簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 唐聖瀚
Ian Town
論文名稱: 中小企業新創品牌視覺設計之創作與研究
The New Brand Design of The small and medium enterprises
指導教授: 張柏舟
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 126
中文關鍵詞: 品牌設計中小企業美學
英文關鍵詞: branding, design, small and medium enterprises, aesthetics
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:263下載:40
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  • 企業經營成長,可以說是一種逐步漸進、累積經驗與成果的過程。長久以來,中小企業旺盛的活動力與創業家精神,一直是台灣經貿發展的主力部隊,而台灣中小企業靈活的彈性、堅強的毅力,以及冒險進取的精神,更早已舉世聞名。

    The growth of an enterprise can be said to be a process characterized by gradual progress and accumulation of experience and knowledge. For a long period of time in the past, the small and medium enterprises of Taiwan have exhibited such vitality and entrepreneurship that they have been the central force that drove the development of the country’s trade. The small and medium enterprises of Taiwan have since then be-come world famous for their great versatility, perseverance and adventurous spirit.
    Results of various researches show that small and medium enterprises in Taiwan are experiencing greater difficulty in reaching the goal of breaking the NTD1 billion revenue point in recent years due to fierce international competition from rapid glob-alization. On the other hand, large corporations have continued breaking records in terms of their revenue, and the gap between large corporations and small and medium enterprises has become larger very quickly. Evidently, the business environment for the operations of small and medium enterprises has become more difficult and peril-ous. The major problems faced by Taiwanese enterprises in all these years of opera-tion such as low profit margins and lack of original brands not only remain unsolved, they have even turned into barriers that prohibit further growth for these enterprises. The most basic solution to these problems is to work towards increasing added value of products, promote R&D for designs and engage in brand marketing. In addition, the creative energies devoted to the existing production processes should be directed to product innovation and channel innovation in order to achieve innovative business models. These enterprises need to elevate themselves from being manufacturers and become manufacturer and service providers to create irreplaceable quality values.
    Taiwanese entrepreneurs are famous for their keen entrepreneurial spirit. However, they seem to have overlooked the area of creative industries and have yet to make significant investments in this area. Even though aesthetic culture is a very personal-ized and segmented market unlike the economies of scale pursued in industrial eco-nomics, it will help to strengthen the cultural content of various fields of management and enhance the competitiveness of businesses if the spirit of innovation and profes-sional management skills of finance and marketing of an entrepreneur are combined with the aesthetic capacity of an artist. Taiwan’s economy thrived due to OEMs, and these OEMs are tremendously advantageous to brand development since businesses are able to create their own products. But despite having traveled on the path of branding, most small and medium businesses are still more concerned and more skilled in manufacturing products and place much less importance on the level of product design. So even though consumers are tempted to buy their products, since these products lack their own definition and features, they usually fail to become a consumers’ final choice. These products lose competitiveness in the final moments of a consumer’s purchasing decision because they don’t have a brand of their own. So what can we do to turn the tables so that consumers will fix their eyes on our products the very moment they see them? How can we win the competition from the begin-ning?

    謝誌 中文摘要 英文摘要 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 一、研究背景 1 二、研究動機 2 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究方法 7 一、文獻分析 7 二、案例分析與創作研究 7 第四節 研究範圍與限制 8 一、研究範圍 8 二、研究限制 8 第五節 研究流程架構 10 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 何謂品牌形象 11 一、 品牌形象定義 12 二、 品牌形象的源流發展 13 三、台灣中小企業品牌形象策略的執行策略與檢討 16 四、 小結 16 第二節 視覺形象策略及識別設計 18 一、企業形象識別(CI)的歷史 18 二、企業識別設計的定義 22 三、品牌形象策略及識別設計的推動架構 24 四、品牌形象策略及識別設計的導入效益 27 五、新建品牌形象策略及識別設計的特徵 28 六、小結 32 第三節 品牌形象案例介紹及分析 35 一、國外案例分析 35 二、國內案例分析 36 三、品牌與符號學 38 四、品牌與消費、流行文化之分析 42 五、小結 46 第三章 品牌在平面設計之表現分析 47 第一節 品牌識別的分析方法 48 第二節 品牌識別的表現手法 49 一、經營背景分析 50 二、市場背景分析 52 三、小結 66 第四章 個人創作說明 67 第一節 創作動機 67 第二節 主題設定與創作概念 68 第三節 設計創作-主題一:【北京浮士德餐廳】 70 第四節 設計創作-主題一:【北京浮士德香水餐廳】 95 第五節 小結 118 第五章 結論 121 參考書目 124 表目錄 表2-1 美國與日本CI比較表 24 表2-2 美國商品貨架上的品牌數 28 表2-3 美國居民平均每日接收的廣告訊息 29 表2-4 美國市場的廣告三年來支出十億美元 29 表2-5 新興市場收入統計表 30 表2-6 CI和BI異同點比較表 33 表2-7 符號的三個層面 39 表2-8 索緒爾的符號圖解 40 表2-9 羅蘭‧巴特對符號的擴充理論 41 表3-1 品牌漣漪表 60 表3-2 品牌應用表 61 圖目錄 圖2-1 企業經營環境與識別設計關係圖 23 圖2-2 社會大眾對品牌的認知過程 26 圖2-3 CI和BI建構流程圖 33 圖2-4 台灣中小企業運用設計力量提升的模式 46 圖3-1 (VISUAL PRESENTATION) 64 圖3-2 BESO店面識別(STORE IDENTITY) 65

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