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研究生: 高慈孺
論文名稱: 干擾性行為疾患學童於師生互動之社會訊息處理歷程研究
指導教授: 洪儷瑜
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 202
中文關鍵詞: 注意力缺陷及干擾性行為疾患學童師生互動社會訊息處理歷程
英文關鍵詞: children with attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorders, teacher/student interactions, social information processing
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:164下載:64
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  • 本研究以Crick和Dodge (1994)社會訊息處理歷程模式為研究架構,以教師要求互動情境,探討干擾性疾患學童與一般學童在社會訊息處理歷程的差異。研究對象以臺北市三所國小一到三年級同意參與研究的男性學童為主,先請級任教師填寫問題行為篩選量表並進行訪談,然後從各年級篩選符合ADHD症狀、ADHD和ODD症狀的受試者各十一名,再從其班上選取父母教育程度相當的一般學生為對照組。以自編情境影片、晤談表和訪談流程為訪談工具,進行半結構式晤談,瞭解學童在線索編碼、線索分析、目標設定、反應搜尋、反應決定等步驟之處理,在資料蒐集後進行質性與量化分析。茲將各類型學童社會訊息處理歷程研究結果分述如下:

    Based on the model of social information processing proposed by Crick and Dodge (1994), this study investigated scenarios in which teachers requested students, to discuss the difference of children with and without disruptive behavior in terms of their social information processing. The subjects of the study were boys in the first to third grades of three elementary schools in Taipei City who volunteered to participate. The teachers first completed Behavior Problem Checklists regarding the filtering mechanisms they used to identify disruptive behavior in students and were then interviewed. From each grade, there were eleven ordinary children, eleven with ADHD and eleven with ADHD and ODD compared with a control group of ordinary students having similar parents’ educational background. Through self-produced videotapes, interview charts and interview procedures, semi-structured interviews were conducted to understand the information processing of children, including the processes of encoding, interpretation of cues, clarification of goals, response access, and response decision. The data was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Results yielded differences in the social information processing of children with disruptive and non-disruptive behavior, as follows.
    There is a partial difference in the social information processing among ordinary children,children with ADHD, ADHD and ODD. In these scenarios of academic teaching and behavior correcting, significant difference was found in the procedures of encoding, and initial clarification of goals. The substitutive reaction in the response decision process was also different. Yet, in terms of the interpretation of cues, the substitutive reaction in response access, and the initial reaction of response decision, we found these all differ from scenario to scenario. No significant difference was found in procedures of clarification of substitutive goals, initial response access, or response selections among the groups of children.
    We found that differences existed in the social information processing among the groups of children. The children’s thinking process of “awareness- analysis- transformation” demonstrated that children with ADHD showed a greater diversity of thinking patterns, whereas children with ADHD and ODD tended to be more objective, negative, and passive. The reactive process of “response access and decision” showed less difference among the groups of children, all tended to be positive. Within the process from thinking to reaction, we found ordinary children were more positive and consistent, while children with ADHD showed greater diversity yet tend to be more passive, and children with ADHD and ODD showed a single pattern tending to be more negative and conflicting.
    In conclusion, in terms of the social information processing of these different groups of children, the ordinary children were more positive and consistent, and their interactions with teachers appeared better. The children with ADHD and ODD were more negative, conflicting and inconsistent, and their interactions with teachers appeared to be more conflict-ridden.
