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研究生: 巴人俊
Parena, Juliano Jr. S.
論文名稱: A Proposed Framework for the Identification, Classification, or Revision of items in a Philippine Mathematics Textbook into Higher-Order Applications in the Real World (HOARW) Items
A Proposed Framework for the Identification, Classification, or Revision of items in a Philippine Mathematics Textbook into Higher-Order Applications in the Real World (HOARW) Items
指導教授: 謝豐瑞
Hsieh, Feng Jui
口試委員: 王婷瑩 楊凱琳
Yang, Kai Lin
Su, Yi Yi
Zheng, Ying Hao
Hsieh, Feng Jui
口試日期: 2021/09/06
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 116
英文關鍵詞: HOARW, Textbook Analysis, 21st Century Skills, HOTS, Contextual Features
研究方法: 內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101704
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:395下載:11
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  • Abstract

    The Philippines has, for the recent several international assessments in mathematics, scored very low against the international standards. With the introduction of the K-to-12 curriculum, it is hoped that it would also create changes to the teaching and learning of mathematics anchored on its twin goals of critical thinking and problem solving. One great contributor to achieve this are the mathematics textbooks that are used in the classroom. The study aims to see the extent that the textbook items contribute to the desired outcome of exposing the student to Higher-Order Applications in the Real-World (HOARW) items, by assessing if the textbook items can be classified as HOARW. A framework for the assessment was created utilizing Problem Type (Non-application vs Application), Higher-Order Thinking Skills (With or without the use of technology), Contextual Feature (Fictional vs Realistic), and 21st Century Skill identification, as its layered lens. Textbook analysis was used as the research design. Items are categorized either as Example, Task, Exercise, or Test. The study yielded the following results: Examples and Exercises contributed to Lower Order Thinking items at 96.2 and 87.9 percent, respectively. Tasks mostly yielded Higher Order Thinking items at 67.3 percent. Overall, 98.7 percent of the items are Non-application problems, and 1.3 percent are considered application problems. Among the application problems, 33 percent are classified as Quasi-HOARW items, whereas 67 percent are HOARW items. The framework that was developed enables the proponent of the research to rewrite and improve the Quasi-HOARW items into HOARW items, by changes made to any of the layers of Higher-Order thinking or of Contextual Feature. The developed framework could help future textbook authors come up with better HOARW items and help expose the Filipino student to these types of items. Visual Text Analytics was used to conduct keyword extraction on the items yielding the most frequently used words of the authors, whether it invokes HOTS, and 21st Century skills. The framework was entered into a machine learning program to see if it could classify the items accordingly as intended.

    Table of Contents Acknowledgement i Abstract ii List of Figures v List of Tables vi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Point 1 – Curriculum (Re-assessment and Realignment) 5 Point 2 – Classroom (Textbooks and Technology) 6 Point 3 – Consciousness (Exposure and Practice) 7 Definition of Terms 9 Purpose of the Study 12 Chapter 2 Literature Review 13 The Philippine K-to-12 Mathematics Curriculum 13 Analyzing the Mathematics Textbook 17 Higher Order Thinking Skills 22 Use of Technology in Mathematics 24 Real-World Contexts in Education 27 21st Century Skills and its Assessment 28 Textbook Development in the Philippines 35 The use of Visual Text Analytics 37 Chapter 3 Research Method 39 Redefinition of HOARW for this study 39 Methodology and Research Process 39 Sample Item Types 39 Conceptual Framework 43 Research Tool 44 Sample Coded Items 45 Validation from Experts on the Research Tool 46 Visual Text Analytics and the Modeling of the Framework in a Machine Learning program 56 Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 67 Descriptive Overview of the Textbook 67 Graphical Summary of Findings 69 Evaluators take on the HOARW Framework 72 The HOARW Items 76 The Quasi-HOARW Items and modification to become HOARW item 87 Visual Text Analytics Results 94 Machine Learning Coding Identification Results 96 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation 99 On the levels of cognitive process in Philippine Textbooks 99 On the presence of HOARW items in a current Philippine textbook 100 On the usability of the proposed framework in the identification and revision to HOARW items 101 On the use of Visual Text Analytics and Machine Learning for Future Applications of the Framework 102 On the future applications of this study 103 References 104 Appendix A Appendix A. List of Items Manually Classified as HOARW or Quasi-HOARW B Appendix B. RapidMiner textmining wordlist results F


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