研究生: |
葉惠真 Yeh, Hui-Chen |
論文名稱: |
中文安慰言語行為之比較研究:以華語為第二語言的英語與日語學習者為例 A Comparative Study of Chinese Speech Act of Comforting by English and Japanese Learners of Chinese as a Second Language |
指導教授: |
Chen, Chun-Yin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 139 |
中文關鍵詞: | 第二語言習得 、言語行為 、安慰策略 、中文 |
英文關鍵詞: | second language acquisition, speech act, comforting strategy, Chinese |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DE.023.2018.A07 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:509 下載:78 |
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一、 情境類型的操縱因素對受試者的有效度判斷及使用情形影響最大,其次是事件嚴重程度,而被安慰者的權力高低影響則最小。
二、 提供支持、建議和鼓勵策略在有效度判斷中較同情及安撫策略有效。然而只有建議策略在口頭情境完成的測驗中仍被大量使用,其他兩種策略被安撫策略所取代。
三、 除了對提供支持策略的有效度評價不如中文母語人士高之外,英語和日語的華語學習者的表現大致與對照組相同。
四、 受試者普遍採用組合式的安慰策略,受歡迎的組合通常皆含有建議策略。
五、 日語學習者在面對更高權力的被安慰者的情況下比英語學習者更加看重安撫策略,並且在嚴重度高的情況下採用更多鼓勵策略。另一方面,英語組的人均安慰策略總數比日語組要來的多。
The present study aims to investigate the perception and production of Chinese comforting strategies by English and Japanese learners of Chinese as a second language (CSL) under the three manipulation factors: power, severity, and situation types. A total of 12 English and 19 Japanese intermediate CSL learners together with 20 Chinese controls were recruited to complete two tasks (i.e., an effectiveness evaluation task (EET) and an oral discourse completion task (ODCT)). The major findings are summarized as follows:
1. The factor of situation types was found to have the greatest impact on the perception and production of comforting strategies by both groups, followed by severity, and power had the least influence.
2. In the perception of strategy effectiveness, the strategies of offer of support, advice, and encouragement were considered more effective than the strategies of sympathy and soother. However, only the advice strategy was still used greatly in the production task, and the other two strategies were replaced by the strategy of soother.
3. The English and Japanese CSL learners performed similarly to the Chinese natives except the evaluation of the offer of support strategy: They deemed it as significantly less effective than the Chinese controls.
4. Using combined strategies rather than single strategies was verified as a universal trend. The patterns with favored combined strategies of comforting mostly contained the advice strategy.
5. The Japanese group viewed the soother strategy more effective in the condition of facing comfortees of higher power and used a larger proportion of the encouragement strategy in the severe condition than the English group. On the other hand, the English produced more tokens of strategies per capita than the Japanese.
The results indicated that the three moderating factors exerted their influence to different degrees, and that there were indeed discrepancies between the subjects’ perception and production of comforting strategies. Moreover, it was found that the intercultural variations played a part during the acquisition process of comforting act.
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