    According to the above-mentioned results, several suggestions regarding practical works and direction for future research were made.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 ………………………………………….. 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 …………………………………… 8 第三節 研究假設 ………………………………………….. 9 第四節 名詞解釋 ………………………………………….. 10 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 注意力缺陷及干擾性行為疾患概述 ……………… 14 第二節 師生互動與學童之行為問題 ……………………... 27 第三節 師生互動之社會訊息處理歷程探討 ……………… 33 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究架構 ……………………………………………. 49 第二節 研究對象 ……………………………………………. 50 第三節 研究工具 ……………………………………………. 53 第四節 研究程序 ……………………………………………. 56 第五節 資料處理與分析 …………………………………… 58 第四章 研究結果 第一節 各類型學童於師生互動情境中之社會訊息處理各步驟的反應類型…………………………………….. 67 第二節 各類型學童於師生互動情境之社會訊息處理歷程.. 92 第五章 討論 第一節 各類型學童於師生互動情境之社會訊息處理歷程探討………………………………………………… 106 第二節 師生互動情境之社會訊息處理歷程探討……….… 124 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 ………………………………………………... 130 第二節 研究限制與建議 …………………………………… 134 參考文獻 中文部分 …………………………………………………….. 146 英文部分 …………………………………………………….. 147 附 錄 附錄一 轉介前的推薦名單 ………………………………... 152 附錄二 轉介前的教師訪談摘要表 ………………………. 153 附錄三 家長同意書 ………………………………………… 156 附錄四 師生互動情境 ……………………………………… 158 附錄五 師生互動情境腳本 …………………………………. 159 附錄六 訪談大綱 ……………………………………………. 160 附錄七 訪談流程 ……………………………………………. 163 附錄八 訪談內容 …………………………………………… 166 表 次 表2-1-1 DSM-IV診斷下ODD標準…………………....….. 15 表2-1-2 DSM-IV診斷下CD標準………………………….. 17 表2-1-3 DSM-IV診斷下ADHD標準………………….….. 18 表3-2-1 受試者之年級分佈與基本資料………………..….. 52 表3-4-1 訪談內容的分類架構…………………………..….. 60 表4-1-1三組學童於學習指導情境之「線索編碼」比較…… 68 表4-1-2三組學童於學習指導情境之「線索分析」比較…… 68 表4-1-3三組學童於學習指導情境之「初始目標設定」比較 69 表4-1-4三組學童於學習指導情境之「替代目標設定」比較 70 表4-1-5三組學童於學習指導情境之「初始反應」比較….. 71 表4-1-6三組學童於學習指導情境之「替代反應」比較……. 72 表4-1-7三組學童於學習指導情境之「方法數」比較……… 72 表4-1-8三組學童於學習指導情境之「初始反應評估」比較 73 表4-1-9三組學童於學習指導情境之「初始自我效能」比較 74 表4-1-10三組學童於學習指導情境之「初始反應結果預期」比較 75 表4-1-11三組學童於學習指導情境之「替代反應評估」比較……. 75 表4-1-12三組學童在學習指導情境之「替代反應自我效能」比較 76 表4-1-13三組學童在學習指導情境之「替代反應結果預期」比較 77 表4-1-14三組學童在學習指導情境之「反應選擇」比較…. 78 表4-1-15三組學童於不當行為指導情境之「線索編碼」比較… 79 表4-1-16三組學童於不當行為指導情境之「線索分析」比較.. 80 表4-1-17三組學童於不當行為指導情境之「初始目標設定」比較 81 表4-1-18三組學童於不當行為指導情境之「替代目標設定」比較 82 表4-1-19三組學童於不當行為指導情境之「初始反應」比較.. 83 表4-1-20三組學童於不當行為指導情境之「替代反應」比較.. 83 表4-1-21三組學童於不當行為指導情境之「方法數」比較….. 84 表4-1-22三組學童於不當行為指導情境之「初始反應評估」比較. 85 表4-1-23三組學童於不當行為指導情境之「初始自我效能」比較 86 表4-1-24三組學童於不當行為指導情境之「初始反應結果預期」比較 86 表4-1-25三組學童於不當行為指導情境之「替代反應評估」比較 87 表4-1-26三組學童在不當行為指導情境之「替代反應自我效能」比較 88 表4-1-27三組學童在不當行為指導情境之「替代反應結果預期」比較 89 表4-1-28三組學童在不當行為指導情境之「反應選擇」比較... 90 圖 次 圖2-1-1 行為問題的假設性生態模式…….…………….….. 24 圖2-3-1 社會訊息處理模式………….…………………….. 43 圖3-1-1 研究架構……………………………………….….. 49 圖4-3-1 ADHD學童於學習指導情境之社會訊息處理歷程………. 93 圖4-3-2 ADHD和ODD學童於學習指導情境之社會訊息處理歷程……….. 95 圖4-3-3 一般學童於學習指導情境之社會訊息處理歷程…………. 97 圖4-3-4 ADHD學童於不當行為情境之社會訊息處理歷程………. 100 圖4-3-5 ADHD和ODD學童於不當行為情境之社會訊息處理歷程….. 102 圖4-3-6 一般學童於不當行為情境之社會訊息處理歷程…………. 104 圖5-3-1 師生互動情境之社會訊息處理歷程………………………. 125

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