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研究生: 黃莉琪
Li-chi Huang
論文名稱: 高中英語科實習教師較學計畫歷程:個案研究
The Lesson Planning Processes of EFL Intern Teachers at Senior High Schools: Four Case Studies
指導教授: 程玉秀
Cheng, Yuh-Show
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 202
中文關鍵詞: 英語教學教學計劃師資培育個案研究
英文關鍵詞: English teaching, Lesson Planning, Teacher education, Case studies
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:372下載:32
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  • 文獻指出過去教育研究較著重於研究教師外顯行為與學生學習成就之關係,而忽略教師內心思考的歷程。近二十年來,教師思考研究已經成為教育領域的主流。在台灣,近年來也有許多研究者投入這個領域。惟在英語教學領域對於生手教師的思考之研究尚有不足,本研究期以從教師教學計劃歷程的角度切入,探討生手英語教師的思考歷程。本研究經由觀察與晤談方式,旨在探討四位台灣高中英語科實習教師的教學計劃歷程,藉此了解他們是如何根據實習指導教師所指派之教學任務,準備並實施其教學計劃,另外亦探討這些實習教師在備課與實施過程中,受到何種因素的影響。
    關鍵字: 個案研究、教學計劃、英語教學、實習教師、師資培育

    For decades, the field of second and foreign language teaching has focused on teachers’ behaviors or the learning outcome they produce. Yet with a recent shift in focus to teacher cognitions that underlie their classroom practice in this field, researchers have begun to explore this emerging terrain from various perspectives such as teachers’ beliefs, decision making, pedagogical content knowledge, and curricular planning (e.g. Woods, 1996). These endeavors have contributed greatly to our understanding of language teaching. However, work on understanding novice language teachers’ thinking, though evolving, is insufficient. In view of this, this study sought to investigate the processes of planning and implementing lessons in which intern teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Taiwan engaged while doing their teaching practice.
    By classroom observations and in-depth interviews, this study explored how four interns approached and planned their teaching assignments given by their mentors, how they implemented their plans, and what factors came into play in the process of accomplishing the assignments.
    Analysis of the data revealed that these intern teachers’ in-class and pre- or post- class decision making was mainly influenced by two groups of factors and the interaction of the two: (1) the intern teachers’ experiences of and beliefs in English learning and teaching, and (2) contextual factors, including their unique teaching assignments, their students, and their mentors. Among the factors, the intern teachers’ ‘apprenticeship of observation’ in high school and in college and their students’ expectations and in-class responses were especially significant in shaping the interns’ practices.
    This study fills in a gap in the current literature on teacher thinking in the field of second language teaching, specifically that in Taiwan. It intends to provide a realistic description of intern teachers’ planning processes, with the complexity inherent in the teaching assignments in mind. Several implications for second language teacher preparation programs are discussed.
    Key Words: case studies, lesson planning, English teaching, intern teachers, teacher education

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………………i ABSTRACT.…………………………………………………ii LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………..ix CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 MOTIVATION 1 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2 Teacher Thinking in General Education 2 Teacher Thinking in the Field of Second Language Teaching 4 Teacher Thinking in Taiwan 5 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY 6 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS 7 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 9 RESEARCH ON TEACHER PLANNING AND DECISION MAKING 9 The Framework for Research on Teacher Planning and Decision Making 10 Research on Preactive Decisions or Planning 12 Research on Interactive Decisions 16 FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE PLANNING AND DECISION MAKING 23 Factors Identified in the Field of General Education 23 Factors Identified in the Field of Second Language Teaching 25 MODELS OF TEACHER PLANNING AND DECISION MAKING 32 CHAPTER THREE METHOD 40 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EFL TEACHER DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM IN TAIWAN 40 PARTICIPANTS AND THEIR SETTINGS 41 DATA COLLECTION 44 Classroom Observations 44 Interviews 46 Formal Interviews 47 Informal Interviews 51 The Resulting Data 52 DATA ANALYSIS 52 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 54 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF THE FOUR CASES 55 English Learning Experiences 55 Perspectives on the Teacher Education Courses in College 56 Beliefs in Learning and Teaching English 57 Teaching Practice Contexts 60 The Textbooks Used by the Participants 62 JANE’S CASE 64 Teaching Assignment 64 Ground Plan for the Teaching Assignment 65 Getting Familiar With the Textbook Content 66 Time Mapping and Lesson Plan in a Note Form 67 Weighing and Selecting Teaching Contents for Classroom Instruction 68 Sequencing the Selected Teaching Contents 69 Transforming the Selected Units 71 Planning for Vocabulary Teaching 71 Planning for Teaching Reading 74 Planning for Teaching Grammar Focus, Language Use, and Conversation 76 Modifications of Plans While Planning 77 Actual Classroom Practice 79 Modifications of Plans in the Classroom 80 Summary 83 ROB’S CASE 85 Teaching Assignment 85 A Framework of Planning 85 Time Mapping 86 Planning on a Daily Base 87 Weighting and Selection 88 Sequence of the Selected Units 90 Integration of the Schedule and the Sequence 91 Transformation of the Selected Content 93 Actual Classroom Practice 99 Daily Routines 100 Strategies for Presentation 100 Use of English or Mandarin 101 Modifications of Plans in the Classroom 102 Summary 104 CHARLOTTE’S CASE 105 Teaching Assignment 105 Personal Characteristics in Planning 106 A Preset Model in Planning 107 Use of English As the Language of Instruction 108 Strategies for Motivating Students’ Learning 109 Routines for Classroom Procedures 110 Transformation of the Content in Each Lesson Assigned 112 Modifications of Plans While Planning 120 Actual Classroom Practice 122 Teaching Techniques and Strategies From the Mentor 122 Modifications of the Plans in the Classroom 123 Summary 124 SHERRY’S CASE 126 Teaching Assignment 126 Routines in Planning and Enactment Processes 127 Routines Established at the Outset 128 Change in Teaching Focus 130 Sequence of the Selected Teaching Content 132 Getting Familiar with the Content 136 Transformation of the Teaching Content 137 Transforming the Conversation 138 Transforming the Magazine Content 143 Actual Classroom Practice 143 Use of Mandarin as the Language of Instruction 144 Modification of Plans in the Classroom 144 Summary 148 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION 150 NATURE OF PLANNING AND ENACTMENT PROCESSES 150 Two Levels of Planning 150 Global Planning 151 Local Planning 153 Forms of Planning 155 Routines, Planning Styles, and Actual Classroom Practice 157 Routines in Planning and Implementation 157 Personal Planning Styles 159 Actual Classroom Practice 159 INFLUENCES ON PLANNING AND ENACTMENT OF PLANS 162 The Role of Experiences and Beliefs 162 Apprenticeship of Observation 163 Beliefs in Learning and Teaching English 167 Contextual Factors 172 Teaching Assignments 173 Students 176 Mentor 180 Other Context Factors 183 CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 184 CONCLUSIONS 184 IMPLICATIONS 186 Suggestions for Future Research 191 REFERENCES 194 APPENDICES 202

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