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研究生: 廖婉如
論文名稱: 一位高中數學科初任實習輔導教師輔導歷程發展之個案研究
指導教授: 金鈐
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 214
中文關鍵詞: 輔導知能發展輔導階段論輔導問題輔導內容與策略
英文關鍵詞: knowledge of mentoring, models of mentoring, contents and strategies of mentoring
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:138下載:24
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  • 本研究採用個案研究法,搭配個案訪談、教室觀察、影片拍攝以及書面文件資料的收集,探討一位高中數學科初任實習輔導教師的輔導歷程。作者以Furlong & Maynard (1995)的輔導階段論作為描述個案學習發展輔導知能過程的架構,透過分析個案在輔導過程中所面對的問題與因應方式,以及輔導、教學和學習三個焦點之間的轉換情況,嘗試了解高中數學科初任實習輔導教師在一年的輔導過程中,所發展的輔導內容與策略以及輔導知能的發展過程。



    Case study with interviews, classroom observations, videos, and documents was used to explore the mentoring format and process of one senior high school mathematics teacher who was first time to be a mathematical mentor. The author uses Furlong & Maynard’s (1995) models of mentoring as the theoretical framework to describe the mentor teacher’s model and process of mentoring in mathematics teaching, and try to grasp the contents and strategies developed during the mentoring process and the emerged knowledge while mentoring his probationary teacher by analyzing the approaches used and the problems faced in the mentoring process. The major foci are mathematical mentoring, teaching and learning.

    The research results revealed that the development of the process of mentoring were similar to the phases of learning to teach mathematics for probationary teachers that Furlong & Maynard’s suggested. At the initial stages, the case had high zeal and was ambitiously try to play an active mentor, but he gradually changed his mentoring activities while facing the mentoring and teaching problems because of the emerging failure mentoring experiences. The mentor at the latter period was not playing the role of an active mentor, and this maybe resulted by the effects of little achievement and the low learning willingness of the probationary teacher. In addition, the results also showed that the contents and strategies of mentoring were intertwined with the mentoring problems. Furthermore, the implement of the mentoring contents and strategies probably cause different mentoring problems, and this will form an interacting developing process of a series of problems with these contents and strategies.

    The research results may contribute to: mathematical teacher educators in understanding the possible mentoring knowledge developing process and the problems that may be emerged and faced for the novice mentoring teachers, and the resulting possible effects that mathematical mentoring might bring about. Moreover, this result can also provide an expanding aspect for how to help the novice mentoring teachers face the new challenge of learning to be effective mentors and the mentoring content knowledge that a mentor should have.

    中文摘要 英文摘要 目次.........................................................Ⅰ 附錄目次.....................................................Ⅲ 圖目次.......................................................Ⅴ 表目次.......................................................Ⅸ 第一章 緒論............................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機......................................1 第二節 研究問題與目的......................................5 第二章 文獻探討......................................7 第一節 實習輔導教師的輔導策略與實習教師的發展階段..........7 第二節 數學教師的知識內涵與專業發展 ......................21 第三節 本研究的詮釋性架構.................................37 第三章 研究方法.....................................41 第一節 研究的場域和對象.................................. 41 第二節 質性取向的個案研究................................ 44 第三節 研究的設計........................................ 46 第四節 資料的整理與分析.................................. 53 第五節 研究的限制........................................ 58 第四章 研究結果.....................................63 第一節 輔導的場域........................................ 63 第二節 獨自面對新挑戰.................................... 67 第三節 尋求支援和認同................................... 112 第四節 漸行漸遠的師徒................................... 119 第五節 實習三階段的總結................................. 175 第五章 回顧和討論.................................181 第一節 初任實習輔導教師的輔導策略與內容................. 181 第二節 初任實習輔導教師的輔導知能發展過程 .............. 192 第六章 結論和建議.................................203 參考文獻................................................209


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