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研究生: 唐婉玲
Janell Roshea Dawson
論文名稱: Analyzing the Motivation on International Students' Academic Performance in Universities in Taiwan
Analyzing the Motivation on International Students' Academic Performance in Universities in Taiwan
指導教授: 施正屏
Shih, Cheng-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: Academic PerformanceMotivationAcademic Motivation ScaleTest of Chinese as a Foreign Language
英文關鍵詞: Academic Performance, Motivation, Academic Motivation Scale, Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:82下載:11
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  • Motivation is one of the most commonly used instruments in predicting performance. The majority of the studies based on motivation tackle the issue of predicting job performance, while some of the studies are involved on more specific situations, such as academic performance or training performance. This study examined the relationship between motivation and academic performance of international students enrolled in universities throughout Taiwan who have take the Test of Chinese as a Second Language to determine whether motivation played a significant role in student achievement in this examination. Secondly to add information, insight, and close research gaps where Taiwan is concern and to offer both academic and practitioners additional insight in educational issues such as admissions to college or graduate programs. Motivation was assessed using the Academic Motivation Scale Questionnaire (AMS) comprised of the following seven motivation subscales: intrinsic motivation- to know, intrinsic motivation-towards accomplishment, intrinsic motivation- to experience stimulus, extrinsic motivation- identified regulation, extrinsic motivation-introjected regulation, extrinsic motivation-external regulation and Amotivation. Shih and Dawson developed two models. The MAP model, developed by Shih and Dawson tested motivation and academic performance with a sample of 200. Results show that there is a moderate correlation among the independent variable of Motivation and the dependent variable of academic performance as seen from the SEM pathway.

    Motivation is one of the most commonly used instruments in predicting performance. The majority of the studies based on motivation tackle the issue of predicting job performance, while some of the studies are involved on more specific situations, such as academic performance or training performance. This study examined the relationship between motivation and academic performance of international students enrolled in universities throughout Taiwan who have take the Test of Chinese as a Second Language to determine whether motivation played a significant role in student achievement in this examination. Secondly to add information, insight, and close research gaps where Taiwan is concern and to offer both academic and practitioners additional insight in educational issues such as admissions to college or graduate programs. Motivation was assessed using the Academic Motivation Scale Questionnaire (AMS) comprised of the following seven motivation subscales: intrinsic motivation- to know, intrinsic motivation-towards accomplishment, intrinsic motivation- to experience stimulus, extrinsic motivation- identified regulation, extrinsic motivation-introjected regulation, extrinsic motivation-external regulation and Amotivation. Shih and Dawson developed two models. The MAP model, developed by Shih and Dawson tested motivation and academic performance with a sample of 200. Results show that there is a moderate correlation among the independent variable of Motivation and the dependent variable of academic performance as seen from the SEM pathway.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKOWLEGENDEMENT ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................I TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................II LIST OF FIGURES .....................................................................................IV LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................V CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..........................................................1 Background of Study .........................................................................................1 Purpose of Study ................................................................................................2 Question of Study ..............................................................................................2 Significance of Study .........................................................................................2 Delimitation and Limitations .............................................................................4 Definition of Terms............................................................................................4 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ...............................................6 Introduction to Motivation ...............................................................................6 The Motivational Continuum ............................................................................6 Intrinsic Motivation .........................................................................................8 Extrinsic Motivation.........................................................................................9 Motivation and the Learner ..............................................................................10 Enhancing Intrinsic Motivation........................................................................11 Academic Motivation Scale..............................................................................11 Introduction to Personality Theory and the Big Five Trait Theory...................12 Leading Towards Current Five-Factor Models of Trait Taxonomy..................13 The Lexical Approach.......................................................................................13 The Questionnaire Approach.............................................................................14 Details of the Big Five Theory.........................................................................15 Extraversion.....................................................................................................16 Agreeableness……………………………......................................................16 Conscientiousness............................................................................................17 Openness..........................................................................................................18 III Neuroticism......................................................................................................19 Critique and Defense of the Model..................................................................21 Existing Research on the Big Five and Academic Success.............................23 Big Five Aspect of Personality........................................................................27 CHAPTER III METHODOLGY............................................................30 Research Framework ........................................................................................30 Research Hypotheses Identified ........................................................................30 Research Procedures .........................................................................................31 Data Collection Method....................................................................................32 CHAPTER IV DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS AND PILOT STUDY FINDINGS ............................................................................................38 Sample Characteristics .......................................................................................38 Pilot Study..........................................................................................................46 Validity Test........................................................................................................46 Partial Least Square (PLS) .................................................................................53 Correlational Analysis ........................................................................................53 Validity and Reliability Analysis .......................................................................55 Partial Least Square (PLS) Analysis ..................................................................56 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.............60 Research Conclusions ........................................................................................60 Recommendations for Future Research .............................................................60 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................62 APPENDIX A: RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE: MOTIVATION ...... 73 APPENDIX B: RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE: BIG FIVE ASPECT OF PERSONALITY............................................................................79 APPENDIX C: PLS RESULTS: MOTIVATION............................................88 APPENDIX D: PLS RESULTS: BIG FIVE..............................................90


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