研究生: |
蔡秀媛 Tsai Shiow-Yuan |
論文名稱: |
國民小學校長教學領導及其影響因素之研究 Study of the Principal's Instructional Leadership and the Factors Behind It |
指導教授: |
Lin, Ching-Jiang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
畢業學年度: | 86 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 教學領導 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:277 下載:0 |
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本研究旨在藉由校長教學領導之理論的探討,分析影響校長教學領導的相關因素,進而調查瞭解台北市國小校長教學領導之現況及其影響因素,最後歸納研究發現,據以提出改進國小校長教學領導之建議。為達成上述研究目的,本研究以文獻分析、問卷調查法為主,以訪問法為輔。首先,透過文獻分析,探討校長教學領導的理論基礎和相關因素;其次,依據文獻探討的結果,編製問卷,進行調查研究,並佐以訪問法,藉以瞭解台北市國小校長教學領導之現況及其影響因素,和對校長教學領導的改進看法;最後,根據研究結論,提出具體建議。 本研究主要研究工具為「國民小學校長教學領導行為」調查問卷。原則上,問卷內容係以Hallinger於1984年所發展之「校長管理量表」(簡稱「PIMPS」)及Larsen於1987年所發展的「教學領導行為問卷」(簡稱「ILBDQ」)的內容為主,並參考Murphy於1990年所提出之校長教學領導概念架構,共包含「發展教學任務與目標」、「確保教育品質」、「營造師生學習氣氛」及「提供教學支援系統」等四大類目。而以台北市公立國小全部校長(共140位)為對象進行調查,再透過單因子變異數分析、薛費法、t考驗、次數分配及逐步多元迴歸等統計方法來分析與詮釋資料。本研究所獲得的結論如下:一、台北市的國小校長對「校長教學領導」的認知與實施大致令人滿意,唯在「發展教學任務與目標」層面,尚待加強。二、國小校長教學領導在性別上的差異,具有統計上的顯著水準。三、國小校長教學領導受其校長年資的影響,並未達顯著差異。四、國小校長教學領導行為因服務學校規模的不同,而在「確保教育品質」層面上具有顯著差異。五、校長學歷在國小校長教學領導上的差異,亦未達統計上的顯著水準。六、不同背景變項的國小校長,對影響校長教學領導因素的看法雖略有差異,唯大體尚稱相近。七、從校長教學領導的影響因素,可以有效預測校長教學領導的績效;其中以「校長個人因素」最具影響力,其次是「學校情境因素」,而以「社會情境因素」影響最小。八、不同變項的國小校長對教學領導之改進建議頗為一致。九、「改進國小校長教學領導的建議」與「影響國小校長教學領導的因素」相當契合,可見校長們的看法與感受頗為一致。十、對於處於變遷快速、教改呼聲頗高的台北市國小校長而言,在教學領導的改進建議上,已出現呼應教育改革、因應社會需求的看法。十一、「回歸教育本質,減少校長、教師從事與教學無關的活動」是校長公認為改進教學領導的當務之急。十二、目前國小校長教學領導的實施,尚待相關措施的配合。根據研究結論,本研究提出以下建議:一、對教育行政機關與師資培育機構的建議(一)強化校長對教學領導觀念的認知,實踐與評鑑:1.在校長培育與養成教育過程中加入教學領導的課程;2.加強校長教學領導的在職進修;3.落實校長教學領導方面的考評;4.明訂校長教學領導的任務。(二)提昇與評鑑教師教學專業知能:1.調整師範院校教學措施,以增進師範生專業知能;2.激勵導師服務情緒,以引發其實施專業領導的意願;3.規劃教師終身進修制度,以提昇教師專業知能。(三)設計理想學校規模,以營造校長教學領導的最佳環境。(四)落實以「學校為本位」的經營理念,來實施校長教學領導。二、對學校行政的建議(一)學校宜成立「教學領導團隊」或「學習型組織」,以建立教學領導的支援系統。(二)改善教學情境,滿足教師教學需求。(三)溝通觀念,建立共識,以增進教學領導的實施效果。三、對校長本身的建議(一)校長應落實執行教學領導,且對教學領導抱持新的態度。(二)加強專業訓練,培養高尚情操,善用權變領導,以提高教學領導效果。四、對未來研究的建議(一)在研究對象方面:今後的研究可納入其他類型的學校:如私立小學;加上其他教育階段的學校:如國民中學、高級中學;併入其他校外的成員:如教育行政人員、家長、專家學者及社區人士等為研究對象,以擴充其研究範圍。(二)在研究方法方面:後續的研究宜針對特定的學校進行個案實驗研究,或至學校實地觀察與深入訪談,亦可納入德懷術(Delphi technique)等來進行研究,以更深入了解校長教學領導的實況與真正影響因素,並增加研究的深度與廣度。(三)在研究變項方面:後續的研究可以學校氣氛、學生學業表現、教師專業發展、學校效能及教師教學效能等教學領導相關變項,來探討變項間的各種可能的關係。(四)在研究工具方面:建議後續研究改採「情境敘述題」的方式來編製問卷,讓填答者在評斷時,能更具體的了解各個題項所指的概念內容。(五)在研究結果方面:未來研究者可針對本研究其他未討論的變因加以控制,使研究結論能作更周延的推論。
This research studies the theory underlying the primary school principal'sinstructional leadership and analyzes the relevant factors behind it. Fieldinvestigation on current principals' instructional leadership style for primaryschools in Taipei City leads to some findings based on which suggestions are madefor the purpose of improving primary school principals' instructional leadership. To achieve this objective, this study is phased into literature research andquestionnaire survey, and augmented by field interview. First, extensive literatureresearch is done on the theory of the principal's instructional leadership and theunderlying factors. Then, a questionnaire is designed based on the outcome ofliterature research, followed by survey and interview. The results are analyzed topresent the current status of principals' instructional leadership style for primaryschools in Taipei City, as well as the factors shaping the leadership style and theviews regarding how to improve the leadership. Finally, concrete suggestions arepresented based on the research conclusion. The primary research tool used in this study is the questionnaire Principal'sInstructional Leadership in Primary School, which is derived from Hallinger's (1984)Principal's Instructional Management in Primary School (PIMPS) and Larsen's (1987)Instructional Leadership Behavior Design Questionnaire (ILBDQ). It is based onMurphy's (1990) conceptual framework of principal's instructional leadership, withfour major dimensions: developing instructional mission and objectives, ensuringquality of education, building integrated learning environment for both instructorsand learners, and providing education support systems. Data are collected bysurveying 140 primary school principals in Taipei City. Statistical tools (such as1-way ANOVA, Scheffe method, t-test, frequency distribution and percent, and stepwisemultiple regression analysis) are applied for analysis to come up with some meaningfulfindings and explanations. Following are conclusions drawn on this research:1) The primary school principals in Taipei City are in general completely aware ofthe concept of "principal's instructional leadership" and have implemented a quitesatisfactory system of it, with exception in the dimension of developinginstructional mission and objectives which requires further strengthening.2) The gender of primary school principal shows significant influence on themanifested leadership statistically.3) The seniority (namely, the term of service) does not impose significant differenceon the