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研究生: 呂昱達
Lu, Yu-Ta
論文名稱: 高中女校教師因應學生同儕衝突之策略研究─以杏雨女中為例
A Case Study of Girls High School Teachers' Coping Strategies towards Student Peer Conflict
指導教授: 黃嘉莉
Huang, Jia-Li
Tang, Ren-Yen
口試委員: 楊洲松
Yang, Chou-Sung
Hsu, Yin-Hung
口試日期: 2021/07/15
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 課程與教學研究所
Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 161
中文關鍵詞: 學生同儕衝突因應策略性別意識
英文關鍵詞: student's conflicts, coping strategy, gender awareness
研究方法: 個案研究法文件分析法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100803
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:195下載:0
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  • 本研究指在探討單一性別環境下,高中女校學生的同儕衝突原因,並了解女校教師在此學校環境下對學生同儕衝突之因應策略,受到社會性別意識影響的表現為何。


    一、 杏雨女中學生在單一性別環境中的衝突原因,分別為「悖於性別期待」、「破壞集體形象」、「擾動和諧一致」及「裂解傳統典範」,具有受性別意識制約的傾向。
    二、 學生同儕衝突的運作受到性別意識影響,使得誤會難解、衝突醞釀期長、過程中同儕結黨結派而難解。
    三、 杏雨女中教師覺察學生衝突的資訊上,主要採取被動式社群平台及週記的交流、主動式養小鬼及午餐約會等手段,於檯面下蒐集衝突資訊。
    四、 杏雨女中教師在學生同儕衝突的因應策略上,分別採取「威權管理」、「溝通協調」及「暫緩處理」的手段。
    五、 杏雨女中教師在處理學生同儕衝突時,因教師背景的不同,策略採用上有所差異。
    六、 杏雨女中教師與學生一樣,皆受單一性別學校環境之社會規範影響,在因應策略上反映出「女學生的同儕衝突為芝麻綠豆之事」及「女性需安撫勝於仲裁」的順從性別觀。
    七、 杏雨女中教師順性而教的背後,無形間也再製社會規範,傳遞了「女性的衝突難登大雅之堂」、「女性在面對衝突時應隱忍」、「女性在衝突中不必爭對錯輸贏」等觀念,進而維持並強化了性別意識。
    八、 從杏雨女中教師對於學生同儕衝突的觀點、覺知方式及因應策略,可發現其可能為社會性別意識再製的推手。

    The study aimed to investigate the reasons behind peer conflicts amongst students in girls' high school and understand teachers' conflict coping strategies and their performances influenced by the social gender awareness in this single-gender educational setting.
    For the aim, qualitative research approaches were utilised in the current study. 12 teachers and ten graduate students were recruited for interviews from one selected girls' school (pseudonym, Xing Yu Girls' High School)
    Relevant and extensive documents about peer conflicts and teachers' conflict coping strategies were collected. The study has been conducted for nearly one year. The researcher has summarised the following conclusions:

    1.There were four reasons of conflicts observed in Xing Yu Girls' High School which were "contrary to gender expectation", "destroy group image", "destabilise harmony", and "ruin the traditional role model". All seemed to be influenced by gender awareness.
    2.Peer conflicts that occurred among students were influenced by gender awareness, which was hard to resolve and took a long period to emerge. In the process, various smaller groups would be seen among peers, which were challenging to manage.
    3.Teachers used passive approaches to collect students' conflicts, including social media and the weekly diary. They also actively arranged lunch meetings with students or had "informants" to collect unseen information.
    4.Teachers applied three strategies to cope with student's conflicts, which were "authoritarian management", "communication and negotiation", and "postponement ".
    1)authoritarian management was typically used in scenarios with potential illegal behaviours, parents' involvement or serious conflicts. Hence, students’ circumstances and feelings and the related regulations tended to be ignored when applying this strategy as it stood for superior authority and arbitrary intervene. Teachers tended to play the role as child minders.The researcher also found that male teachers were reluctant to use it.
    2)Most teachers preferred to communicate or negotiate with students. The main feature of this strategy is to offer “communication channels”, “reasonable and empathic explanations” to students.
    3)There were two main situations when utilising the postponement strategy. First, when teachers assumed the conflicts occurred as the natural products of students’ growth and the conflicts were not serious. Second, this strategy was often seen in dealing with conflicts between students' clubs as teachers weren’t willing to take on receptibility or underestimated their conflicts management competence.
    5.Teachers with different backgrounds applied different strategies to manage students' conflicts in Xing Yu Girls' High School.
    1)Female students would seek out help from teachers regarding their genders. Male teachers usually would avoid engaging in any students’ conflict management.
    2)The administrative staff and subject teachers often assumed that the form teacher was responsible for managing students' conflicts. As a result, they refused to get involved. Teachers who also took on roles in the students' affairs office typically had a fixed image of student conflicts due to a long exposure to students' conflicts.
    3)In terms of various academic disciplines, no significant differences were observed associated with coping strategies, with one exception. The civics and social science teachers typically came to the conflicts from the viewpoint of laws, emphasised diverse viewpoints, respected gender equality and differences, stressed subjective truth and critical thinking.
    4)Concerning the length of service, no significant differences were found associated with coping strategies. However, most teachers acknowledged the positive value associated with the length of service and their ability to manage students’ conflicts.
    5)There is future work to understand the differences between teachers' backgrounds and their conflict coping strategies.
    6.Teachers and students in Xing Yu Girls' High School were influenced by social expectations in a single gender school. Females were expected to be obedient in society, which was also shown in these strategies. For example, conflicts between girls were nothing important; when facing conflicts, girls needed comfort rather than fair judges.
    7.Teachers in Xing Yu Girls' High School educated students to perform gender-specific behaviours, which represented social expectations in a school setting. Such expectations included conflicts between females that were not considered to be important. Females should tolerate conflicts; reasons and the results of conflicts were not crucial for females. Students had learned, behaved, and even strengthened this gender awareness.
    8.The perspectives, information collection methods, and coping strategies of teachers in Xing Yu Girls' High School to students' conflicts might once again be the driving force behind the representation of gender structure in society.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 7 第三節 名詞解釋 8 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 女校與社會結構 9 第二節 青少年的同儕衝突 23 第三節 教師對學生同儕衝突的因應策略 31 第三章 研究設計與實施 40 第一節 研究取向 40 第一節 研究對象 40 第二節 研究方法 47 第三節 研究工具 48 第四節 研究流程與實施 50 第五節 資料處理與分析 52 第六節 研究信實度與研究倫理 54 第四章 研究結果與討論 57 第一節 高中女校學生的同儕衝突原因 57 第二節 高中女校教師對學生同儕衝突之因應策略 87 第三節 女校教師所採之因應策略與社會性別意識之關係 118 第五章 研究結論與建議 138 第一節 研究結論 138 第二節 研究建議 144 參考文獻 148 附錄一、教師研究邀請函 157 附錄二、畢業生研究邀請函 158 附錄三、教師訪談大綱 159 附錄四、畢業生訪談大綱 160 附錄五、研究參與同意書 161

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