研究生: |
陳柏宇 Chen, B. Y |
論文名稱: |
「探究式教學」對「學習環境偏好」及「學習」之影響─以溫度與熱單元為例 The Influences of the 「inquiry-based」 teaching on Students' Preferred Learning and Outcomes-A Case Study of 「Temperature and Heat」 |
指導教授: |
Chang, Chun-Yen |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 87 |
中文關鍵詞: | 探究教學 、學習環境 、學習態度 |
英文關鍵詞: | inquiry-based teaching, learning environment, learning attitude |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:391 下載:29 |
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經由研究後,結果顯示:(1) 學生的「學生中心」學習環境偏好增加,且實驗組顯著高於對照組;「教師中心」學習環境偏好減少,且實驗組減少程度達顯著。(2) 實驗組學生在「自然科學習態度」、「學習自然科的興趣」及「自然科學價值的信念」上明顯提升,且在「自然科學習態度」及「學習自然科的興趣」上顯著高於對照組。而實驗組「自然科段考成績」進步,對照組則退步。(3) 「理想與實際距離」與「自然科學習態度」、「學習自然科的信心」、「學習自然科的興趣」及「自然科段考成績」成高度負相關。(4)學生學習環境偏好為「學生教師中心」,且與「探究式教學」學習環境相符。根據研究結果,本研究提出下列幾點建議:(1) 教學上,適時並適度的使用「學生中心」學習環境教學,有助於學生學習。(2) 學生的「學習環境偏好」與「學習環境」越符合,則有助於提升學生的學習態度與學習成效。(3) 「探究式教學」符合學生的學習環境偏好,可適時適度使用。(4) 未來可朝向大樣本及長時間的研究,與本研究結果進行對照。
The study aims to examine the influences of the inquiry-based teaching on senior high students' preferred learning environment and science learning outcomes.The researcher designed 「Inquiry-based teaching」 instructions which was based on inquiry experiments .There were four eighth-grade homogeneous classes that were sampled to be the subjects.Two of them were assigned to be the experimental group that received 「Inquiry-based teaching」 instructions while the other two classes were control group that received 「Traditional teaching」 instructions.Data collection instruments includes:(1) The Science Classroom Learning Environment Inventory (2)Learning Attitude in Science Learning that including confidence,interest and belief sub-instrument(3)The test of Science Achievement.The statistical methods were analyzed to test their significant.The resaults have shown that (1)the preferred student-centered subscale significantly rised and the experiment group had significant better than control group;the preferred teacher-centered subscale decreased and the experiment group decreased significantly(2) experiment group's learning attitude in science learning,confidence and belief rised significantly,and were significantly better than control group on learning attitude in science learning and interest subscale.The test of science achievement revealed that the achievements of experiment group progressed but the achievements of control group decreased(3)the distance of preferred and perceived is high negativelly related to the Learning Attitude in Science Learning, confidence,interest and Science Achievement(4)Students preferred student-centered and teacher-centered learning environment that was matched the inquiry-based teaching learning environment. The suggestion of this study is that inquiry-based teaching is matched of the preferred learning environment of students and can improve the attitude and achievements of science.So timely using inquiry-based teaching could be the modification of our science course.
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