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研究生: 孫中瑜
Sun, Chung-Yu
論文名稱: 中老年書法參與者正念特質、心流體驗與正向心理健康之相關研究
A Study on the Relationship among Dispositional Mindfulness, Flow Experience, and Positive Mental Health for Middle-Aged and Elderly Calligraphy Writing Participants
指導教授: 陳李綢
Chen, Li-Chou
Su, Yi-Fen
口試委員: 何英奇
He, Ying-Gi
Chang, Ching-Yuan
Chen, Xue-Zhi
Chen, Li-Chou
Su, Yi-Fen
口試日期: 2022/12/08
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 356
中文關鍵詞: 中老年書法參與者正念特質心流體驗正向心理健康
英文關鍵詞: calligraphy writing for middle-aged and elderly participants, dispositional mindfulness, flow experience, positive mental health
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300093
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:138下載:45
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  • 本研究目的為探討中老年書法參與者正念特質、心流體驗與正向心理健康之現況與之間的關係,以及在不同背景特性變項的差異情形。本研究先編製藝術心流體驗量表,以藝術參與者289人為預試樣本。正式樣本共計423名(男149人,女274人),平均年齡為63.57歲。正式施測工具有「藝術心流體驗量表」、「止觀覺察注意量表」及「正向心理健康量表」。再以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗 、單因子變異數分析、Welch統計分析、皮爾森積差相關分析以及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理。

    The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among dispositional mindfulness, flow experience, and positive mental health for middle-aged and elderly participants in different background variables and the correlation among them. Firstly, an Art Flow Experience Scale was compiled, with 289 art participants as the pretest samples. There were 423 formal samples (149 men and 274 women) with the mean age of 63.57. The research instruments of this study included Art Flow Experience Scale, Chinese Translation of Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, and Positive Mental Health Scale. The data was statistically analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Welch, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.
    The conclusions are as follows: The Art Flow Experience Scale compiled has good reliability and validity through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, and can be applied to the measurement of flow experience in the field of art in the future. The middle-aged and elderly Chinese calligraphy participants have good dispositional mindfulness, good flow experience with the best performance in “loss of self-consciousness and autotelic experience,” and good positive mental health with the best performance in “family harmony.” There is no significant difference in dispositional mindfulness, flow experience, and positive mental health due to different gender and age for the participants. Better dispositional mindfulness, flow experience, and positive mental health can be obtained for middle-aged and elderly Chinese calligraphy participants having more practicing years or higher professional levels in Chinese calligraphy writing. The time investment (per week and each practicing time) of middle-aged and elderly Chinese calligraphy participants and whether they participated in the Chinese calligraphy clubs had significant differences only on the flow experience. Putting time into Chinese calligraphy practice and participating in Chinese calligraphy club are all related to the increase in flow experience. There is a significant positive correlation among dispositional mindfulness, flow experience, and positive mental health for the participants. After controlling the background variables, dispositional mindfulness and flow experience of middle-aged and elderly Chinese calligraphy participants can effectively predict positive mental health, explaining 44% of its variance. Results confirmed that several aspects of flow are positively related to measures of positive mental health. Clear goals and unambiguous feedback, paradox of control, loss of self-consciousness and autotelic experience are important predictors of positive affect.
    Finally, according to the conclusions obtained in this study, some suggestions are provided as references for Chinese calligraphy participants and educational institutions to promote Chinese calligraphy education and future follow-up study.

    第一章  緒論 1   第一節 研究緣起與動機 1   第二節 研究目的 7   第三節 名詞釋義 9 第二章  文獻探討 13   第一節 書法相關文獻及台灣書法教育發展之探討 13   第二節 正念理論及其相關研究 24   第三節 心流理論及其相關研究 33   第四節 正向心理健康理論及其相關研究 57   第五節 正念特質、心流體驗與正向心理健康之相關研究 78 第三章 研究方法 103   第一節 研究架構 103   第二節 研究對象 104   第三節 研究工具 112   第四節 實施程序 120   第五節 資料處理 121 第四章  研究結果 125   第一節 藝術心流體驗量表之編製 125   第二節 中老年書法參與者正念特質、心流體驗與正向心理健康之現況分 析 145   第三節 不同背景特性的中老年書法參與者於正念特質之差異比較 152   第四節 不同背景特性的中老年書法參與者於心流體驗之差異比較 157   第五節 不同背景特性的中老年書法參與者於正向心理健康之差異比較 172   第六節 中老年書法參與者正念特質、心流體驗與正向心理健康之間的相 關分析 184   第七節 正念特質與心流體驗對正向心理健康之預測分析 187 第五章 討論 191   第一節 藝術心流體驗量表之信效度探討 191   第二節 中老年書法參與者正念特質、心流體驗與正向心理健康之現況探 討 192   第三節 不同背景特性之中老年書法參與者於正念特質、心流體驗與正向 心理健康的差異探討 197   第四節 中老年書法參與者正念特質、心流體驗與正向心理健康之相關與 預測探討 214 第六章 結論與建議 221   第一節 結論 221   第二節 研究限制 228   第三節 建議 229   第四節 研究尾聲 237 參考文獻 239 中文部分 239 英文部分 275 附錄 317   附錄 1 2010年9月起至2022年8月臺灣書法研究博碩士論文一覽表 317   附錄 2 專家內容效度問卷 333   附錄 3 預試問卷 345   附錄 4 正式問卷 349   附錄 5 「正向心理健康量表」心理出版社同意書 355   附錄 6 取得「止觀覺察注意量表」編製者使用同意說明函 356

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