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研究生: S. Council Vaughan
論文名稱: Predictors of Intercultural Sensitivity in U. S. Nursing Students Along the Gulf Coast
Predictors of Intercultural Sensitivity in U. S. Nursing Students Along the Gulf Coast
指導教授: 葉俶禎
Yeh, Chu-Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: Intercultural Communication CompetencyNursingIntercultural SensitivityCross Cultural communicatoinPredictors
英文關鍵詞: Intercultural Communication Competency, Nursing, Intercultural Sensitivity, Cross Cultural communicatoin, Predictors
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:283下載:7
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  • The United States has seen a dramatic increase in its levels of diversity over the last half century. This diversity is apparent in all aspects of the nation including the healthcare system thereby necessitating healthcare education institutions to produce more culturally competent healthcare providers. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate predictors of intercultural communication sensitivity (ICS) in U.S. nursing students in the Gulf Coast area. The study investigates the relationship between predictors of ICS such as student’s background setting in terms of rural vs. urban, gender, prior exposure to cultural experiences, and their intended work settings in terms of rural or urban. A questionnaire composed of an existing ICS scale and researcher developed measures was completed by 121 ADN and BSN nursing students from five nursing schools in the region.
    The results of the study show that a nursing student’s background setting, prior cultural immersion, as well as intended work setting had varying predictive effects on total ICS scores. This study also tested a literature based measure for assessing prior cultural exposure. This measure contained three dimensions, immersion experiences, narrative experience, and language study which were tested for consistency and validity. The immersion experience dimension performed well for properly assessing this aspect of prior cultural exposure as well as predicting higher ICS scores. This study tested the integrity of an existing ICS scale finding this scale to reduce to three dimensions instead of the published five dimensions. The predictors of this study were also regressed on these new ICS dimensions as a post-study investigation into the relationship between these variables. The results were consistent with the main study hypotheses.

    The United States has seen a dramatic increase in its levels of diversity over the last half century. This diversity is apparent in all aspects of the nation including the healthcare system thereby necessitating healthcare education institutions to produce more culturally competent healthcare providers. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate predictors of intercultural communication sensitivity (ICS) in U.S. nursing students in the Gulf Coast area. The study investigates the relationship between predictors of ICS such as student’s background setting in terms of rural vs. urban, gender, prior exposure to cultural experiences, and their intended work settings in terms of rural or urban. A questionnaire composed of an existing ICS scale and researcher developed measures was completed by 121 ADN and BSN nursing students from five nursing schools in the region.
    The results of the study show that a nursing student’s background setting, prior cultural immersion, as well as intended work setting had varying predictive effects on total ICS scores. This study also tested a literature based measure for assessing prior cultural exposure. This measure contained three dimensions, immersion experiences, narrative experience, and language study which were tested for consistency and validity. The immersion experience dimension performed well for properly assessing this aspect of prior cultural exposure as well as predicting higher ICS scores. This study tested the integrity of an existing ICS scale finding this scale to reduce to three dimensions instead of the published five dimensions. The predictors of this study were also regressed on these new ICS dimensions as a post-study investigation into the relationship between these variables. The results were consistent with the main study hypotheses.

    Abstract I Table of Contents II List of Tables IV List of Figures V CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 2 Problem Statement 3 Rationale for the Study 3 Purpose of the Study 4 Research Questions 4 Contribution of the Study 5 Definition of Terms 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Melting Pot vs. Salad Bowl 7 Diversity in the U.S 8 Culture 9 Competency 11 Intercultural Competency 13 ICC and Job Performance 14 ICC and Healthcare 15 Intercultural Sensitivity 16 Dimensions of Intercultural Sensitivity 18 Contact Theory 19 Background Setting 21 Prior Cultural Exposure 21 Gender 22 Intended Work Setting 23 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 25 Chapter Overview 25 Research Framework 25 Research Hypotheses 26 Research Method 27 Research Procedure 27 Sample 28 Sample Descriptive Statistics 28 Research Instrument 32 Categorical Determination and Selection 36 Validity and Reliability 37 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS 47 Correlation Analysis 47 Hypothesis Testing 49 Post Hoc Analysis of New ICS dimensions 54 CHAPTER V DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 59 Discussion 59 Practical Implications 61 Research Implications 63 Conclusions 63 Limitations of Study 64 Future Research Suggestions 65 REFERENCES 67 APPENDIX A: Research Instrument 77

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