead of dwelling on the drafting of plans or limiting themselves in a straightforward trend of thought and rigid ways. Decision makers should work to eliminate the mental resistance in the anti policy termination alliance camp and look for ways to rally support to create a vision of consensus and a win-win situation to ensure victories in the efforts for policy termination.

    中文摘要…………………………………………………………………I 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………II 目次 ……………………………………………………………………IV 表次………………………………………………………………………VI 圖次 ……………………………………………………………………VII 第一章 緒論 …………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………… 1 第二節 研究方法與架構…………………………………………… 2 第三節 研究範圍與限制 ……………………………………………6 第四節 名詞解釋與文獻分析 ………………………………………7 第二章 政策終結之基本概念 ……………………………………17 第一節 政策終結的內涵……………………………………………17 第二節 政策終結的發生……………………………………………22 第三節 政策終結的障礙與策略……………………………………26 第四節 政策終結的整合……………………………………………33 第三章 臺北市政府公教員工退休互助制度之內涵 …………41 第一節 臺北市政府公教員工退休互助制度的問題………………41 第二節 臺北市政府公教員工退休互助制度的發展………………48 第三節 臺北市政府員工退休互助制度的功能……………………55 第四節 臺北市政府員工退休互助制度的改革……………………56 第四章 我國公教員工福利互助制度之終結影響…………… 67 第一節 我國公教員工福利互助制度的問題……………………… 67 第二節 我國公教員工福利互助制度的發展……………………… 70 第三節 我國公教員工福利在人力資源管理的功能……………… 71 第四節 我國公教員工福利互助制度的改革……………………… 72 第五章 臺北市政府員工退休互助制度之政策終結 …………77 第一節 退休互助需要終結的理由 …………………………………77 第二節 阻礙退休互助終結的緣由…………………………………79 第三節 退休互助終結的策略運作 …………………………………81 第四節 退休互助政策終結分析的結果 …………………………… 85 第六章 結論 ……………………………………………………… 89 第一節 研究發現…………………………………………………… 89 第二節 研究建議…………………………………………………… 90 第三節 研究展望(後續研究)……………………………………100 參考書目…………………………………………………………………103 附錄一 臺北市政府及所屬機關學校公教員工退休互助辦法………109 附錄二 臺北市政府及所屬機關學校公教員工喪亡互助辦法………111 附錄三 臺北市政府暨所屬機關學校公教人員退休互助辦法………113 附錄四 臺北市政府暨所屬機關學校公教員工喪亡互助辦法………115 表  次 表4-1 臺北市政府福利互助結算金職員退離人數比率統計表………75 表4-2 臺北市政府福利互助結算金工友退離人數比率統計表………75 表6-1 臺北市政府自辦互助歷年職員退休喪亡人數及年繳互助金統計表………………………………………………………………91 表6-2 臺北市政府自辦互助歷年工友退休喪亡人數及年繳互助金統計表………………………………………………………………94 表6-3 甲方案(退還實繳本利並加發五萬五千元方案)一覽表………96 表6-4 乙方案(加倍退還實繳本利方案)一覽表………………………97 表6-5 丙方案(退還累計實繳本利方案)一覽表………………………98 圖  次 圖1-1 研究架構圖………………………………………………………5 圖2-1 終結抗拒階層圖…………………………………………………20 圖2-2 終結過程模式圖…………………………………………………36 圖3-1 臺北市政府退休喪亡互助收支明細圖…………………………52 圖3-2 臺北市政府退休喪亡互助參加人數情形統計圖………………54 圖3-3 臺北市政府職員年領取退休互助金平均人數圖………………55

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