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研究生: 柯宥羽
Iris Yo-Yu Ko
論文名稱: 員工之任務科技適配度對於數位學習之學習成果與培訓遷移的影響
The Impact of Task-Technology Fit on Employees’ Learning and Training Transfer of E-learning
指導教授: 葉俶禎
Yeh, Chu-Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 數位學習任務科技適配度學習成果培訓遷移學習型態
英文關鍵詞: E-learning, task-technology fit, learning outcome, training transfer, real estate agents
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400441
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:101下載:18
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  • 本研究的目的是探討任務科技適配度對於員工數位學習之學習成果與培訓遷移的影響。本研究透過個案研究了解公司對於新聘人員設計的數位學習課程,並檢視該課程與新聘人員的工作任務適配程度。此研究之樣本為S公司的151位在2011年六月至八月招募的新人。本研究為量化研究,問卷是基於Goodhue及Thompson於 1998年設計的任務科技適配量表以及Felder及Soloman設計的學習型態量表加以修改。

    The purpose of this study is to explore how task technology fit (TTF) of e-learning influences employees’ learning and training transfer. Through an empirical study of a case company’s e-learning program for new recruits, this research examines whether the fit between the e-learning technology and employees’ realistic tasks has an effect on employees’ learning effectiveness. To fulfill the study objectives, the researcher worked with one of the largest real estate agencies in Taiwan, which was nicknamed the S Company for anonymity, to collect data needed. Survey questionnaires containing demographics, measures of visual-verbal learning style and task technology fit of e-learning were administered to S Company’s 151 new real estate agents who completed the training for new-hires in the period between June and August of 2011.
    Data for the outcome variables of the study, the e-learning test scores and the training transfer scores of each trainee were provided by the S company. Exploratory factor analysis result showed the factor structure of the TTF measure to be composed of three distinct components: content, technology and presentation of e-learning. Hierarchical regressions were used to test the direct effect of TTF on learning outcome and training transfer, as well as the mediating effect of learning outcome between TTF and training transfer. These hypotheses were supported which implied the importance of ensuring TTF when using e-learning to train employees. The moderating effect of visual-verbal learning style on the TTF-learning outcome connection, however, was not supported, due to small variances in agents’ homogeneous learning style.

    ABSTRACT....................................... I TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................. II LIST OF TABLES................................. IV LIST OF FIGURES................................ V CHAPTER I.INTRODUCTION........................ 1 Background of the Study....................... 1 Purpose of Study.............................. 4 Research Questions............................ 6 Delimitations and Limitations................. 7 CHAPTER II.LITERATURE REVIEW.................. 9 E-Learning.................................... 9 Task Technology Fit........................... 14 Learning Effectiveness........................ 26 Learning Style................................ 38 CHAPTER III.RESEARCH METHODS.................. 43 Research Framework............................ 43 Research Hypotheses........................... 44 Research Design............................... 44 Measurement................................... 47 CHAPTER IV.ANALYSIS AND RESULTS............... 57 Descriptive Statistics of Task Technology Fit. 57 Correlations.................................. 60 Regression for Hypothesis Testing............. 62 CHAPTER V.CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS......... 69 Conclusions................................... 69 Practical Implications........................ 71 Limitations................................... 74 Future Research Suggestions................... 75 REFERENCES.................................... 77 APPENDIX.RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE............... 88

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