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研究生: 徐美玲
論文名稱: 運用雙人小組「有聲思考法」增加台灣高中生英文閱讀能力以及後設認知的成效
The Effect of Pair Think-aloud Procedures on Taiwanese Senior High School Students’ EFL Reading Comprehension and Metacognitive Awareness
指導教授: 陳秋蘭
Chen, Chiou-Lan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 有聲思考法後設認知
英文關鍵詞: Pair Think-aloud, EFL Reading Comprehension, Metacognitive Awareness
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:101下載:21
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  • 本文探討台灣高中生在英文閱讀時,使用兩人一組「有聲思考法」的功效。「有聲思考法」是指將原本內在的思考活動內容,口述表達。本研究當中,「有聲思考法」被用來做為一種增進英文閱讀能力的方法。本研究包括一班42位高一女生,依英文程度分高、中、低三組。每二位學生為一組。在經過「有聲思考法」的訓練之後,每組學生共同使用「有聲思考法」閱讀六篇文章。並且在閱讀這六篇文章之前、之後,參與學生都分別參加英文閱讀測驗前測及後測,以及「後設認知」的問卷和填寫與兩人一組「有聲思考法」有關的問卷。

    This thesis explores EFL reading behaviors of senior high school students in Taiwan. Think-aloud technique, a specific type of verbal report, was used to see how it affected L2 reading comprehension and metacognitive awareness. Three different EFL language proficiency groups of 42 female senior high school students were paired up to do pair think-alouds. After training, which consisted of modeling and practicing, the reading pairs were asked to use the think-aloud technique to read six articles together. Pre-tests and post-tests were taken by all participants. Moreover, a metacognitve questionnaire was also administered before and after the pair think-aloud procedures to tap the change in participants’ metacognitive awareness before and after the intervention of the pair think-aloud procedures. Statistical analyses were performed on pre-test and post-test scores of all participants. A comparison was made between high-proficiency group and low-proficiency group. At last, participants’ response questionnaires were also analyzed.
    Significant differences were found between all participants’ and low-proficiency group’s pre-test and post-test scores. It was found that the pair think-aloud procedures could benefit all participants’ L2 reading comprehension ability and it facilitated low-proficiency group more than high-proficiency group. For all participants’ metacognitive awareness, significant differences were found. From the response questionnaire, it was found that the majority of the participants thought this activity was helpful to their L2 reading and would suggest including this activity in their English classes.
    Although certain disadvantages were found in using the pair think-aloud procedures in L2 reading, it still could improve the reading comprehension of all participants. Therefore, pair think-aloud was suggested as a viable approach to enhance Taiwanese EFL senior high school students’ reading. Moreover, the fact that low-proficiency group benefited more from this activity indicated that pair think-aloud can be used to help learners who need remedial instruction in reading.

    Acknowledgements i English Abstract ii Chinese Abstract iv Table of Contents v List of Tables vii Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Background and motivation 1 1.2 Purpose and research questions of the study 3 1.3 Definition of terms 4 1.4 Significance of the study 5 1.5 Overview of this study 5 Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Metacognition and reading 6 2.2 Ways to tap metacognition 13 2.2.1 Metacognitive questionnaire 14 2.2.2 Think-aloud 14 2.3 Pair think-aloud 27 2.4 Cooperative learning 29 2.5 Summary of the reviewed literature 33 2.6 Background of the recent research 33 Chapter Three Method 3.1 Participants 35 3.2 Instruments 36 3.3 Data-collecting procedures 40 3.4 Data analysis 43 Chapter Four Results and Discussion 4.1 Results 44 4.1.1 Comparison of participants’ reading comprehension between pre-tests and post-tests 44 4.1.2 Comparison of participants’ metacognitive awareness before and after the pair think-aloud procedures 45 4.1.3 Protocols of Group One’s pair-think aloud procedures 48 4.1.4 Results of participants’ response questionnaires 54 4.1.5 The interview with Group One reading pair after the pair think-aloud procedures 58 4.2 Discussion 59 4.2.1 Discussion of participants’ reading comprehension between pre-tests and post-tests 59 4.2.2 Discussion of participants’ metacognitive awareness before and after the pair think-aloud procedures 60 4.2.3 Discussion of the pair think-aloud procedures of Group One 63 4.2.4 Discussion of the results of participants’ response questionnaire and interview 66 Chapter Five Conclusion 5.1 Summary of findings 70 5.2 Pedagogical implications 72 5.3 The limitations of this study 72 5.4 Suggestions for future study 73 References 74 Appendix 79

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