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研究生: 郭怡
Guo, Yi
論文名稱: 品牌臉書粉絲專頁參與行為之動機與影響:以共創活動自主性為干擾變數
Antecedents and Subsequent Influences of Brand Facebook Fan Page Engagement: Autonomy of Co-creation as a Moderator
指導教授: 王仕茹
Wang, Shih-Ju
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 品牌粉絲專頁顧客參與共創活動顧客角色外行為
英文關鍵詞: Brand Facebook Fan Page, Fan Page Engagement, Customer Out-role Behaviors, Co-creation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:83下載:4
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  • 品牌的臉書粉絲專頁是品牌行銷的重要工具。不論是對品牌還是顧客來說,品牌的臉書粉絲專頁都有越來越重要的功能和意義。學術界對於品牌粉絲專頁成功經營之策略的研究尚處於發展中階段。本研究的目的是透過探討人們使用品牌臉書粉絲專頁的主要動機及其影響,為品牌粉絲專頁的有效管理與操作帶來啟示。通過對289位受訪者進行施測,本研究之結論摘要如下:(1)為獲得個人綜合利益和社交綜合利益等在內的四個動機是人們參與、投入品牌臉書粉絲專頁的主要目的。(2)粉絲的品牌臉書粉絲專頁參與、投入行為對於其顧客角色外行為有顯著正向影響。本研究探討之顧客角色外行為包括品牌推薦、幫助其他顧客以及為品牌提供有效反饋這三個積極的、有益於品牌的增強行為。(3) 共創活動是越來越多的品牌與粉絲在粉絲專頁上進行互動的重要形式之一。粉絲專頁上共創活動的自主性程度,在粉絲專頁參與、投入行為與顧客角色外行為間,呈現干擾作用。

    Brand official fan page embedded in social networking sites has become a very popular platform for both famous brands and emerging brands. The majority literature of brand official fan page on Facebook deals with the exploration of content analysis or fans’ typology. However, empirical research on how to implement and to manage company-run brand fan page is rare. The purpose of this study is to investigate people’s main motivations to engage with fan page and its subsequent influence on people’s further behaviors. Through a multi-step approach of quantitative analysis, the paper identifies four different motivations such as personal integrative benefits and social integrative benefits as very significant drivers of fan-page engagement. Further, to our knowledge, this is the first paper to confirm the positive effect of fan page engagement on customer’s out-role behaviors. Finally, the research gives idea about how brand can use autonomy of co-creation activities to enhance active fan page users’ customer out-role behaviors.

    Table of Contents List of Figures..............................................................................................................i List of Tables...............................................................................................................ii Acknowledgements.....................................................................................................iii Abstract.........................................................................................................................1 Chapter 1 Introduction................................................................................................3 1.1 Research Background...........................................................................................3 1.2 Research Motivation............................................................................................5 1.3 Research Questions..............................................................................................9 Chapter 2 Literature Review....................................................................................11 2.1 Brand Community..............................................................................................11 2.1.1 Definition of Brand Community ................................................................11 2.1.2 Research on Brand Community .................................................................12 2.2 Brand Facebook Fan Page..................................................................................14 2.2.1 Research on Brand Facebook Fan Page......................................................14 2.2.2 Typology of Facebook Fan Page’ Fans.......................................................15 2.2.3 Typology of Facebook Fan Page Messages................................................17 2.3 Motivational Antecedents of Facebook Fan Page Engagement.........................19 2.3.1 Uses and Gratifications Theory...................................................................19 2.3.2 Motivational Antecedents of Facebook Fan Page Engagement..................19 2.4 Consumer Engagement with Brand Facebook Fan Page...................................25 2.5 Subsequent Factors of Engagement with Brand Facebook Page.......................27 2.6 Moderating Effect of Autonomy of Co-creation Experience on Fan Page........30 2.7 Research Model and Hypotheses.......................................................................32 Chapter 3 Method......................................................................................................35 3.1 Sampling and Data Collection...........................................................................35 3.2 Measures............................................................................................................35 3.3 Analysis Method................................................................................................42 Chapter 4 Results ......................................................................................................43 4.1 Descriptive Statistics .........................................................................................43 4.1.1 Sample Characteristics................................................................................43 4.1.2 Fan Page Usage Behavior Analysis............................................................47 4.2 Measurement Model .........................................................................................50 4.3 Structure Equation Model..................................................................................61 4.3.1 Hypothesis Testing ....................................................................................61 4.3.2 Goodness of Fit...........................................................................................65 Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion ....................................................................66 5.1 Research Contributions.....................................................................................66 5.2 Managerial Implications ...................................................................................69 5.3 Limitations and Future Research.......................................................................73 Reference....................................................................................................................76 Appendix 1..................................................................................................................86 Appendix 2..................................................................................................................96

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