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研究生: 林姍姍
Lim San San
論文名稱: Factors Affecting Employee Commitment in Nonprofit Organization in Taiwan
Factors Affecting Employee Commitment in Nonprofit Organization in Taiwan
指導教授: 蔡錫濤
Tsai, Shir-Tau
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 非營利組織
英文關鍵詞: Nonprofit organization, employee commitment, job satisfaction, job characteristic, extrinsic reward, turn over intention
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:104下載:3
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  • Due to the rapid growth of nonprofit organizations and their contribution to the community, it is important to conduct a further study of employees who are the key component of these organizations. This study explores factors related to employee commitment in nonprofit organizations (job characteristic, job satisfaction, role fit, extrinsic rewards, job stress and turnover intention). In this study, the researcher intends to provide a theoretical framework of factors related to employee commitment in nonprofit organizations. A questionnaire was the data-collection method for the research. A quantitative research approach was adopted, and linear regression and correlation variable analysis method were used to process and examine the effect of the variables mentioned.
    The questionnaires were distributed in a period of about six weeks from April 12th until May 30th, 2008. 105 samples were collected from social service organizations and 60 samples were collected from ICDF. In total, 165 samples were received and 162 samples could be used. The data comes from 10 nonprofit organizations in Taiwan. Those 10 nonprofit organizations are categorized into 2 types of organizations: Social service organizations and Taiwan ICDF.
    In terms of relative contribution, the researcher found that job characteristic, role fit, extrinsic rewards and turnover intention directly influence employee commitment in a nonprofit organization. Through this study, the leaders of nonprofit organizations can broaden their knowledge about what factors impact employees the most. Such findings are useful for an organization to improve the commitment of its employees who constitute a key part of the organization.

    Due to the rapid growth of nonprofit organizations and their contribution to the community, it is important to conduct a further study of employees who are the key component of these organizations. This study explores factors related to employee commitment in nonprofit organizations (job characteristic, job satisfaction, role fit, extrinsic rewards, job stress and turnover intention). In this study, the researcher intends to provide a theoretical framework of factors related to employee commitment in nonprofit organizations. A questionnaire was the data-collection method for the research. A quantitative research approach was adopted, and linear regression and correlation variable analysis method were used to process and examine the effect of the variables mentioned.
    The questionnaires were distributed in a period of about six weeks from April 12th until May 30th, 2008. 105 samples were collected from social service organizations and 60 samples were collected from ICDF. In total, 165 samples were received and 162 samples could be used. The data comes from 10 nonprofit organizations in Taiwan. Those 10 nonprofit organizations are categorized into 2 types of organizations: Social service organizations and Taiwan ICDF.
    In terms of relative contribution, the researcher found that job characteristic, role fit, extrinsic rewards and turnover intention directly influence employee commitment in a nonprofit organization. Through this study, the leaders of nonprofit organizations can broaden their knowledge about what factors impact employees the most. Such findings are useful for an organization to improve the commitment of its employees who constitute a key part of the organization.

    Abstract.................................................I Table of Contents......................................III List of Figures..........................................V List of Tables.........................................VII CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION................................ 1 Background of the Study.............................1 Statement of the Problem............................2 Purposes the Study..................................2 Questions of the Study..............................3 Significance of the Study...........................3 Delimitations and Limitations.......................5 Definition of Terms.................................6 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW...........................7 Introduction to Nonprofit Organizations.............7 Organizational Commitment..........................13 Antecedents of Organizational Commitment...........16 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY...............................25 Research Framework.................................25 Research Procedure.................................26 Research Methods...................................28 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION....................33 General Characteristics of the Sample..............33 Reliability and Validity Analysis..................35 Relationship between Organizational Commitment and its Antecedents............................................36 Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment........39 Analysis for Type of Organization..................42 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..............49 Conclusions........................................49 Managerial Implication for Nonprofit Organization..51 Contribution of the Research.......................55 Suggestion for Future Research.....................56 REFERENCES.............................................57 APPENDIX A: COVER LETTER...............................65 APPENDIX B: QUESTIONNAIRE..............................67

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