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研究生: 林清芳
論文名稱: 技術學院學生學習微處理機介面電路系統之問題解決行為分析研究
An Analysis of Problem Solving Behavior of Students’ Learning Microprocessor Interface Circuit System for Technological Institute
指導教授: 饒達欽
Rau, Dar-Chin
Lee, Ji-Charng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 370
中文關鍵詞: 問題解決介面電路系統有聲思考
英文關鍵詞: Problem solving, interface circuit system, thinking aloud
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:241下載:17
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  • 本研究為達成「建構微處理機介面電路系統問題解決行為架構分類、探討不同受試者於微處理機介面電路系統問題解決之行為差異、探討不同受試者先備知識、學習態度與微處理機介面電路系統問題解決成效之相關性、分析影響微處理機介面電路系統問題解決成效之類別」等研究目的,首先從技術學院電子科日間部及進修部。擇取52名受試者,並將其區分為四組,先以有聲思考法紀錄學生於進行微處理機介面電路系統問題解決時之各項行為,經轉譯為文字後予編碼,最後以SPSS/PC統計分析分析與質性討論,獲得以下結論:

    The study was aimed to achieve the following research purposes: to classify the problem solving behavior of microprocessor interface circuit system, to explore the difference between problem solving behaviors of different subjects, to explore the relationships among subjects’ prerequisite knowledge, learning attitudes and problem solving effects, and to analyze the factors affecting the performance of problem solving on microprocessor interface circuit system.
    The subjects selected in the study were fifty-two students from the day and night schools of a technological institute and were divided into four groups. Thinking aloud was adopted as the research method to record students’ problem solving behaviors. The transcripts then were coded for the statistic analysis by the SPSS/PC as well as the qualitative inquiry. The major findings are illustrated as the following:
    1. The behavior classification of the problem solving model of microprocessor interface circuit system has been divided into four categories as understanding, planning, inspecting and executing; and further into twenty-three subcategories.
    2. The percentage of the problem solving model of microprocessor interface circuit system was: inspecting behavior (41.6%), executing behavior (39.2%), planning behavior (8.3%) and understanding behavior (4.6%).
    (1) The highest frequency appearing in day school is “connecting adjustment” while in night school is “observing examination.”
    (2) The highest frequency of the prerequisite knowledge in the upper level is “verifying results” while in the lower level is “connecting adjustment.”
    (3) The highest frequency of the learning attitude in both of the upper and lower level is “observing examination.”
    (4) The highest frequency of the deal time in long periods is “connecting adjustment” while in short periods is “observing examination.”
    (5) The highest frequency of the pass/not passed in the pass group is “connecting adjustment” while in the not-passed one is “connecting analysis.”
    (6) The highest frequency of the achievement score in the upper level is “connecting adjustment” while in the lower level is “observing examination.”
    3. The factor related to the significant effects (pass or fail, achievement scores) on problem solving is “prerequisite knowledge.”
    4. This study found that learning attitudes, professional knowledge, reading apprehension, planning ability, self-efficacy, experience analogy, perception of question symptom, ability of utilizing instruments, ability of problem analyzing and map reading have been the major items of affecting the performance of the subjects’ problem solving of microprocessor interface circuit system.

    中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅱ 目錄 Ⅲ 圖目錄 Ⅵ 表目錄 Ⅶ 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 4 第三節 名詞釋義 5 第四節 研究基本假定與限制 8 第二章 文獻探討 10 第一節 內隱知識與外顯知識 10 第二節 問題與問題解決的意涵 20 第三節 問題解決的步驟、歷程與模式探討 24 第四節 問題解決歷程之各種方法探討 43 第五節 問題解決的搜尋策略探討 48 第六節 問題解決行為代碼系統探討 58 第七節 影響問題解決成效之相關類別探討 67 第八節 問題解決相關研究 73 第九節 有聲思考相關研究 80 第三章 研究設計與實施 87 第一節 研究架構 87 第二節 研究驟 89 第三節 研究對象 93 第四節 研究工具 94 第五節 編碼者一致性信度考驗 115 第六節 資料整理與分析 117 第四章 資料分析與討論 124  第一節 受試者問題解決行為原案內容與編碼之分析與討論 125  第二節 不同受試者問題解決行為之分析與討論 127 第三節 不同部別受試者問題解決行為之分析與討論 132  第四節 不同先備知識受試者問題解決行為之分析與討論 140  第五節 不同學習態度受試者問題解決行為之分析與討論 149  第六節 依解題時間區分受試者問題解決行為之分析與討論 157  第七節 依通過或未通過區分受試者問題解決行為之分析與討論 165  第八節 依成就分數區分受試者問題解決行為之分析與討論 173  第九節 問題解決成效之相關性探討 181  第十節 影響微處理機介面電路系統問題解決成效之各項類別探討 185 第五章 研究結論與建議 208  第一節 研究結論 209  第二節 研究建議 214 參考書目 一、中文部分 219 二、英文部分 226 附錄 附錄一  微處理機介面電路系統實驗板圖 233 附錄二  微處理機介面電路系統學習態度問卷(預試卷) 234 附錄三  微處理機介面電路系統學習態度問卷(正式卷) 236 附錄四  微處理機介面電路系統先備知識測驗卷(未分類預試卷) 238 附錄五  微處理機介面電路系統先備知識測驗卷(分類預試卷) 241 附錄六  微處理機介面電路系統先備知識測驗卷(未分類正式卷) 244 附錄七  微處理機介面電路系統先備知識測驗卷(分類正式卷) 246 附錄八  受試者問題解決成就評分表 248 附錄九  專家會議紀錄 249 附錄十  有聲思考指導語 253 附錄十一 有聲思考原案內容 254


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