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研究生: 馬永仁
Yankuba E. Manneh
論文名稱: The Prospects and Challenges of Integrating Information Communication Technology into the Technical and Vocational Education and Training System of the Gambia
The Prospects and Challenges of Integrating Information Communication Technology into the Technical and Vocational Education and Training System of the Gambia
指導教授: 李栢浡
Lee, Pai-Po
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 127
中文關鍵詞: technical and vocational education and traininginformation and communication technologyintegration
英文關鍵詞: technical and vocational education and training, information and communication technology, integration
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:116下載:11
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  • The Gambia being a Least Developing Country (LDC) that aims at reaching the international set standards for development such as Millennium Developing Goals (MDGs) through different strategies one of which is human resource development; the country has put in place coherent strategies for human capital development through improved Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system, which are undoubtedly serving as a catalyst for national development. In spite of this commendable move, efforts are still needed to better shape the TVET system in accordance with international standards which could be done by integrating Information Communication Technology (ICT) the prospects and challenges of which this research examined.
    In this study, technology integration is thus viewed as the use of computing devices such as desktop computers, laptops, handheld computers, software, or internet in TVET system for instructional purposes. The main method of data inquiry for this study was qualitative research technique. Besides document review, semi-structured interviews were administered in MoHERST, NTA, TVET institutions, GAMTEL and Taiwan ICDF. Triangulation was used as the 20 participants were drawn from different levels based on information reached. Results showed that both government and TVET institutions were ready to an extent on all the four aspects of the study but, technical and financial challenges override all the other challenges. Interestingly, GAMTEL was found to have enough BROADBAND capacity and Taiwan ICDF was also found ready to the teeth to handle most of the challenges identified.

    The Gambia being a Least Developing Country (LDC) that aims at reaching the international set standards for development such as Millennium Developing Goals (MDGs) through different strategies one of which is human resource development; the country has put in place coherent strategies for human capital development through improved Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system, which are undoubtedly serving as a catalyst for national development. In spite of this commendable move, efforts are still needed to better shape the TVET system in accordance with international standards which could be done by integrating Information Communication Technology (ICT) the prospects and challenges of which this research examined.
    In this study, technology integration is thus viewed as the use of computing devices such as desktop computers, laptops, handheld computers, software, or internet in TVET system for instructional purposes. The main method of data inquiry for this study was qualitative research technique. Besides document review, semi-structured interviews were administered in MoHERST, NTA, TVET institutions, GAMTEL and Taiwan ICDF. Triangulation was used as the 20 participants were drawn from different levels based on information reached. Results showed that both government and TVET institutions were ready to an extent on all the four aspects of the study but, technical and financial challenges override all the other challenges. Interestingly, GAMTEL was found to have enough BROADBAND capacity and Taiwan ICDF was also found ready to the teeth to handle most of the challenges identified.

    ABSTRACT............................................................................................................... I TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... IIV LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................. IV LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................. V CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1 Background of the Study .................................................................................................... 1 Statement of the Problem .................................................................................................... 2 Significance of the Study .................................................................................................... 3 Research Purpose ................................................................................................................ 3 Research Questions ............................................................................................................. 4 Delimitations of the Study .................................................................................................. 5 Definition of Terms ............................................................................................................ 5 CHAPTER II LITERAURE REVIEW ............................................................................... 6 Planning Model for ICT Integration ................................................................................... 7 Important Aspects for Integrating ICT ............................................................................. 11 The Gambia Scenario of Human Resources Development through TVET ...................... 17 National Training Authority ............................................................................................. 20 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS ......................................................................... 23 Research Approach ........................................................................................................... 23 Research Framework ........................................................................................................ 23 Research Procedure ........................................................................................................... 25 Sampling Process .............................................................................................................. 27 Participants ........................................................................................................................ 28 Data Collection ................................................................................................................. 29 Background of the Researcher ....................................................................................................... 32 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ....................................................... 38 III Findings on Readiness of Government Institutions .......................................................... 39 Findings on Readiness of TVET Institutions .................................................................... 58 Findings on Readiness of Service providers ..................................................................... 71 Discussions ....................................................................................................................... 75 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................................. 78 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 78 Limitations ........................................................................................................................ 85 Suggestions ....................................................................................................................... 85 References ......................................................................................................................... 90 APPENDIX A: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ..........................................................97 APPENDIX B: SAMPLE OPEN CODING PROCESS ........................................103 APPENDIX C: SAMPLE CATEGORIZATION PROCESS ...............................104

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