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研究生: 莫爾東
Melton Morrison
An Evaluation of NTNU’s Knowledge Management System on Undergraduates Satisfaction and Academic Performance
指導教授: 施正屏
Shih, Cheng-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 知識管理知識管理系統知識(管理)服務成功與支持性的知識服務有效的知識服務
英文關鍵詞: Knowledge management, knowledge management system, knowledge (management) service, successful and sustainable knowledge service, effective knowledge service
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:118下載:5
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  • Preservation of knowledge is probably one of the most important functions of an organization. Additionally, not only should organizations be preserving knowledge but they should also find a way to generate and capture knowledge—this is known as knowledge management (KM). Companies should not only engage in knowledge management but they should also evaluate their knowledge management systems (KMS) to asses if it is meeting the pre-established set of goals. Moreover, in organizations the KMS is seldom evaluated and it is even rarer when a university evaluates its KMS. Thus, this research aims to evaluate the Knowledge Management System (Moodle) at National Taiwan Normal University.
      This research used students’ satisfaction and academic performance as indicators of the effectiveness of the knowledge service and successful and sustainable knowledge service. Therefore, this research introduces KMSAP as a theoretical framework through the integration of KMS, satisfaction and academic performance, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the system on students. Questionnaires were issued personally to undergraduate students ranging from different departments.
      Multiple regression results indicate that the Moodle system has a significant and positive effect on males and females performances combined. It also indicated that students are generally satisfied with the knowledge management service but some adjustments needs to be made to better adapt to the students needs.
      Paired samples t-test found that females uses the Moodle system more often than males do and that, in return, females have better academic performance than the male students. Results from paired samples t-test also pointed out which learning style is most common among the students. With the knowledge of this the researcher made recommendations to the KM staff as to how they can adjust the system to suit the students learning styles.
      The results of the descriptive statistics helped to point out what aspects of the knowledge system were students most satisfied with and some areas in which improvements needs to be made. It also gives a raw view of what students are thinking about the Moodle system.

    Acknowledgement Abstract I Table of Contents III List of Figures VI List of Tables VII CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter Overview 1 Background of the Study 1 Purposes of the Study 4 Questions of the Study 4 Significance of the Study 5 Delimitations and Limitations 5 Definition of Terms 6 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW 9 Chapter Overview 9 Concept and Definition of Knowledge Management 9 The Confusion of What Knowledge Is 14 Developing Knowledge Management Systems 15 Structure of Knowledge Management System 21 Knowledge Management in Schools 22 Knowledge Management in Massachusetts Institute of Technology 28 National Taiwan Normal University and Knowledge Management 30 Knowledge Management, Academic Performance and Satisfaction 31 Factors Affecting Knowledge Management in Schools 32 Why Evaluate Knowledge Management 33 Evaluating Knowledge Management Systems 33 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 35 Chapter Overview 35 Research Hypothesis 35 Conceptual Framework 36 Research Procedure 37 Measurement Instrument 40 Data Analysis Methods 44 CHAPTER IV. EMPERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 49 Descriptive Statistics 49 Descriptive Statistics Discussion 54 Multiple Regression Findings 55 Discussion on Satisfaction 60 Discussion on Performance 66 Multiple Regression on Performance and Satisfaction 68 Paired Samples t-Test 70 Discussion on Paired Samples t-Test 74 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 77 Conclusions of Descriptive Statistics 77 Conclusions of Multiple Regression Results 79 Conclusion on Paired Samples t-Test Results 82 Final Conclusions 84 Recommendations 85 Recommendations for Future Research 87 REFERENCES 89 APPENDIX A. COVER LETTER FOR ENGLISH QUESTIONNAIRE 93 APPENDIX B. KNOWLEDGE MANGEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH VERSION) 95 APPENDIX C. COVER LETTER FOR CHINESE QUESTIONNAIRE. 97 APPENDIX D. KNOWLEDGE MANGEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE (CHINESE VERSION) 99 APPENDIX E. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS 101 APPENDIX F. MULTIPLE REGRESSION RESULTS 103

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