簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳建樺
Jean-Hua Chen
論文名稱: 遠距離投籃訓練對大專男子籃球選手三分球命中率之影響
The Influence of Long Range Shooting Training to 3-Point Shooting Percentage of Male College Basketball Players
指導教授: 許樹淵
Hsu, Shu-Yuen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 遠距離投籃訓練大專男子籃球選手三分球命中率變異數分析
英文關鍵詞: Long range shooting training, Male college basketball player, 3-point shooting percentage, ANOVA
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:162下載:30
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  • 本研究之目的為:透過遠距離投籃訓練,探討球員在訓練時對投籃距離負荷增加的適應,是否能夠提高三分線投籃命中率、三分線投籃效率及達到穩定的三分線投籃命中率趨向。研究方法是以18名大專男子籃球選手為研究對象(平均年齡為 21.78±2.64 歲,身高為 177.67±5.06 公分,體重為 72.33±6.74 公斤),依前測成績蛇行排列同質性分組分為遠距離訓練組(投籃距離8.00公尺)、三分線訓練組(投籃距離6.25公尺)及控制組等三組,各組進行每週兩次每次150球,為期8週的投籃訓練,並在前4周訓練後進行中測,後4周訓練後進行後測,將所收集之實驗數據,以SPSS for windows 10.0套裝統計軟體,進行混合設計二因子變異數及趨向分析,以及相依樣本二因子變異數及趨向分析,考驗各組進步趨向的顯著差異性,統計數值均定為α=.05,結果發現:
    一、 不同分期測驗命中率達顯著差異,而不同分期測驗與組別有交互作用(p<.05)。
    二、 遠距離組在後測之投籃效率顯著優於控制組(p<.05)。
    三、 三分線組之變異數分析及趨向分析在測驗分期達到顯著差異,並且於中測及後測時於位置三之成績顯著優於前測(p<.05)。
    四、 三分線組在中測的投籃效率及投籃命中率顯著優於控制組,並且於後測之位置一及位置三之成績顯著優於控制組(p<.05)。

    The purpose of this study is to explore how the male college basketball players would be adapting themselves in long range shooting training load, to increase the percentage, efficiency and stability of 3-point shooting. There were 18 male college basketball players (average age: 21.78+2.64 years old; average height: 177.67+ 5.06cm; average weight: 72.33+ 6.74kg) participated in this study, and these players were divided in three groups: long range training group (8 meters); 3-point line training group (6.25meters); and the control group according to the pre-test results. All of the groups were given shooting training for 8 weeks (150 shots for each time, twice a week); the mid-test was given at the end of the four weeks. The data collected were processed and analyzed using 2-way mixed design, 2-way repeated measure ANOVAs and Trend Analysis with SPSS 10.0 (Windows Edition). The significant level was set for α=.05. The finding of this study goes as follows:
    1. The shooting percentage in different tests is significantly different, and there is interaction between different groups and tests (p<.05).
    2. The shooting efficiency of long range group is better than control group in post-test (p<.05).
    3. The ANOVA and Trend Analysis of the 3-point group is significantly different among testing period; and the players in position 3 has higher grades in the mid-test and the post-test than the pre-test (p<.05).
    4. The shooting efficiency and percentage of the 3-point group is significantly better than control group, and the post-test of the 3-point group in position 1 and 3 are significantly better than the ones of control group (p<.05).

    中文摘要 ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅰ 英文摘要 ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅱ 謝誌 ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅲ 目錄 ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅳ 第壹章 緒論---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 第一節 研究背景與動機----------------------------------------- 1 第二節 研究目的-------------------------------------------------- 3 第三節 研究假設-------------------------------------------------- 4 第四節 研究範圍及限制----------------------------------------- 5 第五節 名詞解釋及操作性定義-------------------------------- 6 第貳章 文獻探討---------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 7 第一節 籃球投籃相關文獻探討-------------------------------- 7 第二節 投籃動作與投籃距離之相關文獻探討-------------- 9 第三節 運動員對訓練產生適應之相關文獻探討----------- 11 第四節 本章結語-------------------------------------------------- 14 第參章 研究方法與步驟- -------------------------------------------------------------- 15 第一節 研究對象-------------------------------------------------- 15 第二節 研究設計及架構----------------------------------------- 16 第三節 實驗時間及地點----------------------------------------- 17 第四節 實驗流程及步驟----------------------------------------- 18 第五節 實驗儀器-------------------------------------------------- 22 第六節 訓練方式-------------------------------------------------- 23 第七節 測驗方式-------------------------------------------------- 25 第八節 資料處理與統計分析----------------------------------- 26 第肆章 結果與討論------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 27 第一節 各組之不同分期與不同位置變異數與趨向分析- 27 第二節 三組間不同分期各位置成績差異之比較---------- 32 第三節 不同分期測驗成績變異數與趨向分析------------- 35 第四節 本章結語------------------------------------------------- 41 第伍章 結論與建議------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 43 第一節 結論----------------------------------------------------- 43 第二節 建議----------------------------------------------------- 45 參考文獻 ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 46 附錄 附表一 實驗須知說明暨實驗參加同意書------------------- 50

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