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研究生: 李家璿
Jason Lee
論文名稱: 全自動機器翻譯加後編輯與人工翻譯之比較
A Comparative Study of Fully Automatic Machine Translation with Post-editing and Human Translation
指導教授: 廖柏森
Liao, Po-Sen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 機器翻譯學生翻譯後編輯Google Translate
英文關鍵詞: machine translation, student translation, post-editing, Google Translate
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:214下載:56
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  • 日新月異的科技演進已大幅改進機器翻譯(MT)的品質,讓機器翻譯成為從事翻譯時的輔助工具。然而,目前鮮少研究比較人工翻譯與自動機器翻譯系統加後編輯,應為一個值得研究的課題。此研究請修習翻譯課程的兩組大學生翻譯一段手機保養指南,文本為英翻中,兩組學生的語言程度具差異;兩組中一部份學生只拿到原文,另一部份學生則多了機器翻譯的譯文可進行後編輯。考量機器翻譯使用便利性及免付費,故譯文取自Google Translate。此研究計算共140位學生翻譯所花費的時間,並利用錯誤分析評估譯文準確性。統計結果顯示,有機器翻譯的譯文能夠顯著減少學生的翻譯錯誤,且使用機器翻譯能縮減學生語言程度的落差。除此之外,質性分析進一步指出學生如何使用機器翻譯譯文,以及不同組別之間的差異。此機器翻譯後端的分析提供人類輔助機器翻譯的實際應用,也點出學生翻譯上的問題。

    With advances in technology, many improvements have been made to make machine translation (MT) a tool for human translators that might actually aid in the process of translation. An important issue that has not been extensively investigated is the possible efficient use of available automatic MT systems with post-editing in comparison to human translation. In this study, a cell phone care instruction guide, in need of English to Chinese translation, was given to two groups of college students of different language proficiency levels taking translation classes, where, in each group, some students received only the source text while others received the source text in addition to machine translated text for post-editing. Google Translate was the MT system used in this study for its features of free and easy accessibility. A total of 140 student subjects were timed for their translation task and the accuracy was determined by the number of errors in the translated text. The statistical results indicate the MT text is very helpful in lowering the errors in students’ translation, where the use of MT shortens the gap between students of divergent language proficiency. Further qualitative analysis elucidates how the MT text is utilized and the differences among the two groups of students. This back-end analysis of the machine translation process may offer insights into practical use of human-assisted machine translation, as well as problems encountered by students when translating.

    Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 General background ......................................................................................... 1 1.2 Research purpose and questions ...................................................................... 3 1.3 Overview of the thesis ..................................................................................... 4 Literature Review........................................................................................................... 6 2.1Machine translation ........................................................................................... 6 2.2 How do people perceive MT? .......................................................................... 9 2.3 MT in the real world ...................................................................................... 11 2.4 Post-editing of MT output .............................................................................. 14 2.5 Error analysis for accuracy assessment .......................................................... 17 2.6 Computer-assisted translation (CAT) and MT in the classroom ................... 23 Research Method ......................................................................................................... 29 3.1 Subjects .......................................................................................................... 29 3.2 The experiment .............................................................................................. 30 3.3 Translation material and text readability ....................................................... 32 3.4 Translation tool—Google Translate .............................................................. 33 3.5 Quantitative and qualitative analysis ............................................................. 36 Results and Discussion ................................................................................................ 38 4.1 Time spent on translation ............................................................................... 38 4.2 Accuracy assessment ..................................................................................... 41 4.2.1 Error comparisons ............................................................................... 41 4.2.2 Ratio of binary and non-binary errors (B/N ratio) .............................. 44 4.3 Word count analysis ....................................................................................... 48 4.3.1 Percentage of MT text used in translation .......................................... 48 4.3.2 The relationship between the percentage of MT use and accuracy .... 49 4.4 The relationship between the time spent on translation and accuracy ........... 51 4.5 The results of questionnaire survey ............................................................... 53 4.6 Qualitative analysis ........................................................................................ 56 4.6.1 Analysis by sentences ......................................................................... 56 4.6.2 Comparison between With MT and No MT students ......................... 59 4.6.3 Language proficiency .......................................................................... 64 4.6.4 Word choice ........................................................................................ 67 4.6.5 Use of the MT text .............................................................................. 71 4.6.6 Constraints by MT text ....................................................................... 78 Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 80 5.1 Major research findings ................................................................................. 80 5.1.1 Translation time .................................................................................. 80 5.1.2 Translation accuracy ........................................................................... 80 5.1.3 Word count analysis ............................................................................ 81 5.1.4 Qualitative findings ............................................................................. 82 5.2 Research implications for using MT in the classroom ........................... 83 5.3 Limitations of this study and suggestions for future works ................... 84 References .................................................................................................................... 86 Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 95 Appendix A (1): The With MT text ..................................................................... 95 Appendix A (2): The No MT text ........................................................................ 96 Appendix B: The vocabulary list ......................................................................... 97 Appendix C(1): The questionnaire (Chinese original) ......................................... 98 Appendix C(2): The questionnaire (English translation) ..................................... 99 Appendix D (1): Raw data of No MT set in Group I ......................................... 100 Appendix D (2): Raw data of With MT set in Group I ...................................... 102 Appendix D (3): Raw data of No MT set in Group II ....................................... 104 Appendix D (4): Raw data of With MT set in Group II .................................... 106 Appendix E: Google Translate MT text at different time points ....................... 107 Appendix F: Sample page of word count by hand ............................................. 109

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