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研究生: 簡妙芩
Chien, Miao-Chin
論文名稱: 地標型禮品店之創新營運模式研究:以T公司為例
Research on the Innovative Operational Business Model of Landmark Gift Shop:A Case Study of T Company
指導教授: 蕭中強
Hsiao, Chuang-Chiang
口試委員: 蕭中強
Hsiao, Chuang-Chiang
Chien, Yi-Wen
Lin, Chia-Wei
口試日期: 2024/04/30
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Global Fashion
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: 設計思考藍海策略創新營運紀念品
英文關鍵詞: Design Thinking, Blue Ocean Strategy, Innovation operational model, Souvenir
研究方法: 個案研究法訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400587
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:33下載:1
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  • 過去三年,全球旅遊及商業活動因為Covid-19而受到重創,對於依賴中國大陸及日本觀光客的T公司觀景台及禮品店造成了來客數雪崩式的衝擊,在這種情況下,禮品店為因應不受觀光人潮數的影響,採取了策略性的調整增加精緻禮品及商務伴手禮,將重心轉向增加以吸引本國人,創造主題式的高空場域規劃並推出國內旅遊優惠方案等,以滿足現代人喜好的拍照和打卡需求,吸引本地遊客,隨著觀光客結構改變,禮品店調整商品開發策略,注重與台灣品牌的合作、節日禮盒商品等,以貼近當下消費趨勢,並在疫情緩和之後逐漸見效。

    Over the past three years, global tourism and business activities have been severely impacted by Covid-19, which is a devastating blow to the operations of T Company observation towers and gift shops that rely on tourists from mainland China and Japan. In response to the decline in tourist numbers, gift shops have made strategical adjustments by providing more designer gifts and corporate gifts to local consumers. The focus has been shifted to attracting domestic visitors by creating themed events at high-floored venues and launching domestic travel schemes, which provide modern visitors with social media check-in and photo opportunities . As the demography of tourists changes, gift shops have adjusted product development strategies. With more focus on collaboration with Taiwanese brands and creating holiday gift sets, the new strategies align with current consumer trends and have been proven rather effective after the pandemic.
    However, with the easing of the pandemic, foreign tourists have gradually returned, although yet to catch up with the pre-pandemic levels. While overall revenues have seen improvements compared to pre-pandemic times, the rise in visitor numbers fails to bring proportional increase to profits. This study employs the model of design thinking process to address the following issues: the continuous need for innovative operational development unaffected by tourist flows, to adapt to changes in post-pandemic market, and to meet consumer’s expectations. Firstly, it begins with the exploration of consumer’s needs and preferences. After understanding the consumer’s needs and identifying problems, it moves on to finding creative solutions, prototype testing, then finally making responses to consumer feedback. The study aims to identify expectation gaps between tourists and consumers. With the help of case studies and interviews, the author utilizes design thinking methods, in the hope to discuss various ways to create more attractive products and better service experiences. Four main aspects - product design, functionality, sustainability, and display layout - are addressed in the following suggestions for future improvements:

    1.Understanding the importance of lightweight packaging. With customized and visually appealing designs, the products should be easy for travelers to carry as gifts.
    2.Unique branding must incorporate local designs and cultural essence, with powerful designs and creative packaging to enhance product sustainability.
    3 Improving the uniqueness and refined quality of products to offer consumers an exclusive shopping experience.
    4. Value creation not only product commemorative but also aim to integrate internally resources alignment
    5. The important role souvenir shops can play in creating a positive image of local
    culture for visitors.
    6.Recognizing the evolution of souvenir shops in important landmarks can go beyond brick-and-mortar retail experiences.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究流程及架構 6 第四節 研究範圍及限制 7 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 設計思考 8 第二節 藍海策略 11 第三節 資源基礎理論 13 第三章 研究方法 15 第一節 個案研究方法 15 第二節 訪談法 16 第三節 訪談設計 16 第四節 編碼原則 20 第四章 個案研究與分析 22 第一節 台灣伴手禮暨禮品市場概況 22 第二節 禮品店概況分析 25 第三節 潛在的盲點尚待改善 30 第四節 創新商品開發與營運模式之建議 32 第五章 結論與建議 34 第一節 研究結論 34 第二節 研究貢獻 35 第三節 研究限制與建議 36 參考文獻 37 中文文獻 37 英文文獻 39 附錄 41

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