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研究生: 樊雪春
Hsueh-Chen Fan
論文名稱: 學生科學迷思概念的法則分析與建構教學取向教學法之實驗效果研究
Analysis and Experimental Study on Science Misconception and Constructive Instruction
指導教授: 郭生玉
Kuo, Sheng-Yu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 225
中文關鍵詞: 迷思概念科學概念法則評鑑功能測量理論建構教學概念學習小學彈簧槓桿
英文關鍵詞: misconception, science concept, rule assessment, functional measurement theory, constructivism, concept learning, elementary school, spring and lever
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:556下載:23
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  • 本研究從認知心理學訊息處理理論的觀點,建構取向教學理論為要點,對學生迷思概念進行探討。本研究主要有三個研究目的:(一)探討不同自然科學能力學生分別在不同科學概念上所使用的法則差異;(二)分析學生在不同編碼科學概念間使用法則的差異;(三)探討建構取向教學法對促進學生科學概念學習效果的影響。

    The primary purposes are to explore the rules used by students with different science ability, the different rules used by students with different rule encoding of science concepts, and the effect of constructive instruction on science concept learning.
    In study one, the rules of four kinds of science concepts used by students with different science ability were analyzed. According to functional measurement theory, the science concepts on lever, spring, volume of water displacement, and velocity of water flow were analyzed. There were 327 sixth grader of Tong-Meng Elementary School.
    The results of study one show that:
    1. There was no significant differences between the science concept rules of spring and volume of water displacement used by students with different ability. There were significant differences between the science concept rules of lever and velocity of water flow used by students with different ability.
    2. There were significant differences among different science rule encoding concepts including spring, lever, volume of water displacement, and velocity of water flow.
    In study two, two classes of the sixth grade students of Tong-Meng Elementary School were used as subjects; one class was the control group and the other was the experimental group. The control group received conventional instruction; the experimental group received Constructive Instruction. Each was instructed for five weeks. Each class period lasted 80 minutes.
    The results of study two show that:
    1. As for changing students* misconception, using the Constructive Instruction was not better than conventional instruction in the science concept of spring and lever.
    2. As for changing students* misconception, using the Constructive Instruction was better than conventional instruction in the science concept of volume of water displacement and velocity of water flow.
    In general, effects of the constructive approach on students* learning science concept were shown. Discussions of important issues, implications of the study, and suggestions for follow-up studies are included.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的*********** 1 第二節 研究問題**************. 8 第三節 名詞釋義**************. 9 第二章 文獻探討***************** 17 第一節 科學迷思概念的相關研究*******. 17 第二節 建構教學的學習模式*********.. 36 第三章 研究一 科學迷思概念的法則分析*****. 53 第一節 研究方法*************** 54 第二節 研究結果*************** 71 第三節 討論*****************..94 第四章 研究二 建構取向教學法之實驗效果研究 *..103 第一節 研究方法***************104 第二節 研究結果***************116 第三節 討論***************** 138 第五章 結論與建議***************. 149 第一節 結論***************** 149 第二節 建議***************** 154 參考文獻*********************. 161 附錄一 彈簧概念作業問題***********177 附錄二 排水體積作業問題***********183 附錄三 水流速度作業問題***********188 附錄四 四種科學概念作業量表*********193 附錄五 建構取向教學法實驗教學*******.. 202

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