簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 蔡欣容
Tsai, Hsin-Jung
論文名稱: 領導部屬交換關係對員工工作壓力之影響
The Study of the Relationship between LMX and Employees’ Job Stress
指導教授: 朱益賢
Chu, Yih-Hsien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 領導部屬交換關係圈內人圈外人工作壓力
英文關鍵詞: LMX, In-Group employee, Out-Group employee, Working pressure
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201956
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:110下載:13
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  • 現代人工作時間長、負荷重,人際互動關係複雜,加上認知付出與回饋不對等,造成龐大的工作壓力,這些現象都是現今職場離職重大因素。現今公司創造利潤仰賴的是員工的知識,故員工就是公司最有價值的資產。因此,避免有價值的員工大量流失,成為公司重大的課題。本研究期許能促使領導者更重視員工想法及感受,發展出彼此契合且信賴的關係,冀望企業產出更高價值的經濟交換效益。
    領導部屬交換理論(Leader-Member Exchange, LMX)近年來發現 LMX 關係中存在矛盾。身為一位領導者,其個人、社會及組織資源有限,例如:時間、心力或是職權等,在有限資源中,領導者無法將所擁有的資源平均分配給每位部屬,不同的資源分配便造成員工間工作壓力的差異。因此本研究的目的為(一)探討不同領導部屬交換關係的形成原因。(二)探討驅動領導部屬交換關係對員工工作壓力之影響因素。
    本研究採用質化研究取向之個案研究法,以深度訪談的方式,探討身為圈內人部屬及圈外人部屬的工作壓力影響情況。依個案公司台北總部服務5年以上並具擔任4年以上主任經驗之15位基層主管之直屬部屬進行LMX 7關係品質量表檢測,以了解部屬知覺與該主任關係後,再次篩選出直屬關係存在2年以上並由同一位主任領導之1位圈內人部屬和一位圈外人部屬,共計5組,此10位部屬為受訪者作為主要研究對象進行研究,研究發現結論為:

    People in modern day work long hours and have high responsibilities, complex interpersonal relationships, and unbalanced cognition paying and returning in workplace, which create great working pressure to them. These phenomenon are the main reasons for people to leave the jobs today. Today’s companies rely on their employees’ knowledge to make profits, so the employees are the most valuable assets for them. The study promote the leaders to pay more attention to employees’ feelings and opinions so that it can create a relationship that is trustable and supportable between each other, and the research hopes the companies could develop the most valuable economical exchange benefits.
    Recently, the theory of Leader-Member Exchange (Leader-Member Exchange, LMX) found that there are contradictions between LMX relationships. As the leaders, they have the limited personal, social, and organizational resources. For examples, times, mental efforts, authorities…etc. Within the limited resources, leaders cannot equally distribute all of them to each single employee. Those different resources distributions creates different working pressures among employees. Therefore, the purposes of this study are: (1) discuss the reasons for forming different LMX relationships. (2) discuss the effects of working pressure for employees under LMX relationships.
    This study adopts qualitative research orientation based on individual cases, and it uses the method of interviewing to explore how working pressure could influence In-Group and Out-Group employees within the company. Based on the individual case, the study draws from 15 directed subordinators in the headquarters of Taipei, to conduct a test of LMX 7 relationship quality scale. This study filters the sample with those who have the direct relationship with their supervisors over 2 years, and pick one In-Group employee and one Out-Group employee under each five specific supervisors. In the result, the total of the 10 subordinators are the main focuses of the study.
    The findings and conclusion of the study are:
    (1) The reasons for forming different LMX relationships:
    Within the low quality’s Leader-member exchange relationships, the main reason is limited on the emotional factors, and the most repetitive reasons are employees could not fit into their supervisors’ personalities. The specific examples are having different opinions with their supervisors and having different personal preference with their supervisors. Within the high quality’s LMX relationships, it mainly depends on emotions’ and contributions’ factors, and the most repetitive reasons are the social skills of the specific employee, such as observing the thoughts of their supervisors’ on the right time, and being active to shorten the distance between them and their supervisors.
    (2) The direct effects of working pressure for employees under LMX relationships: 1. the effects of interpersonal relationships: The professions of the Out-group employees are hard to get the trust from their supervisors and easy to be treated differently from them. In-group people feel more competitive stress and have more expectations from their supervisors. 2. The effects of mental factors: the Out-group employees will do things carefully and care others’ thoughts, especially from their supervisors. Those employees will feel frustrated when they are feeling unrespect and missing the fairness from work jobs and promotion, such as feeling unbalanced between contributing and rewarding. In-group employees have high level of self-demanding on job performance and promotion, so they will be frustrated if they don’t have good job grades.
    (3) The indirect effects of working pressure for employees under LMX relationships: 1. the effects of the environmental factors: Out-group employees usually are asked to do some relatively invaluable and unimportant jobs, so they have relatively lower chances to get enough resources from the jobs. In-group employees will instead spend more time with their supervisors to keep the good relationships between them. 2. Cognition imbalanced: Out-group employees reported that when their supervisors have unfair job distribution, they will correspond to inequivalent work contributions and returns. In-group employees believe that the productions of jobs become to help their supervisors to gain performances, so they also said the work contributions and returns are inequivalent.

    謝誌............................................i 中文摘要.........................................iii ABSTRACT.......................................v 目錄............................................vii 表次............................................ix 圖次............................................xi 第一章 緒論......................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機..............................1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題...........................3 第三節 研究範圍與限制..............................4 第四節 名詞釋義...................................6 第二章 文獻探討...................................9 第一節 領導部屬交換關係............................9 第二節 工作壓力...................................19 第三節 相關研究分析................................24 第三章 研究設計與實施..............................27 第一節 研究架構...................................27 第二節 研究方法...................................28 第三節 研究工具...................................32 第四節 研究對象...................................36 第五節 資料處理...................................40 第六節 研究流程...................................42 第四章 研究發現...................................45 第一節 個案對象介紹 ...........................45 第二節 個案領導部屬交換關係的品質與形成因素...........49 第三節 驅動領導部屬交換關係對員工工作壓力的直接影響因素..55 第四節 驅動領導部屬交換關係對員工工作壓力的間接影響因素..72 第五章 結論、建議與省思............................83 第一節 結論......................................83 第二節 建議......................................85 第三節 省思......................................88 參考文獻.........................................91 一、 中文部分.....................................91 二、 英文部分.....................................94 附錄............................................97 附錄一 個案公司近五年獲獎紀錄.......................99 附錄二 LMX7關係品質量表............................100 附錄三 訪談大綱初稿................................102 附錄四 專家內容效度調查問卷.........................103 附錄五 專家建議暨訪談大綱修改前後對照表...............106 附錄六 訪談大綱修訂版..............................109 附錄七 訪談大綱正式訪談版...........................110 附錄八 訪談邀請函.................................111 附錄九 訪談同意書.................................112 附錄十 訪談逐字稿範例..............................113

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