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研究生: 袁明城
Cooper Yuan
論文名稱: 以混合式多準則模式重塑雲端供應鏈價值網路
The Cloud-Based Supply Chain for Re-Configuring Value Network by Using a Hybrid MCDM Framework
指導教授: 黃啟祐
Huang, Chi-Yo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 145
中文關鍵詞: 雲端計算雲端供應鏈價值網絡
英文關鍵詞: Cloud Computing, Cloud-Based Supply Chain, Value Network
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:148下載:0
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  • 近年來,企業組織都面臨著比以往更加複雜和競爭激烈的商業環境。然而隨著資訊技術 (IT) 漸漸的普及和相關新技術的發展,在激烈的市場要求下,資訊科技已經是一個必備的競爭能耐。如何靈活應用資訊科技,在企業的價值網絡中扮演著重要的角色。近來,由於雲端計算 (cloud computing) 的發展與網路資源的運用 (諸如:硬體和軟體資源),提供企業一個新的資訊科技應用模式。研發 (research and development) 是企業創新、開發新知識與新產品或服務的關鍵組成要素。雲端製造 (cloud manufacturing) 是一個新服務導向,高效率,低知識基礎成本的智慧網絡製造模式。企業也因為價值鏈的管理優勢,提供了一個高標準的產品品質,服務和速度讓企業整體行銷策略成功。雲端供應鏈 (cloud-based supply chain) 主要提供了一個新趨勢的網路服務與應用程序,幫助企業產品推廣,銷售及其產品供應鏈 (supply chain) 的管理,對客戶和生產商都有相當的好處。在個人電腦(personal computer) 工業製造領域,全球供應鏈的價值網路已開發出專門的產業聚落,包含美國,台灣,中國,和其他地方。這個價值網路的功能允許個人電腦廠商在不同的產品和市場配置價值鏈的靈活性。因此,企業如何能創造新的價值網路,增強業務流程重新設計,並且探討相關的研發,製造,行銷和供應鏈管理已成為企業最關鍵和最困難的問題之一。本研究運用修式德菲爾法 (modified Delphi)、分析網路程序法 (Analytic Network Process)、VIKOR法(VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) 及決策實驗室分析法 (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory),以此四種分析法為基礎的多準則決策法 (Multiple Criteria Decision Making),找出最重要指標及最佳策略並提供企業建議、選擇和重新配置企業價值網路之參考。依據專家訪談結果,最佳雲端運算策略依序為快速部署,大規模分散式儲存,巨量資料處理,資源調度,多租戶技術,大規模訊息通信,授權管理與計費。

    In recent years, business organizations have faced a more complex and competitive environment than ever before. Successful business processes are the ways actors work in enterprises and collaborate in value networks, while e-processes support a flexible flow of information between IT systems and business processes. Cloud computing provides a new mode of use and of offer of IT resources. Research and development is a key component of innovation and refers to activities that help develop new knowledge, products, and devising better ways of developing new products and services. Cloud manufacturing is a new service-oriented, high efficient, lowly consumption knowledge base, and intelligent networked manufacturing model. Holistic marketers succeed by managing a superior value chain that delivers a high level of product quality, service, and speed. The cloud-based supply chain which provides a new network to deliver applications as services over the Internet has become a key trend to supply chain management, for product promotion, sales and distribution with substantial benefits to customers and producers alike. At the industry level, a broad value network has developed that encompasses specialized industry clusters in the U.S., Taiwan, China, and elsewhere, yet this network is global in scope and not bound by the need for physical proximity. The capabilities of this value network allow personal computer makers’ flexibility in configuring value chains for different products and markets. Therefore, how enterprises can create value from the emerging information society by enhanced business process re-engineering, and to explore the correlation research and development, manufacturing, marketing and supply chain has become one of the most critical and difficult concerns. A decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) technique based novel multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method with modified Delphi method and the analytic network process (ANP) as well as VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) will be proposed for selecting and re-configuring the aspired the aspired value network. According to the result from experts, the cloud computing strategies, in the order from the highest valuation to the lowest, are rapid deployment, large-scale distributed storage, huge data processing, resource scheduling, multi-tenant technology, large message communication and finally, authorization management and billing.

    Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Motivations 4 1.3 Objectives 5 1.4 Research Procedures 5 1.5 Research Contributions and Limitations 7 1.6 Research Structure 7 Chapter 2 Literature Review 8 2.1 Brief reviews of Value 8 2.1.1 Value Definitions 8 2.1.2 Value Management 11 2.1.3 Value Performance Variables 11 2.1.4 Reconfiguration Value Network 12 2.2 Cloud Computing 15 2.2.1 Brief Rreview of Cloud Computing 15 2.2.2 Value Chain of Cloud Computing 16 2.2.3 Business Model of Cloud Computing 17 2.2.4 Cloud Computing Strategy 18 2.3 Supply Chain Management Strategy 19 2.3.1 Brief Review of Supply Chain Management 20 2.3.2 Cloud-based Supply Chain 21 2.4 Manufacturing Strategy 22 2.4.1 Brief Review of Manufacturing 22 2.4.2 Cloud-based Manufacturing 23 2.5 Marketing Strategy 24 2.5.1 Brief Rreview of Marketing 24 2.5.2 Cloud-based Marketing 25 2.6 Research and Development Strategy 27 2.6.1 Brief Rreview of Research and Development 28 2.6.2 Cloud-based Research and Development 29 2.7 The Value System Coordination 30 2.7.1 Manufacturing and Supply Chain Coordination 30 2.7.2 Manufacturing and Marketing Coordination 31 2.7.3 Manufacturing and Research and Development Coordination 31 2.7.4 Supply Chain and Marketing Coordination 32 2.7.5 Supply Chain and Research and Development Coordination 32 2.7.6 Marketing and Research and Development Coordination 33 Chapter 3 Research Methodology 34 3.1 Design of a Coordinated Value System 34 3.2 The Analytical Process 36 3.3 Delphic Oracle's Skills of Interpretation and Foresight 37 3.4 Brief Reviews of the DEMATEL Method 38 3.5 The Analytic Network Process (ANP) Method 41 3.6 VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) 45 Chapter 4 Empirical Study 48 4.1 Criteria and Possible Strategy Derivations 53 4.1.1 Cloud Computing Strategies 53 4.1.2 Criteria Definitions 54 Supply Chain Evaluation Criteria 54 Manufacturing Evaluation Criteria 55 Marketing Evaluation Criteria 56 Research and Development Evaluation Criteria 58 4.2 Network Relation Map Structuring by DEMATEL 60 4.2.1 Manufacturing Network Relation Map Structuring 61 4.2.2 Marketing Network Relation Map Structuring 62 4.2.3 Research and Development Network Relation Map Structuring 64 4.2.4 Supply Chain Relation Map Structuring 65 4.2.5 Research and Development and Manufacturing Relation Map Structuring 67 4.3 Calculating the Weights of Determinants by ANP 70 4.3.1 Calculating the Weights of Manufacturing Determinants 70 4.3.2 Calculating the Weights of marketing Determinants 71 4.3.3 Calculating the Weights of Research and Development Determinants 72 4.3.4 Calculating the Weights of Supply Chain Determinants 73 4.3.5 Calculating the Weights of Research and Development and Manufacturing Determinants 74 4.4 Compromise Ranking by VIKOR 76 Chapter 5 Discussions 79 5.1 Value Network 79 5.1.1 Value System 79 5.1.2 Manufacturing 81 5.1.3 Marketing 81 5.1.4 Research and Development 82 5.1.5 Supply Chain Management 83 5.1.6 Research and Development and Manufacturing 83 5.1.7 Cloud Computing and Supply Chain 83 5.2 Research Method 84 5.2.1 DEMATEL 84 5.2.2 ANP 87 5.2.3 VIKOR 87 Chapter 6 Concluding Remarks 89 References 90 Appendix 112

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