leadership statistically.4) The size of school shows statistical significance in affecting the leadership inthe dimension of ensuring quality of education.5) The highest educational degree of the principal does not impose significantdifference on the leadership statistically.6) Principals with varied background variables show only minor variation in theirviews on principal's instructional leadership. In other words, they present quitesimilar views.7) The factors behind a principal's instructional leadership can be used to predicthis performance on instructions, with the principal's "individual personality"playing the most influential role, followed by "school context factors" and trailedby "societal context factors".8) Principals with varied variables show conformance in their suggestions onimproving the instructional leadership.9) High conformity between "suggestion on improving the instructional leadership"and "factors affecting instructional leadership" indicates principals' uniform viewon and perception of the instructional leadership.10) For primary school principals in the rapid-changing Taipei City whose citizensconstantly demand quality educational transformation, their common "suggestion onimproving the instructional leadership" shows their concern of answering the demandfor educational transformation.11) "Reverting to the essence of education by reducing non-relevant activities forthe principals and teachers" is a commonly agreed-upon task of top priority forimproving instructional leadership.12) Proper measures must be implemented to help improving primary school principals'instructional leadership.I. Suggestions for educational administrative institutions and teacher traininginstitutions(1) Strengthen the awareness, implementation and evaluation of principal's concepton the instructional leadership: a) provide training in the instructional leadershipduring the course of principal development; b) provide on-the-job training for theprincipal's instructional leadership; c) implement evaluation system on theprincipal's instructional leadership; and d) specify the mission of the principal'sinstructional leadership.(2) Enhance and evaluate professionalism of school teachers: a) enhanceprofessionalism of the teacher trainees by changing the training programs currentlyconducted in the normal schools; b) promote teacher's devotion in carrying outprofessional leadership; c) provide life-time learning opportunity for teachers toconstantly enhance their professionalism.(3) Determine the optimal size of a school with the purpose of building an optimalenvironment for the principal's instructional leadership.(4) Implement the ideal of "school as the departmental standard" to make a schoolfunction as a platform for the principal's instructional leadership.II. Suggestions for school administrative functions(1) Each school should provide a supporting system for instructional leadership byestablishing "instructional leadership team" or "learning organization".(2) Ameliorate teaching environment to meet the instructional requirements of theteachers.(3) Improve the performance of instructional leadership through consensus reachedby effective communication of concepts.III. Suggestions for school principals(1) The principal should implement his instructional leadership and take a newattitude toward it.(2) Improve the performance of instructional leadership through professionalism,high-standard value, and flexible leadership.IV. Suggestions for future research(1) In terms of the research objects: The research can push its frontier byincorporating other categories of schools (e.g., private schools), other levels ofschools (e.g., junior high schools and high schools) and school members other thanthe principals (e.g., educational administrative personnel, parents, expert orcommunity personnel).(2) In terms of research methodology: Future research can focus on case study onspecific schools by field investigation and interview in each school. Delphitechnique can be applied to further understand the principal's instructionalleadership on the spot and its true affecting factors. This will increase both thedepth and the breadth of the research.(3) In terms of variables under study: Future research can incorporate such variablesas school atmosphere, student academic achievements, teacher professionalism, schoolperformance and teacher's instructional performance, for studying their mutualrelationship.(4) In terms of research tools: "context descriptive question" is recommended forfuture research in designing questionnaire, with the purpose of providing contextdescription for the objects under study to be more perceptive of the concept.(5) In terms of research results: Future research is encouraged to control thevariables untouched in the current research, so as to reach more comprehensiveresults.