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研究生: 陳翊慈
Chen, Yu-Tzu
論文名稱: 初探國小高年級低視生繪畫教學策略對繪畫表現與口語表達之影響
A Preliminary Study on the Teaching Strategies of Drawing for Students with Low Vision in the Fifth and Sixth Grades Impacts on Drawing Expression and Verbal Communication
指導教授: 伊彬
I, Bin
口試委員: 伊彬
I, Bin
Hsu, Hsiu-Chu
Chang, Wan-Chi
口試日期: 2022/07/05
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 126
中文關鍵詞: 低視力視障藝術教育繪畫表現教學策略口語表達
英文關鍵詞: low vision, arts education, drawing expression, teaching strategy, verbal communication
研究方法: 行動研究法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201835
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:62下載:28
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  • 關於低視生繪畫教育研究之資料至今仍相當缺乏,本研究採行動研究法、半結構式訪談,實際教導中部視障重點學校的4位11~12歲國小五、六年級的低視生,分別進行一對一個別與一對三群體教學,為期一學期每週一次共16堂80分鐘的繪畫教學課程,以探討多樣的實物模型引導對於擴展高年級低視生繪畫發展之可能性,並觀察課堂中的對談與繪後說故事是否影響其繪畫表現與口語表達能力,且經過持續修正教學,提出影響其繪畫表現與口語表達之關鍵性教學策略。研究結果與分析可見:在繪畫表現上,參與者的人物繪畫、靜物寫生、物體與大場景的情境聯想繪畫、想像力、及空間表現能力在前、後測表現皆明顯進步,甚至有高階的透視空間構圖表現 ; 在口語表達能力上也有所提升,甚至進而加強了社交能力。研究結果顯示,實物模型寫生的教學策略對繪畫表現有正向影響性:(1)提供多樣化實物模型使其增加物體認知能力 ;(2)鼓勵手眼併用觀察實物模型使其提升觀察全面性 ;(3)觀察多重角度實物模型使其加強立體構成理解力。研究結果發現,課堂對談與繪後說故事可增進繪畫表現與口語表達能力:(1)循序式對話引導提升其繪畫情境營造與口語表達能力 ;(2)執行「繪後說故事」的口說引導使其加強組織口語表達內容。並可藉由8項具體建議關鍵性繪畫教學策略引導高年級低視生繪畫:(1)教學前的個案了解以利後續設定繪畫教學策略 ;(2)提供適合其視力狀況的畫紙尺寸與繪畫媒材 ;(3)藝術欣賞的多樣化作品選擇與大小尺寸印製以便於觀看討論 ;(4)與校方、家長保持適當聯繫以了解低視生在學習中的身心狀態 ;(5)正向鼓勵式教學進而增進學習動機與自信心 ;(6)小尺寸圖卡繪畫可練習構圖佈局與擴增繪畫影像資料庫 ;(7)小尺寸圖卡組合成大範圍繪畫的佈局構圖概念助於空間構圖表現 ;(8)觀賞教學期間的繪畫作品或舉辦成果展示具正向意義。

    To date, there has been a dearth of data on the study of drawing education for students with low vision. The present study aimed to contribute to filling this gap by adopting the action research approach and conducting semi-structured interviews. Actual instructional practices, in both one-to-one individualized and one-to-three group instruction formats, were implemented on four 11 to 12-year-old students with low vision studying in the fifth or sixth grade of a primary school in Central Taiwan. An 80-minute drawing education class was offered on a weekly basis for one semester, with a total of 16 sessions implemented. Through this course, the possibility of using diverse 3D models in guidance to expand drawing development among fifth and sixth graders with low vision was explored. In addition, whether the in-class conversations and storytelling through drawing activity would affect these students’ drawing expression and verbal communication ability was observed. Further, through continued modifications to the instruction, key instructional strategies influencing drawing expression and verbal communication among students with low vision were propounded. The research results and analysis of this study revealed the following. In terms of drawing expression, significant improvements were observed in the participants’ posttest performance compared to their pretest performance in the following aspects: figure painting, still life painting, situational association painting for objects and large scenes, imagination, spatial representation ability, and even advanced perspective spatial composition. The participants also showed improvements in their verbal communication ability, and even enhanced their social skills. According to the research results of this study, the 3D model sketching-based instructional strategy had a positive influence on the students’ drawing expression in that: (1) providing diverse 3D models increased the students’ object recognition ability; (2) encouraging the students to observe 3D models with both hands and eyes enhanced the comprehensiveness of their observation; and (3) observing 3D models from multiple angles improved their comprehension of three-dimensional composition. Based on the results of this study, the in-class conversations and storytelling through drawing activity have been found to improve the students’ drawing expression and verbal communication ability in that: (1) step-by-step conversational guidance enhanced their drawing situation building and verbal communication ability; and (2) implementing speaking guidance through the “storytelling through drawing activity” helped the students improve their ability to organize the content for verbal communication. Further, eight specific key strategies for drawing instruction were proposed to guide fifth and sixth graders with low vision to create drawings: (1) understanding the students prior to teaching would facilitate the subsequent formulation of drawing instruction strategies; (2) drawing paper sizes and drawing media suitable for students’ levels of vision should be provided; (3) a diverse selection of works printed in various sizes should be offered to facilitate viewing and discussion in art appreciation; (4) the instructor should maintain a proper contact with the school and the parents of students with low vision to understand their psychosomatic state in learning; (5) a positive, encouraging form of instruction should be executed to increase learning motivation and self-confidence in students; (6) small-sized picture card drawing may be implemented for the purpose of composition-layout practice and expanding the image database for drawing; (7) small-sized picture cards can be combined to construct layout and composition concepts for larger-scale paintings, thereby helping enhance students’ performance in composition; and (8) viewing the paintings created during the period of instruction or organizing an achievement display is of positive significance.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究流程與架構 4 第四節 名詞釋義 5 第五節 研究範圍 7 第貳章 文獻探討 8 第一節 關於低視力 8 第二節 關於藝術教育 16 第三節 兒童的心智與繪畫發展理論 19 第四節 高年級低視生的教學理論 24 第五節 視障生的口語表達培養 31 第參章 研究方法 34 第一節 研究設計 34 第二節 研究者與參與者 36 第三節 人物訪談 40 第四節 研究工具 43 第五節 教學環境 46 第六節 課程設計 48 第七節 繪畫教學策略 57 第肆章 研究結果與分析 59 第一節 前測表現 59 第二節 學習表現 68 第三節 前後測結果比較 84 第四節 教學前後之人物訪談結果比較 93 第五節 綜合結果分析 97 第伍章 討論 98 第一節 高年級低視生的課程設計及教學方式檢討 98 第二節 高年級低視生的教學引導成效 103 第三節 影響低視生繪畫的學習因素 106 第陸章 結論 109 第一節 實物模型寫生的教學策略對繪畫表現有正向影響性 109 第二節 課堂中的對談與繪後說故事可增進繪畫表現與口語表達能力 111 第三節 其他影響高年級低視生繪畫表現的關鍵教學策略 112 第四節 研究價值 116 第五節 研究限制與未來研究建議 117 參考文獻 119

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