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研究生: 蘇逸寧
Steeby, Nicole
論文名稱: 台灣成人英語學習者之中譯英錯誤分析
Error Analysis of Chinese-to-English Translations by Adult Taiwanese EFL Students
指導教授: 廖柏森
Liao, Po-Sen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 167
中文關鍵詞: 台灣成人英語學習者錯誤分析中英翻譯
英文關鍵詞: Adult Taiwanese EFL Students, Error Analysis, Chinese-to-English translation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:115下載:26
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  • 本研究採用量性和質性兩種方法對30位本地語言學校以英語為第二外學的成年學生進行中英翻譯錯誤的研究。本研究中受測學生所採用的兩個翻譯試題係來自臺灣教育部(MOE)中英文翻譯能力檢定考試。受測學生的翻譯樣本資料係透過電子郵件蒐集。每回施測完成的中英翻譯,受測學生會獲得對他們的翻譯成果的回饋,並實施回顧性訪談,確認表現最佳和最差的名學生所使用的翻譯策略。研究者透過電子郵件發送自願參與歷程研究的訊息給所有的參與者。當研究者收到所有60個研究翻譯樣本,即以美國翻譯協會(ATA)和皮姆的著作(1992)翻譯錯誤類型學為基礎,發展出一翻譯錯誤的類型。錯誤被歸類為文體/詮解錯誤或語言錯誤,皆占有相同的比重。受測的翻譯樣本係基於評分表以人工評定錯誤的分數。並使用SPSS和(可靠度預估方法) 來進行統計分析包含配對t檢驗,以評定錯誤的頻率和顯著性。

    This study employs both quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the Chinese-to-English translation errors of 30 adult Taiwanese EFL students in Taipei. The two translations were sourced from Taiwan’s Ministry of Education (MOE) Chinese and English Translation and Interpretation Competency Examinations. Translation data were collected via email and students received feedback on their performances. Retrospective interviews were then held to ascertain the translation techniques of the students with the top five and bottom five translation scores. Voluntary biographical surveys were then emailed to the participants. Next, an error typology based on that of the American Translators Association (ATA) and the work of Pym (1992) was developed. Errors were categorized as either stylistic/rendition errors or language errors and were equally weighted. The translations were hand coded for errors and assigned scores based on a rating scale. Statistical analyses, including paired t-tests, were conducted using SPSS and Prism to determine the frequency and significance of errors.
    The results of the study clearly indicate that the majority of student scores improved significantly from the first translation to the second. The data also reveal a marked decrease in the number of both stylistic/rendition and language errors in almost every category for the second translation. Somewhat surprisingly, however, the total percentage of language errors increased in the second translation and language errors accounted for the first, second, third, and fifth most frequent types of errors overall. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as a basis for further research, as well as offer preliminary insight into the types of errors most common to adult Taiwanese language school students.

    Table of Contents List of Tables...........................................iii List of Figures ..........................................iv Chapter 1:Introduction.....................................1 Research Background and Motivation ........................1 Research Purposes and Research Questions...................9 Chapter 2: Literature Review .............................11 Error Analysis in Language Teaching ......................11 Student Translations and Error Analysis ..................13 Student Compositions and Error Analysis ..................15 Error Analysis for Testing and Certification .............18 Chapter 3: Research Methodology...........................21 Research Design...........................................21 Participants .............................................22 Materials ................................................23 Task 1 (Translation 1) ...................................24 Task 2....................................................26 Task 3 (Translation 2) ...................................27 Instruments ..............................................28 Error Typology ...........................................28 Error Marking ............................................32 Translation Scoring Scale ................................33 Data Collection Procedure ................................35 Chapter 4: Results & Discussion ..........................38 Development of the Error Typology ........................38 The Error Typology Prototype .............................38 The Finalized Error Typology .............................42 Error Typology Definitions & Explanations ................45 Category 1: Style/Rendition Errors .......................45 1A: Addition .............................................45 1B: Literalness ..........................................45 1C: Mistranslation .......................................45 1D: Omission .............................................46 1E: Register .............................................46 1F: Terminology & Cohesion ...............................47 1G: Miscellaneous ........................................47 Category 2: Language Errors ..............................48 2A: Article usage ........................................48 2B: Preposition usage ....................................48 2C: Orthography ..........................................48 2D: Syntax .............................................. 49 2E: Tense ................................................49 2F: Word form ............................................50 2G: Word usage ...........................................50 2H: Miscellaneous ........................................50 Results of the Quantitative Research .....................51 Descriptive Statistics ...................................51 Main Error Types & Frequencies ...........................51 Category1: Style/Rendition Errors ........................52 1A: Addition .............................................60 1B: Literalness ..........................................62 1C: Mistranslation .......................................63 1D: Omission .............................................65 1E: Register .............................................66 1F: Terminology & Cohesion ...............................66 1G:Miscellaneous .........................................67 Category2: Language Errors ...............................67 2A: Article usage ........................................67 2B: Preposition usage ....................................67 2C: Orthography ..........................................68 2D: Syntax ...............................................68 2E: Tense ................................................69 2F: Word form ............................................69 2G: Word usage ...........................................70 2H: Miscellaneous ........................................71 Student Scores ...........................................71 Results of Qualitative Research ..........................73 Participant Retrospective Interviews .....................73 Characteristics and Techniques of the Bottom-Five Study Participants .............................................74 Beliefs and Attitudes of the Bottom Five Study Participants .............................................78 Characteristics and Techniques of the Top Five Study Participants .............................................79 Beliefs and Attitudes of the Top Five Study Participants ..........................................................82 Recommendations for Translation Pedagogy..................83 Chapter 5: Conclusion.....................................84 Review of the Research Findings ..........................84 Implications and Applications of the Current Study .......86 Limitations of the Current Study .........................89 Recommendations for Future Research ......................90 References ...............................................92 Appendix A: Task 1 (Translation 1) .......................99 Appendix B: Task 2 ......................................100 Appendix C: Task 3 (Translation 2) ......................101 Appendix D: Retrospective Interview Questions ...........102 Appendix E: Biographical Survey .........................103 Appendix F: Translation 1: Error-Coded Translations .....107 Appendix G: Translation 2: Error-Coded Translations .....137


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