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研究生: 張育慈
Chang, Yu-Tzu
論文名稱: 「視吃」-張育慈的臺灣味繪畫創作研究
See the Traditional Cultures of Taiwan Through Food Paintings- Artist statement by Chang Yu-Tzu
指導教授: 黃進龍
Huang, Chin-Lung
口試委員: 黃進龍
Huang, Chin-Lung
Lin, Wei-Min
Ju, You-yi
口試日期: 2024/05/30
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系美術創作碩士在職專班
Department of Fine Arts_Continuing Education Master's Program of Artistic Creation
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 傳統美食台灣味小吃點心
英文關鍵詞: Traditional cuisine, Taiwanese flavors, Snacks, dessert
研究方法: 調查研究比較研究觀察研究田野調查法圖像比較文獻分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401274
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:31下載:1
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  • 《史記》裡的「民以食為天」,台灣俗語裡的「吃飯皇帝大」,都在闡述相同信息,對人民、百姓而言吃飽三餐不匱乏,是最重要的一件事,自古皆然。

    “Eating is the most important thing for people” as stated in the Records of the Grand Historian. In other words, there is a slang in Taiwanese, “When you are eating, you are like an emperor.” The two proverb explain the same meaning that how important it is to eat well. It has always been a priority for people to have enough food to eat since ancient times. Food is the perfect medium to connect the past and present, as seen in dishes like the two-color water chestnut cake favored by Emperor Qianlong, which remains a common dessert in traditional markets and Chinese restaurants until now.
    Setting aside the conventional biases of daily life, eating can also be an interesting and profound form of contemplation. For me, the joy of philosophy lies at the dinner table, where food carries history and customs, allowing us to glimpse into Taiwan's traditional cuisine. Through this concept and creation, we rediscover the traditional flavors that have been overshadowed by the dominant Western food culture today, blending them into a beautiful fusion that serves as a creative element.
    Chapter one describes the author's reasons and state of mind for creating, presenting the beauty discovered from eating, and deepening the content of creation. Chapter two discusses literature, elucidating the unique characteristics and origins of Taiwan's food culture. Besides, the research on the origins and evolution of various classic snacks, focusing on the localization differences, as well as the differences in culinary art between East and West, and exploring the aesthetics of food and drink.
    Chapter three explores the concept of synesthesia, where stimulation of one sense triggers an unconscious response in another sense. The core idea is infused into painting, using watercolor as a medium to replace words and evoke memories in viewers in order to think back to childhood snacks that I haven't had in a long time.
    Chapter Four explains and records the author's favorite and commonly seen snacks, providing a detailed analysis and description of the works.
    Chapter Five concludes by reflecting on the original intention of expressing emotions through drawing, with a hope to continue exploring different creative directions in the future for a more direct connection and feeling for viewers.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 創作研究動機與目的 1 第二節 創作研究範圍3 第三節 創作研究方法4 第貳章 文獻探討7 第一節 台灣傳統飲食的文化特色7 第二節 飲食的美學探討10 第三節 繪畫中的食物題材12 第參章 創作理念24 第一節 創作理念探討24 第二節 創作內容與形式28 第三節 創作技法與過程32 第肆章 創作解析39 第一節 鹹味佳餚系列41 第二節 甜味情懷系列54 第伍章 結論70 參考書目72

    李開周,《吃一場有趣的宋朝飯局》,台北:時報文化,2014 。
    焦桐,《2008 臺灣飲食文選》,台北:二魚文化,2009。
    芭柏‧史塔基(Barb Stuckey),《味覺獵人:舌尖上的科學與癡迷症指南》,譯者:莊靖,台北:漫遊者文化出版,2014 。
    朱立安‧巴吉尼(Julian Baggini),《吃的美德:餐桌上的哲學思考》,譯者:謝佩妏,台北:商周出版,2014。
    席佛頓(Jonathan Silvertown),《與達爾文共進晚餐演化如何造就美食,食物又如何形塑人類的演化》,譯者:鄧子衿,台北:天下文化,2018。
    傑克‧顧迪(Jack Goody),《飲食與愛情:東方與西方的文化史》,譯者:楊惠君,台北:聯經,2004。
    肯尼斯‧本迪納(Kenneth Bendiner),《繪畫中的食物:從文藝復興到當代》,譯者:譚清,中國北京:新星出版社,2007。
    肯尼士・本迪納(Kenneth Bendiner),《你不可不知道的西洋繪畫中食物的故事》,譯者:陳松筠,新北:高談文化出版,2016。
    羅素‧瓊斯(Russell Jones),《跨感官心理學:解鎖行為背後的知覺密碼,改變他人、提升表現的生活處方箋》,譯者:陳松筠,台北:商周出版,2021。
    霍加斯(William Hogarth),《美的分析》,譯者:楊成寅,台北市:丹青圖書有限公司,1986。
