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研究生: 馬維妮
Virginie Marc
論文名稱: A Study of the Effect of National Culture Value and Self-Efficacy on Organizational Commitment in Haiti
指導教授: 蔡錫濤
Tsai, Shir-Tau
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 國際文化價值自我效能組織承諾海地
英文關鍵詞: National Culture Value, Self-Efficacy, Organizational Commitment, Haiti
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:202下載:20
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  • This thesis would not have been possible without the tremendous encouragement of family and friends, the guidance of professors, and strength from the Lord, to all of whom I am heartily thankful. I am very grateful to the International Cooperation Development Fund (ICDF) who had provided me the opportunity to get my Master’s Degree at the National Taiwan Normal University by their financial support. My thanks go to my University which has provided us a sane environment with facilities for studying, and to the office team who had been always there for me that I’m so grateful for their patience and tolerance. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my academic and thesis advisor, Dr. Ted Shir-Tau Tsai who has been devoted to guide and support me kindly throughout the process. Without his expertise, and willingness to help by his suggestion, encouragement, and other support, this study could not have been completed.
    Besides, I would like to thank my committee members, Dr. Steven Chih-Chien Lai and Dr. Chen Farn-Shing, who appreciated my efforts of researcher and gave me healthy comments, and suggestions to improve my Thesis in which they had mentioned as a good source of information about Haiti. Also, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the other professors who help me with a more understanding about my topic.
    Finally, an honorable mention goes to my families, my people in Haiti, and my friends for their understandings and supports on me in completing this Study. Without helps of the particular that mentioned above, I would face many difficulties while doing this research.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT I TABLES OF CONTENTS III LIST OF TABLES VI LIST OF FIGURES VII CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Research Purposes 6 Research Question 6 Delimitations & Limitations 7 Definitions of Terms 7 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW 9 Introduction to Haiti 9 National Culture Value 13 Self-Efficacy 23 Organizational Commitment 36 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY 45 Research Framework 45 Sample 46 Research Hypothesis 46 Data Collection 48 Instrument 48 Reliability and Validity 49 Data Analysis 51 Research Procedure 52 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 55 Profile of Respondents 55 Descriptive Statistic 57 National Culture Value (5 Dimensions) 61 Hypotheses (testing) 70 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 89 Conclusion 89 Recommendations 91 Implications for Future Research 94 Contributions of the Study 94 REFERENCES 96 APPENDICES 103 APPENDIX A: Questionnaire (Haitian Creole’ Translation) 103 APPENDIX B: Questionnaire (English) 109 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1. Factor Analysis and Reliability Results for the Motivational 51 Table 3.2. Coding System used in SPSS 52 Table 4.1 Descriptive Data for Males and Females Respondents 55 Table 4.2. Descriptive Data for Respondent's Group of Age 56 Table 4.3. Descriptive Analysis for Level of Education 56 Table 4.4. Descriptive Analysis for Type of Job 57 Table 4. 5. Descriptive Analysis for Region 57 Table 4.6. Descriptive Statistics for Questionnaire Items 58 Table 4.7. Score for Five (5) Dimensions of Haitian National Culture System 61 Table 4.8. Score for 5 Dimensions of Haitian National Culture System between Groups of Age 63 Table4.9. Score for 5 Dimension of National Culture Value System between Educational Level 65 Table 4.10. Score for 5 Dimensions of National Culture Value System between Type of Job 66 Table 4.11. Score for Dimensions of National Culture Value System between Regions 68 Table 4.12. Cultural Dimensions - Comparison to Haiti 69 Table 4.13. T-test for Difference between Male and Female 70 Table 4.14. ANOVA for Difference between Group of Age 72 Table 4.15. ANOVA for Difference between Educational Levels 73 Table 4.16. ANOVA for Difference between Type of Job 74 Table 4.17. ANOVA for Difference among Regions 75 Table 4.18. T-test for Difference between Male and Female on Self-efficacy 76 Table 4.19. ANOVA for Difference between Group of Age on Self-efficacy 76 Table 4.20. ANOVA for Difference between Educational Levels 77 Table 4.21. ANOVA for Difference between Type of Job on Self-efficacy 78 Table 4.22. ANOVA for Difference between Regions on Self-efficacy 78 Table 4.23. T-test for Difference between Male and Female on Organizational Commitment 79 Table 4.24. ANOVA for Difference between Group of Age on Organizational Commitment 79 Table4.25. ANOVA for Difference between Educational Level on Organizational Commitment 80 Table 4.26. ANOVA for Difference between Type of Job on Organization Commitment 81 Table 4.27. ANOVA for Difference between Region on Organizational Commitment 82 Table4.28. Correlation between Average of National Value System and Organizational Commitment 82 Table 4.29. Correlation between Average Organizational Commitment and Self-efficacy 83 Table 4.30. Correlation Between Average of National Value System and Self-Efficacy 83 Table 4.31. Correlation between Average of National Value System, Self-efficacy, and Average Organizational Commitment 84 Table 4.32. Model Summary----H7 (Both Self-Efficacy and National Value System would have no Effect on Organizational Commitment) 84 Table 4.33. Correlation between Religion and Organization Commitment 85 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3. 1 Research Framework 46 Figure 3.2 Research Procedures 53 Figure 4.1 Score for Five (5) Dimensions of Haitian National Culture System 61 Figure 4.2 Score for 5 Dimensions of Haitian National Culture System between Groups of Age 64 Figure 4.3 Score for 5 Dimensions of National Culture Value System between Educational Levels 65 Figure 4.4 Score for 5 Dimension of National Culture Value System between Types of Job 67 Figure 4.5 Score for Dimensions of National Culture Value System between Regions 68

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