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研究生: 曾盈嘉
Zeng, Ying-Jai
論文名稱: 學生分類學概念訊息處理模式及對分類學發展的看法與解釋
University Students’ Information Processing Patterns on the Concepts of Taxonomy and Their Explanations about the Development of Taxonomy
指導教授: 楊芳瑩
Yang, Fang-Ying
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 科學閱讀先備知識科學解釋眼球追蹤閱讀歷程
英文關鍵詞: scientific reading, prior knowledge, scientific explanation, eye tracking, reading process
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GSE.002.2019.F02
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:150下載:9
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  • 本研究欲探討不同學習成就之非生物相關科系大學生,在閱讀高中基礎生物課文時,對於基礎生物課文內容的整體注意力分配;且欲了解不同先備知識之非生物相關科系大學生,在閱讀科普演化樹文本時,對於演化樹文本之內容的整體注意力分配。同時探討非生物相關科系大學生在閱讀科普演化樹文本後,所提出之科學解釋類型及表現,與其閱讀演化樹文本時的歷程及先備知識是否相關。

    The main purpose of this study was to explore the the effect of prior knowledge in the reading of a popular science article on the topic of evolutionary tree by non-biological related college students using the eye tracking method.. At the same time, we analyzed whether the types and performances of scientific explanations proposed by the non-biological related college students after reading evolutionary tree text were associated with the prior knowledge and reading process of the evolutionary tree text.
    The participants were 32 non-biological major college students. The study procedure is described as follows. First, participants took the pre-test designed to assess the understanding about Taxonomy, and than proceeded to read the text about evolutionary evidence abstracted from the high-school biology textbook. During the reading, students’ eye movements were recorded. After that, subjects took the post-test. Based on the post-test result, students were divided into high, medium and low achievement groups. After the post test, the participants were asked to read a short article on the topic of evolutionary tree which was abstracted from Scientific American while their eye movements were also recorded. Using the learning achievements as the indicators for students’ prior knowledge, we compared the differences in the eye movement patterns of the three achievement groups. In addition, after reading evolutionary tree text, subjects were interviewed to states their views about the Taxonomy. Their responses were than analyzed to probe the types of scientific explanation and the performance of scientific explanation. At last, the relationships between prior knowledge, visual attention distributions and performance of scientific explanations were analyzed by statistical methods.
    The results showed that students with high prior knowledge distributed more visual attention to the picture of evolutionary tree, while the medium group tended to learn from the text. The group of low prior knowledge seemed to have difficulty in organizing the article structure, so they pay more attention in the subtitle area. Furthermore, group of low prior knowledge displayed the least count of inter-scanning between text and picture. For the reading of the popular science text on the topic of the evolutionary tree, it was found that those with high prior knowledge used the less attention and cognitive resources than did the low prior knowledge group. Compared with low prior knowledge group, the medium group seemed to distinguish better the key information.
    By the correlation analysis it was found that the performance of scientific explanations and prior knowledge was positively correlated. No correlation was found between the types of scientific explanation and prior knowledge. For the reading of popular science text, positive correlations were found between the performance of scientific explanation and the reading of the title of the article, the text 1, the text 2, the picture 1, the picture 2 and the species names in the old evolution tree.

    誌 謝 i 摘 要 ii Abstract iii 目 次 v 表 次 ix 圖 次 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 2 第三節 研究範圍與研究限制 3 第四節 名詞解釋 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 科學解釋 6 第二節 科學閱讀 8 一、科學文本 8 二、圖表功能 9 三、科學圖文閱讀 12 第三節 先備知識與科學學習之關係 14 一、先備知識 15 二、先備知識對科學學習的影響 15 第四節 視覺注意力與眼球追蹤技術 16 一、視覺注意力與眼球追蹤技術 16 二、眼球追蹤技術應用於科學教育之相關研究 18 第三章 研究方法 21 第一節 研究架構 21 第二節 研究對象 22 第三節 研究工具 22 一、硬體設備 22 二、閱讀材料 23 (一)基礎生物文本 23 (二)演化樹文本 24 三、概念測驗及訪談 24 第四節 研究設計 25 一、前測 25 二、閱讀高中基礎生物課文 26 三、後測 26 四、閱讀演化樹文本 26 第五節 資料分析 27 一、受試者測驗結果 27 二、閱讀歷程分析 27 三、訪談分析 31 第四章 研究結果與討論 33 第一節 基礎生物閱讀歷程與學習成就之分析 33 一、基礎生物閱讀歷程 33 (一)所有頁面凝視資訊 33 (二)文字與圖片區域的凝視資訊 34 (三)交互閱讀次數 35 二、學習成就測驗 36 三、基礎生物閱讀歷程與學習成就交叉分析 37 (一)所有頁面凝視資訊 37 (二)文字與圖片區域的凝視資訊 37 (三)交互閱讀次數 42 第二節 演化樹閱讀歷程與先備知識之差異性分析 44 一、演化樹閱讀歷程 44 (一)所有頁面凝視資訊 44 (二)各區域的凝視資訊 45 (三)交互閱讀次數 46 二、演化樹閱讀歷程與先備知識高低之關係 47 (一)所有頁面凝視資訊 47 (二)文字與圖片區域的凝視資訊 48 (三)交互閱讀次數 56 第三節 訪談分析 58 一、科學解釋類型 58 二、科學解釋表現分析 58 第四節 演化樹文本之閱讀歷程與先備知識及科學解釋類型和表現之交互分析 63 一、科學解釋類型與先備知識之分析 63 二、科學解釋表現與先備知識之相關 64 三、科學解釋表現與演化樹文本閱讀注意力分配之相關 65 (一)文字與圖片區的凝視資訊與科學解釋表現之相關 65 (二)交互閱讀次數 69 第五章 綜合討論 71 第一節 研究結果與推論 71 一、學習成就與基礎生物閱讀歷程說明 71 二、先備知識與演化樹閱讀歷程說明 73 三、科學解釋類型及表現與先備知識及演化樹閱讀歷程說明 74 第二節 研究問題回應與探討 76 第三節 在教育上的建議 77 參考文獻 79 附錄一 專家效度 86 附錄二 基礎生物前、後測題目 87 附錄三 基礎生物課文AOIs分析區塊 90 附錄四 科普演化樹文本AOIs分析區塊 97 附錄五 受試者訪談逐字稿及分析 98

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